I had an idea

Entries for the competition about writing a short story about where the Ethereal Amagnae go when they fade out and what they see there.
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I had an idea

Post by Reima »

Just having a little fun
Aaaaand the writing went above the word count. Removing words may make it sound a bit clunky and twist things a little, but here's the shortened version:
It started off with a pun, but you know, I might be onto something...

Gathering my supplies and taking a seat at my desk, with one of my many Nikollus wrapping itself over and around my my feet I get ready to resume work for the day. But as one of these white Amagnae lay sleeping at the corner, I can't help myself. "I think I had an idea for a writing project just now, but I seem to have lost it somewhere~" I grin to myself. I can feel a handful of Magi cringing, unknowing of the reason but potentially aware of the cause.
As I humor myself, the Amagnae seemingly awakens, opening its eyes and looking towards me, clearly more awake than a minute ago. "It's fine, you can go back to sleep buddy. Just talking to myself." Yeah I tend to do that occasionally. Most of my creatures would grow accustomed to it sooner or later, as demonstrated by the Nikollus, resting unbothered.
Yet the Amagnae keeps looking. I pay it no mind, turning back to my work. "You'll get used to it given some time." Take it easy. I'm just about ready to ignore the bird's stare. If I focus on it too much I won't get anything finished. Be distracted for too long and I'll lose my trail of thought. ...

The thought of the later persists...
Come to think of it...

I was just hitting a punchline is all, but maybe things go deeper than that?
Can't just be about me talking. That's boring, and way too obvious. Things are never That obvious.
But you know, there's been some discussion as of late. About these birds, the mystery of them. There's a lot of guesses on it.
How weird of an assumption would it be, to say that these birds are very connected to their owners? That the 'reunion' feels oddly warm and familiar. And no, I don't mean the cooking theory - althooough that'd be another pun.

It's more something you lost in the past, but couldn't grasp 'what it was'.
Right. Ideas.
Ever had that feeling, when you walk somewhere with a task in mind, but midway your walk you've completely forgotten what it is you went to do? Why you came to a specific room or why you picked up a particular thing? And only occasionally - when walking back to the original room you had the thought in - you manage to catch the thought again, preventing it from escaping and being lost forever. It's like the room itself kept the idea contained. Like it couldn't find its way out - unlike outside, where if you had a thought and lost it, that idea was most likely carried far away by the wind, too far for you to catch it anymore.

No-one really knows where these ideas go, where they come from. They just pop in and out, come and go, appearing and disappearing just as quickly as they've come.

So... Humor me this... What if... The Ethereal Amagnae could be these 'carrier pigeons' to our ideas and thoughts, both past and present? What if when we understand them better, we could have them aid us in our troubles? Fetch us our odd ideas we once had. Go grab you a new one when you're feeling all clogged up, seemingly unable too come up with anything.
What if they're also to blame for when we randomly remember those specific embarrassing school memories though? Or the reason as to why you can't go to sleep due to your past invading your mind, having come to haunt you.
I guess ideas can be unruly like that, like they had their own mind. Trained ones would stick around, easily called upon when you need them. Untrained ones take the ideas you had, fly away with them and bring them to you when you least need them.

... ... ...

I feel like I'm on some strange mind tangent.
What was that original intention anyway?

Eh. It's probably nothing~
At this point the Amagnae has seemingly fallen back to sleep. Would be odd if it had just sat there staring the whole time.
Was it even there the whole time?
Looking at it sleep there, seemingly unaware of what's been boggling my mind... Hmm... ...
I've already forgotten what I was going to write anyway. Oh well~

But... if you don't mind a little extra and want the uncut one it's here:
It started off with a pun, but you know, I might be onto something...

Looking at these newcomers to my keep, adoring their roundness, warm white feathers and small horns... There's just something about them, but I feel like I've grown attached to them relatively quickly. A bit Too quickly almost. As quickly as they fade in and out of view. These fellas would make the worst opponents in a game of hide and seek - but you just can't be mad at them~
Yeah I like these new friends.

