Tales from the Keep OOC

A forum for OOC threads

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Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by FennecFyre »

This is the out-of-character thread for Tales from the Keep. You can find the rules and application form here. This thread can also be used for plot and character discussion, as well as general OOC talk!

In addition to observing the general rules of the Roleplay Stage, please keep the following pointers in mind:
  • Include a character’s location at the top of your post when posting them for the first time, or when traveling to a new location. Try to be specific, for example don’t just say [The Keep] or [Foenara], instead do something like [Libraries, Keep] or [Turrill, Foenara]. You can also link to relevant lore pages if needed. This helps keep things organized, especially if people want to put their characters in the wider world outside the Keep proper. Linking lore pages is also encouraged when referencing specific canon characters, bestiary entries, or other stories.
  • Magi should not be all-powerful. We can probably assume that reaching truly legendary levels of magical power takes decades of practice and study. A young student magi shouldn’t be performing feats on their own that even a senior magi would struggle to accomplish. Magi also often tend to rely on the abilities of their creatures, rather than developing a wide range of spells themselves. The purpose of this RP is to tell stories, not to fulfill power fantasies. Try to avoid creating Mary Sues, munchkins, or other blatantly overpowered characters (you can make a powerful magi, they’re just probably gonna be an old fart, no Harry Potter child prodigies plz). Growth and struggle are fun!
  • Magi should be humans. As far as I’m aware, the MS world doesn’t have things like elves, dwarves, orcs, or other typical fantasy races. However, a magi using magic to modify their appearance to change or add traits is fine--although others might look at them strangely depending on the degree of modification.
  • You are not limited to playing one magi. While you might have one main character as your “player insert”, it’s perfectly fine to play other made-up NPC magi or other human characters! We have a huge world to explore and many different kinds of people within it.
  • In addition to magi and nonmagical humans, players can also write as their creatures or allies. Creatures and allies can make brief appearances alongside their magi as NPCs, or, you can apply them as their own characters to write them independently. These characters do not need full character sheets, but it is encouraged to link to the relevant creature or ally in your keep, and include a little bit about them as an individual. (Note to mods: if this violates MS’s rule against linking creatures outside signatures/click threads, please let me know via PM). Creatures can communicate to other creatures as well as their bonded magi (telepathically, verbally, or anything else), but may struggle to get their point across to non-bonded humans. Allies can speak as easily as any human.
  • Adding onto the above rule, it is requested, though not required, that any creatures who make appearances in this roleplay be creatures that you own in your Keep. In the case of NPC magi, other characters who may not be magi but still keep companions, or wild-born creatures, this isn’t necessary.
  • While you can use your own creature collection as a reference, try not to go crazy. Just because you have a thousand unnamed torveus dragons sitting in a tab doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be extremely difficult to raise and care for that many “in-universe”.
Character Sheet
(For magi/humans)

Code: Select all

[b]Occupation:[/b] (If magi, specify rank, ex student, graduate, senior, etc)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Text or image)
[b]History:[/b] (Optional, remove if you wish)
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else of note, remove if you wish)[/spoiler]

Creature/Ally Ref
(This is only needed if playing a creature or ally long-term, away from their magi or as a wild creature)

Code: Select all

[b]Age:[/b] (Approximation, such as adult, young adult, etc is fine)
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else of note, remove if you wish)[/spoiler]

To apply, just fill out a character sheet and post it below. Happy writing!
Last edited by FennecFyre on May 21st, 2021, 6:52:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
Sometimes I draw things.
I was Wolfcub, and answer to Wolf, FennecFyre, or Fennec.
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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by FennecFyre »

aight let's do this :woo: So, general note, everything in this RP is still very much a work in progress and feedback and ideas are welcome. I'm just kinda starting things out to see how it goes.

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Lyra Kelraen
[spoiler][b]Age:[/b] 24
[b]Occupation:[/b] Magi, graduate (earth specialization)
[b]Appearance:[/b] A young woman average in stature, with an (often-unkempt) mane of dark hair that falls to frame an oval face. Equally-dark eyes are hidden behind a pair of metal glasses, in youth this gave her a rather bookish appearance. However, since becoming a full-fledged magi, long hours of travel and exploration outdoors have tanned her pale skin and given her a more lean silhouette. She typically dresses in earthy, muted tones, in clothing made for durability rather than fashion, and her robes are forest-green.
[b]Personality:[/b] Sardonic and dry-witted, but good-natured at heart. Lyra is generally more at ease among animals than she is with people, but can still be social when the situation calls for it. A natural inquisitiveness was fostered by her time at the Keep into a love of learning, and she tends to have more curiosity than common sense.
[b]History:[/b] Born into one of the many farming villages that paid tribute to the Keep, as a child Lyra had a penchant for working with animals, but actual magical ability didn't manifest until she was almost thirteen. When it did, she was sent off to the Keep to study, although she hasn't forgotten her humble beginnings. No longer a student, she can now often be found using her magic and companions to help mediate when humanity and nature come into conflict, most commonly with farmers trying to protect their harvests and livestock. Nevertheless she still makes frequent trips back to the Keep to further her studies and keep up to date on current events. She aspires to one day create her own residence out in the wilderness.
[b]Other:[/b] As a student, she once accidentally gave herself wolf ears and a furry tail for a month after botching a spell that was supposed to let her understand the languages of animals. She's still embarrassed about it.[/spoiler]
Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
Sometimes I draw things.
I was Wolfcub, and answer to Wolf, FennecFyre, or Fennec.
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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by SeriousSans »

