what did you dream about last night?

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what did you dream about last night?

Post by booshweasel »

I love waking up and telling my fiancé about my dreams last night, so I was just curious what everyone else is dreaming about lately LOL

I don't remember my dreams last night but I bet my pets dreamed about lemons and cough drops
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by Albina »

So you want to hear a dream? Buckle up...mine are often long and crazy :D

Last night I dreamed of an evil queen who wanted to have me marry her son, the prince. She did not like the girl her son fell in love with and was sure she could convince him to marry me because I looked similar to her and then the queen would have control over me and her son. The way she was going to do this is by doing a makeover and putting me in a fancy dress exactly like what the prince's beloved would wear. However, I had two choices of dress - a blue one and a green one. I understood that if I chose the blue dress, the prince would see and fall in love with the real me and his mother's plans would be thwarted. If I chose the green dress, I would remind him of his past beloved and if he married me, his evil mother would always have her way. Somehow I ended up in the green dress anyway, with a ridiculous hair updo half my body height while my mother critiqued how inappropriate the dress's cleavage was (it actually wasn't at all revealing). The last piece of the outfit was a thick silver choker. The moment the queen put the silver choker on me and revealed the final look to the crowd (we were in like a cathedral or something and the makeover was happening on stage), the crowd gasped and oohed and aahed.

Now cut to modern times. No more castles, queens or anything of the sort. I'm just hanging out with my sisters and friends when I see a woman who is exactly like the queen doing something with a young woman (teenager maybe?). I realized that the queen has somehow bound her family's line with another family, stealing their free will and allowing her and her family to basically live forever while the 'enslaved' family must always obey her will. I understood this curse has been passed down from generation to generation. And I knew I had to stop it.

The whole tying of families and stealing free will, also allowed the queen to travel through time so the rest of the dream kept switching back and forth from city streets to castle gardens and gnome armies and whatnot. It's very hazy in my memory, but I basically was in the entourage of the queen, traveling with her while she was seeking out allies and at the same time I was scoping out who might become my supporter to overthrow her.

Now for the finale. Fighting broke out in the castle gardens as camouflaged gnomes started stabbing the castle guards. I ran inside the castle to make an attempt at killing the queen. I knew I had to run to the church as there would be a priest who could help me and I could find a weapon there. As I was embarking on this mission, I saw scenes of another girl's past attempt at killing the queen. However, where the other girl found a sword, I only found a long dagger. Where a priest helped her, I came across a room with a scared guard who hid in the closet when I entered. Somehow I also had a toddler in my arms who I had to keep quiet. Then I heard the queen and her ladies upstairs. I came to a wide, long, curvy staircase. Placed the little toddler in the corner and told her to quietly wait for me. I ran up the stairs, peeked around the corner, and saw the queen surrounded by her ladies. I knew she was too far from me for me to stab her and I knew that if I engaged her in a duel, all would be lost (as that is what my predecessor has done and that was the reason she failed). So I quickly ran back down the stairs so that I might find a different angle of attack. I found another staircase leading to the room from a different side. This was my chance. I rushed at the queen and stabbed her in the chest. The shock in her eyes has not yet faded, but I was gone. Back down the stairs to recover the little child I left. The poor girl had a red mark on her chest in the same place where I stabbed the queen and I realized that she was also stabbed due to the whole tying of family lines between her family and the queen. I traveled to the modern day (where the child was from), carrying her in my arms to her parents. She was trying to make noises, but I couldn't understand if it was baby speech or choking. Dejected, I brought her to her parents and when I did so, the child was made well! As the curse was now broken, it had no power to hurt the previously enslaved family. Happy end!
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by gayrurumon »

Last night I dreamed that I logged on to a minecraft server that I haven't been on in a while, and I discovered that everything had changed dramatically. Instead of a natural looking world, it was all industrialized, with factories and pylons stretching out into the horizon. I paddled across the sea in my little boat trying to find the end of it, but it just went on. And yes, all the factories and stuff were all blocky because my unconscious brain remembered it was supposed to be minecraft, but it was still a striking visual.
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by Decompose »

I dreamed that I lived in a world filled with junk. Humans have degrading the earth until there was no return. The beautiful world we once knew had vanished before our eyes. Everywhere you looked trash dirtied your gaze. Hunger had made a permanent home withing the people. Your only options for food was trash, bugs or other people...It was all very sad. I remember a deep cannon type thing made out of trash and my daughter being on the other side. I remember her calling out for me and the fear I felt. I remember jumping from one mattress to another with the bottom of the abyss not in sight. I remember finally reaching her and giving my daughter a big hug. We left that dying world in search of a better one. Finding paradise where the new earth was bright and green. Animals plentiful and crops a many. Beautiful weather and wonderful people. We found paradise.

