Searching For New Magi

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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Searching For New Magi

Post by Moon487 »

A short story written for Kestrad’s celebration raffle. I haven’t written anything in a very very long time, so please be gentle
It was another day of searching for potential students for Silva, and she had been following the lead of her trusty Ratumbidae, Nibbler, for quite a while now. The pair were visiting the city states of Alveus, collecting new students as they went, and advising each one to meet at the Tower or Traithe at the end of the week to set off for The Keep. Two new students had been found so far, both from Triathe, and while the younger of the two, a little girl by the name of Rena, seemed excited, Silva didn’t have high hopes for the other showing up; it was a boy in his late teens, and he, like many in the city, didn’t have the best image of mages. Only time would tell who would end up coming back to The Keep.

The next city state visited was much more difficult. Theia banned any and all magic or the study on it, but Nibbler had sensed potential students, so even though it was dangerous, the duo had to sneak in. Disguised as a civilian tourist from Triathe in newly purchased clothes from the day before, Silva followed Nibbler from a distance as he scurried through the streets, blending in with others of his kind. Passing through the market, the busy streets slowly calmed down as residential buildings became more frequent. As the two kept going, closer to the edge of town, the houses started becoming more run down, and the hustle and bustle of the city faded more and more in the distance. Then, as Nibbler finally started to slow down, the laughter of children could be heard in the distance.

Up ahead stood an orphanage, with three children playing together; a little boy and two girls. Nibbler stopped for a moment, and then began to stare at the group. Just then, a loud bang was heard as the door to the orphanage opened, and an elderly woman stepped out. Gently, she called out,

“Alright dearies, it’s time to head inside for now. The time has come.”

The children obediently went back inside, each giving her a hug, and the woman approached Silva.

“You have some beautiful children. I’ve just came from Triathe, and I’ve always thought about-“

“You don’t have to pretend,” said the old woman. “I’ve known this day would come for a while, and I’ve been waiting for one of you to come, Magi”

Just then, the slow creak of a window opening was heard, then the flutter of wings, and a new Ratumbidae was suddenly sitting on the elderly woman’s head.

“My name is Estella. Many years ago, my child left to study at The Keep. Before he left, he was treated horribly because of the magic ban, even though having magic was not something he could control. After he left and I was alone, I decided to open up this orphanage, at the edge of town where the government does not watch as much. My son gifted me this Ratumbidae, and we’ve gathered all the children we could find in this city with magic, so they might have a happy life before leaving for The Keep if they so choose. You may go inside, everyone should be waiting for you.”

After thanking Estella, Silva hurried inside to meet the children. Upon opening the door, 5 children of various ages were eagerly waiting, some with bags already in hand. It seems without even needing to ask, they had all chosen to come. After all, the life of a Magi was one that appealed to many, especially young ones who loved fanciful stories of magic and heroism.

As this was the last spot to search for new students, they set off the next morning for the Tower of Triathe, allowing the kids to say their goodbyes. Thankfully, the journey went smoothly, and both of the potential students Silva found in Triathe decided to come; there had been no rejections this time. That trip, The Keep gained 7 new promising students, with many more still to be found.

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