Player insert character:

Code: Select all

 Alia Ruane
[spoiler][b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Occupation:[/b] Magi, student (specializing in air magic)
[b]Appearance:[/b] Alia has long, dark brown hair, which is usually down while inside the Keep, or in a ponytail when outside of the Keep. She has complete heterochromia, with one iris being brown and the other blue. She usually wears a simple tunic and pants, and always wears a dark cloak with a large hood that hides much of her face when outside of the Keep, and relatively often while inside as well. She also has a hidden knife or dagger with her at all times, for Chara, though it is only to be used for self defense, or practice while they are alone.
[b]Personality:[/b] Alia is very introverted, preferring the company of creatures over that of other humans, though she is quite friendly once you get to know her. She spends much of her time in her room, generally only leaving for classes, a trip to the library, or to travel to nearby areas for awhile to explore and learn more about the creatures there firsthand. Alia is quite studious, and enjoys reading and learning, so she can often be found with a book (or a few) in hand. She is not one to give up when she sets her mind on something, though this can also result in her foregoing eating or sleeping when she gets really focused on something. She is kindhearted, and will always try her best to help someone who needs it. 
[b]History:[/b] Alia was born in a small village in Theia, but was somewhat of an outcast. When it became apparent she had an affinity for air magic, this was even more so, due to Theia's strict ban on magic use. Though Alia at first tried to go along with the ban and avoided using or studying magic, it became clear to her that she would never be accepted there, and she decided to travel to the Keep and study magic. She knew she could never return, but figured she would be better off living somewhere else anyway. During the journey to the Keep, Alia came across a recently hatched Falx Owl one night, which she befriended. Surprisingly, the owl decided to tag along with her for the rest of her journey, and now stays with her at the Keep. Alia has been studying magic, specifically air magic, for about five and a half years, as well as learning as much as she can about any other subject that piques her interest, which is many subjects. 
[b]Other:[/b] As of right now (starting), Chara is the only creature she has bonded with. However, she would like to befriend several of the creatures she has read about in the future, and plans to travel to find them soon.[/spoiler]
Alia's companion creature:
(Since I am unsure whether it is allowed to link creatures here, you can find her in my PUNdertale tab in my Keep. The tab is the second tab after my Main tab. I will put the url for the bestiary page though since I am almost certain that is allowed: magistream.com/bestiary.php?page=454.)

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[spoiler][b]Species:[/b] Falx Owl
[b]Sex:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] Hatchling, hatched about five and a half or so years ago
[b]Personality:[/b] Chara is distrustful of most humans, the only exception being Alia. Chara prefers to remain in Alia's room, especially during daytime, since there are no windows for sunlight to leak in through. When it is necessary for her to leave the room, she stays on Alia's shoulder, hidden within the large hood of Alia's cloak. Chara is still learning to control most weapons, but has mastered control over knives and daggers, so these are her favorites.
[b]Other:[/b] Chara can communicate telepathically with Alia, and finds great joy in trying to make her laugh for seemingly no reason in front of others with a witty comment or two. Chara also has glowing red eyes, which she will sometimes use to startle people by staring at them from inside the hood of Alia's cloak.[/spoiler]
To hatchling only please: Image
Thank you very much! <3

My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
Current event wishlist: New event creatures!
Thank you so much for the gifts! <3

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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by FennecFyre »

Accepted, welcome!
Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by lemonissourUwU »

hello! this looks fun, so imma join :3

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 Senz Entown
[spoiler][b]Age:[/b] 20
[b]Occupation:[/b] magi, senior student (ice magic)
[b]Appearance:[/b] a not-very-tall (5'3"/159cm) magi that claims he still has some growing to do (as debtable as that is), Senz has olive skin covered in scratch and bite marks from the various canine and feline creatures he keeps, always seeming to have even more whenever he returns from travelling. He has dark reddish-brown hair, tied up in a small ponytail, much to his creatures' amusement. He always has fur or feathers on his clothes. His eyes are green.
[b]Personality:[/b] automatically acts kind around other people, as a force of habit, though its not always genuine. hes also not very social, preferring to stay holed up in his room or outside in unpopulated areas, only coming out when he really needs to. when alone, he can be 'unsusally' energetic, but around people, he seems like hes gotten no sleep at all.
[b]Other:[/b] he really like simurghs and wishes he has one.[/spoiler]
and a creature, just for the fun of it.

