The Pilgrimage

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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The Pilgrimage

Post by fauna »

Most of my days are spent in the cottage I own down by the stream. It's a quiet, little building, but it has everything I need. I like to listen to the sounds of the water running over the rocks as I sip my morning tea. Hot, yet refreshing, as it's warmth slithers down my throat and coats the empty lining of my stomach. Made with love from the plants I procured on my trip to the outskirts of the Jungle of Raza. I don't dare dig too deep.

The Keep in the distance let's me know what time of day it is as the large castle's shadow marks the land beneath it. Almost noon, but enough time to make my weekly pilgrimage.

The Koi Pond is my home away from home. The closest I'll experience to heaven during my earthly travels. As Narcissus did, I like to watch my reflection on the pond's mirrored surface. It's always exciting when my face is disturbed by the ripples made by creatures living beneath. I make sure I bring enough gold from my sales at Mercado to pay respects to the Pond with an offering. Sometimes, when I'm lucky, I'm gifted an egg in return.

The walk is just as spiritual as sitting by the Koi Pond itself. I take my time, following the stream as it leads. I pass untouched eggs on my way, but alas, they're meant for some other traveler. I only have room for one more in my knapsack, and I'm hoping the Pond will reward me for my trouble. The hardest part of the journey is going around Lake Lakira. It's vastness can be overwhelming, and the journey is long, but I'm reminded that I'm not alone as I pass other Magi enjoying the spring day. A young couple is swimming in it's warm waters, sneaking kisses that they don't think anyone else can see, but it warms my heart.

Once I'm past the Lake, the journey is short, so I slow down and take my time. Inching closer to nirvana with every step and savoring the moment. I am so fortunate that I get to see my beloved Koi Pond, yet again. I'll never get tired of it. The overgrown foliage has since been pushed back to create a narrow path exactly big enough for me to fit through. I can see last weeks foot steps on the dirt beneath me, and I follow them in ritual. As I inch closer to the water, I like that the Keep is out of view. The world feels much smaller here. With a deep breath, I sit. Criss-cross by the Pond's edge to meditate on my reflection.

When I'm ready, I toss in 1,000 gold coins. I am lucky to be rewarded with the most beautiful Dragon Koi egg that rises to the surface. Pastel pink with blue scales. I hold it firmly in my grasp and savor the familiar texture between my fingertips before thanking the Gods for another lovely week living by the Magistream.

(for Kestrad's raffle :t-swoon: )
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