Cooking with Magi: A Story in Dialogue

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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Cooking with Magi: A Story in Dialogue

Post by Ryves »

by Ryves

"Wait--are you sure that's not an ashevor?"

"What?! Why would you even think that?"

"You're new here, and there have been...incidents."

"I got it out of the ice box."

"Okay, I just had to check. It's really easy to mistake one small white egg for another."

"...what incidents?"

"Well, you always have to check the bananas, pears, and pineapples. And there's a reason caramel popcorn is now banned across the continent."


"And you didn't hear it from me, but someone once served a plate of savis mice to Santa. You can't be too careful around here."


"Oh great, who left a miu in the kitchen, it's sprawled out over the recipes, we'll never get anything done!"

"...Can I ask for a transfer to the library?"
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