Simple short story(Magistream)

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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Simple short story(Magistream)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

This story is an experiment and is based on the logics of reality. It may be a bit hard to read for those who don't want to think too hard about the morality of what happens on this site.
Important: up until the very late stages of hatching, a creature in an egg is not mentally aware! This takes place in an almost fully developed egg.

It's dark. It has been dark for as long as I can remember. Floating in a wet fluid I am surrounded by hard walls, that block out any light from reaching me. I don't remember much. This is probably because I haven't been around long enough to remember a lot. I do remember one thing though, the small changes in temperature.
3 small eggs are laid in a nest barely large enough to hold them. A mother tenderly rotates the eggs under her, carefully regulating their temperature. Suddenly the sky clouds over, large thunderheads loom menacingly over the now nervous parent. As the rain starts coming down the mother lowers herself closer to her children, keeping an eye on rushing river close to the tree she had decided to nest in. Eggs, probably from already downed nests or picked up from nests on the ground, already bob in the rushing waters. Suddenly a particularly large gust of wind knocks one of the higher tree branches down, which result in it crashing into the mother's nest. Her eggs tumble into the stream to join the others as the mother flies off. She will have to try again next year.
Eggs are an interesting thing, they provide great protection to the unhatched contents, but they aren't invincible. The unmovable creature must have ample oxygen and warmth to develop and hatch. Both of which the eggs in the stream are unable to get.

It's cold. I have experienced cold before, but never like this. I could also feel myself getting dizzy from the lack of oxygen. I'm going to die, this is it. But death never came. I was eventually able to feel myself get more oxygen, but the cold stayed, and I never died. I could feel myself spinning and shaking, so the dizziness stayed and I was freezing, but I was alive. For a long time this continued, until I started to hear voices. Finally, the world stopped spinning, and while I still wasn't as warm as before the "great cold", I was warmer than during it. Then came a new experience. The breaking of my world. At first it started with a sharp jolt, and a very small crack in my solid world. Then more jolts and more cracks. Eventually a crack big enough that I can see appeared, and I learned what was causing the crack. I was being thrusted into the air, presented to a mysterious figure who would use their limbs to give my world a quick jab. The figures would sometimes change, but the jab was always the same. With a final poke, my world fell away and I was stunned at what I could finally see. A figure, similar but different to the ones who had jabbed me, was examining my form closely. They seemed content, before placing me in one of the many bags they had on them.

It's dark. Once again I was in darkness. And this was where I stayed. Every once in a while I was brought out to be given to another figure with a similar dark box. Other times I was brought out to be paired with a female who looked similar to me. But most days? It was dark.
Always open for critiques,
Please be nice though, this story is a bit rough since I haven't written in a long time and only recently have been feeling well enough about my capabilities to try writing again.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
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