Sorry for the weird dream! Dreams can be strange sometimes!
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by gummiphrog »

This one is a lil weird bc I don't usually have reactions to my dreams outside of my dreams >.< ...
it wasn't even that crazy,
I was a kid again in some class in elementary and a teacher was telling us to write in journals with markers. I said smth like "why would i use a marker in a journal like this.." because it would obviously bleed through the paper and ruin everything, and the teacher who was previously very kind and understanding acted as if i was the straw that broke the camels back and started yelling at me, I can't remember what she said other than smth like " YOU'RE AN IDIOT AND USELESS TO THE NEW NATION" ( :wat: ????)
and i immediately start crying (as i do when anyone yells at me in any kinda way :t-sweat: ) and sobbing into my backpack on the table and I yelled smth like "WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSED OFF TO CRITISIM AND CRITIQUES" ( :t-O_O: ???)
and she yelled back telling me to shut up n whatever

then i was kinda woken up by my partner asking me if i was ok bc apparently I was breathing as if i was having a breakdown irl, and i def felt like it with tears coming out of my eyes n everything
glad they were here bc.. wth... :t-O_O:
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by EstherGamer »

Last night I had a dream where I was somewhere that looked really nice (might end up building it in minecraft, also oddly enough gave me Zora's Domain vibes from BoTW despite me not having played that game and not having watched any vids about it in a while), continually being forced to make child's drawings with bad quality. I usually would take multiple tries because I'd make them "too good" (flexes art skills in my dreams for some reason), but eventually I would get it done, at one point even getting a perfect score on one of them somehow because my stick figures were great.

The scene then cut to a bit later, with the person in charge surrounded by rushing water, and it was revealed she had been cloning the people that were there, and I was next and had been cloned now.

Sadly that's when I woke up, but I did continue it in my head, so that's nice.
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by menmy »

i dreamed about my late dog. i think he visited me in my dreams to comfort me. he was a great dog

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thanks for helping!
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by Albina »

I dreamed I visited a friend from a different state. Her and her family/relatives/friends were preparing for something. They were dressing all in black and very sad. I thought there would be a funeral. Nope. Someone from their relatives was getting divorced. But everything was so similar to a funeral. The wife's family was gathering around her, offering condolences and comfort. The husband's family on the opposite side of the hall was doing the same. Everyone was crying.

Then I went to visit another friend. She was being very iffy, would start telling me about the latest greatest thing she learned/discovered, then cut off mid sentence and leave to take care of one of her little children, as if I wasn't worthy of having the same knowledge as her. She tried pushing me to take a course on making money on YouTube, but I knew the lady who taught the course personally, she was a friend of my mom's (in the dream, I don't know such ppl irl). So when I pushed back that I don't need to take the course cause 1st I don't want to be on YouTube, and second I could just learn from the instructor directly, she got a little huffy and left to tend her kids.
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by ferven »

I had a dream last night that one of my coworkers left the door to the broken restroom unlocked and a customer used it. It was a bad dream.
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Re: what did you dream about last night?

Post by Albina »

Had a weird and creepy dream. Hiding in a spoiler cause of themes of death/suicide and possession.
There was some kind of upheaval that caused people to move to different neighborhoods/houses and I had to live with 2 men both of whom were married. However, their wives did not live with us but elsewhere because they were having issues in the family (one was considering divorce). I had to share a bed with the 2 men and in our room there was a skylight right above the bed, but the ceiling was very high so you had to control the skylight with a remote.

For some reason, I was invited by the principal of the local high school to visit the school and she showed me around and introduced me to teachers, etc. Somewhere in the suburban neighborhood I met a high schooler who also wanted to show me around and introduce me to people, she thought I was another student cause I looked young enough to be one. When she took me to the school, I was very nervous cause I didn't want to run into the principal or any adults I already met. For some reason that would've been bad and I was very nervous that the students and teachers were already suspicious of me. As some of the girls were leading me by the hand to places, one or two of them were smiling creepy, bending backward and a voice was saying something like "this one we'll leave" or "this one we'll keep". I thought they were possessed by some kind of spirit. A spirit that was ruling the school and was behind all the tragedies (the school had a history of regular student suicides)

Then the next day, the principal told me one of the students died (assumed to be suicide). I freaked out cause I was afraid the teachers, parents and students will suspect me of murder because I'm the new person in town. So I figured I need to pray back the girl's soul into her body except I didn't know how so I went looking for my mom. But then I think it was too late or we were running out of time and I was solving some puzzle that I had to complete in time to save the girl.

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