No time to stall on one spot for too long though. They're cute and all, but I'll be quite busy with other things. Constantly going around, writing, drawing, coming up with stories of all kinds and sorts...
Gathering my supplies and taking a seat at my desk, with one of my many Nikollus wrapping itself over and around my my feet I get ready to resume work for the day. But as one of these powder white Amagnae lay sleeping at the corner of my desk, I can't help myself humor a few jokes. "I think I had an idea for a writing project just now, but I seem to have lost it somewhere~" I grin to myself, obviously making fun of this strange fading in and out ability our new almost ghostly acquaintances posses. I can feel a handful of Magi cringing, unknowing of the reason but potentially aware of the cause.
But as I humor myself, the Amagnae seemingly awakens, opening its eyes and looking towards me, not unraveling from its cozy restful state just yet, but clearly more awake than a minute ago. "It's fine, you can go back to sleep buddy. I'm just talking to myself." Yeah I tend to do that occasionally. Most of my creatures would grow accustomed to it sooner or later, as demonstrated by the Nikollus, resting without a change in form.
Yet the Amagnae keeps looking, almost as if I had struck a nerve of some sort. I try shrugging it off, paying it no mind as I turn back to my work, ready to get something done. "You'll get used to it given some time." Take it easy. I'm just about ready to ignore the bird's stare. If I focus on it too much I won't get anything finished. Be distracted for too long and I'll lose my trail of thought. ...

Hmm... ... Hmmmm.....
The thought of the later persists...
Come to think of it...

I was just hitting a punchline is all, but maybe things go deeper than that?
Me jesting woke up the Amagnae.
What part of it though? The pun itself? No, I think it shook awake before that bit... Eh. Now I'm just going to chalk it up to me starting to talk rather than anything specific I said. Although that's boring, and way too obvious. Things are never That obvious.
But you know, there's been some discussion I've caught a few words of as of late. About these birds, the mystery of them, where they go, if they go. There's a lot of guesses and hypothesizing about it, but at the same time there's not a whole lot of ideas to go around. It's generally a select few that people support, and I must admit a good handful of them do sound pretty believable.
Although... What if... ...
How weird of an assumption would it be, to say that these birds are very connected to their owners? That they found the Magi that owns them rather than the Magi finding them - the 'reunion' feeling oddly warm and familiar. And no, I do not mean the cooking theory - even though that'd be another pun.. Except perhaps a little on the morbid side.

It's more like something you lost in the past, but just couldn't grasp 'what it was' no matter how hard you tried.
Right. Ideas.
Ever had that feeling, when you walk somewhere with a task in mind, but midway your walk you've completely forgotten what it is you went to do? Why you came to a specific room or why you picked up a particular thing? And only occasionally - when walking back to the original room you had the thought in - you manage to catch the thought again, preventing it from escaping and being lost forever. It's like the room itself kept the idea contained. Like it couldn't find its escape, unable to flee before you returned - unlike outside, where if you had a thought and lost it, that idea was most likely carried far far away by the wind, too far for you to catch it anymore.

No-one really knows where these ideas go, or where they come from. They just pop in and out, come and go, appearing and disappearing just as quickly as they've come.
We've never really considered that they'd be carried by someone or something, have we?

So... Humor me this... What if... The Ethereal Amagnae could be these 'carrier pigeons' to our ideas and thoughts, both past and present? What if when we understand them better, with that extra bit of knowledge, we could have them aid us in our troubles? Fetch us our odd ideas we once had. Go grab you a new one when you're feeling an artist-block, your mind all clogged up and seemingly unable too come up with any yourself. That'd be pretty useful~
What if they're also to blame for when we randomly remember those specific embarrassing school memories though? Or the reason as to why you can't go to sleep because of your past suddenly invading your mind, having come to haunt you in a way...
I guess ideas can be a bit unruly like that, as if they had their own mind. Well trained ones would stick around, being easy to call upon when you need them. But the untrained ones could just take the ideas you had, fly away with them and bring them to you when you need them the least. When you're supposed to focus on something else.

... ... ...

I feel like I'm on some strange mind tangent... Going far off and away from my original intention.
What was that original intention anyway?

Eh. It's probably nothing~
At this point the Amagnae has seemingly fallen back to sleep. Would be odd if it had just sat there staring the whole time.
Was it even there the whole time?
Looking at it sleep there, seemingly unaware of what's been boggling my mind... Hmm... ...
I've already forgotten what I was going to write anyway. Oh well~
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
To hatchling only C:
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