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[spoiler][b]Species:[/b] Jungle Myrrokat
[b]Sex:[/b] female
[b]Age:[/b] young adult
[b]Personality:[/b] pretty friendly with all creatures and humans, she loves to play fight with other creatures that are the same size or bigger than her, which are most of the creatures that she sees. she adores treats, and will do anything to get some. because of that, she often get scolded by her magi. shes very clingy, and never leaves Senz's side, even when baited with treats. she hates being holed up in one place, and is probably the only reason why Senz even bothers going out.[/spoiler]
(aaaaa crap i read the date wrong i hope im not necroposting by accident)
Last edited by lemonissourUwU on August 1st, 2021, 12:19:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by FennecFyre »

It probably wouldn't be necroposting, but the RP didn't really take off like I hoped it would--sometimes that's just what happens, though :t-shrug:
Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
Sometimes I draw things.
I was Wolfcub, and answer to Wolf, FennecFyre, or Fennec.
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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by lemonissourUwU »

id still like to participate tho!
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Re: Tales from the Keep OOC

Post by Mathcat »

I had considered joining back in early June, but then became concerned that Ekaira (my default RP character) would read as too similar to the two already accepted characters. I finally decided to just go ahead and post the character sheet.

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Ekaira Marlaunt

[spoiler][b]Age[/b]: Early 30’s

[b]Occupation[/b]: Graduate

[b]Appearance[/b]: Ekaira is tall and thin, with sharp, angular features. Her black hair usually hangs down slightly below her shoulders (depending on how long it's been since she had a go at trimming it herself) and is generally pulled back in a loose braid. Ekaira is quite pale, and between that and her preference for dark colors, she jokes that she must look like she wandered out of one of the old fairy tales. Ekaira used to wear black, but has switched to dark blues and browns since coming to the Keep, so as to avoid being associated with the Dark Brotherhood.

[b]Personality[/b]: While she doesn't require constant company (and prefers to be alone when studying or doing research), when in the right mood, Ekaira can be the life of the party, holding a crowd enthralled with her stories (all true, she claims, for some definition of truth). When she's at ease, her broad grin and hearty laugh provoke smiles from others. Ekaira has the ability to see the humor in most situations, and has little trouble laughing at herself. She's also generally not terribly concerned with what most people think of her and has little trouble speaking her mind.

[b]History[/b]: Originally from Alveus, Ekaira left when it became clear her growing magical powers were no longer harmless enough to be tolerated. She wandered the world for years, avoiding the Keep (she’d heard the stories) until a chance-met magi suggested she might do well there. Having nothing better to do at the time, Ekaira took the magi’s advice, and then spent much of the next few years wondering if she had made the right decision. For one thing, she had a terrible time getting creatures to stay with her (she was a good caretaker, but they still all eventually decided to move on). The first of many odd adventures helped to change her mind.

Rykian, Ekaira’s mentor, was often called upon to investigate odd incidents, especially those possibly involving dark magic. Once Ekaira had learned enough magic to fill in some of the gaps in her rather scattershot education, he began taking her along. As Ekaira gained a reputation as Rykian’s student, she soon learned that there was rarely going to be such a thing as an uneventful journey. Though never one to seek out trouble, it had a way of finding her. 

After her most recent adventure temporarily left her with a greatly changed perspective, so to speak (and an eventual wariness around dusky potions), Ekaira has been sticking closer to the Keep. She’s been using the time to research a suddenly relevant interest, train a new creature or two, and perhaps make some new friends.

[b]Other[/b]: The journey that put her off traveling was an unsuccessful attempt to visit her home for the first time in years – nothing to do with her studies or her mentor. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Being largely self-taught, Ekaira had extensive gaps in her knowledge when she arrived at the Keep. For one, she had never even heard of Keep rats. Though an initial encounter nearly had unfortunate consequences, Ekaira did eventually form a contract with a black Keep rat, Mariel.

Ekaira's primary creatures are Mariel, Spike (tevera enox), Snowy (Arkenian kitsune) and Sparrow (bronze pygmy gemdragon).[/spoiler]

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[spoiler][b]Species:[/b][url=https://magistream.com/bestiary.php?page=244]Black Keep rat[/url]

[b]Sex:[/b] Female

[b]Age:[/b] Adult

[b]Personality:[/b] Mariel is reliable and honorable, but also a bit of a harmless trickster. She won't deliberately mislead people, but will often chime in with additions of her own when Ekaira is storytelling for a group of people. Mariel also likes to surprise people by sneaking up on them.

[b]Other:[/b] Mariel believes herself - with some justification - to be the responsible one in the partnership, making sure that Ekaira remembers to eat, gets something approaching enough sleep, and leaves the library every so often.[/spoiler]
(Mariel can be found near the top of Ekaira's tab in my keep.)
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Still on AO3 as Mathcat2 - stories for Magistream, Dragon Cave, Forest of Mirrors, and Jelle's Marble Runs, plus original fiction. New stories every Tuesday and Friday during November 2023.

(Signature decorations courtesy of HopingFaith.)

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