Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf) ooc

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Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf) ooc

Post by Shadowfax278 »

this is a thread for planning stuff that can happen later in the rp to keep it progressing along with side conversations that may not have anything to do with rp planning/the rp itself. saying that in advance so that those posts don't get reported.


1. all MS rules apply
2. we'll keep it PG-13 for violence and romance. if it happens to start going beyond that, we'll either ftb (fade to black) or skip to the next day.
3. this rp is just between me and Alpha
4. have fun ^_^



◘ the North Clan is in Northern Ireland, where the green border is (already existent).
◘ the West Clan is where the blue border is (hand-drawn; I made up a border for them). can edit later if needed for it to include Athlone.
◘ somewhere in the middle between the two, is where the poachers/hunters reside. thinking possibly Dublin since both Drogheda and Mullingar are a bit close to both the North and West Clans.


◘ redrew the border for the West Clan (not as pretty as the first time) and added an arrow with a circle around Athlone to see if their border should extend to include that town/city. also circled the area where their camp/clan's located.
◘ added a green arrow to show where the North Clan's border can extend to, and also circled an area where their clan/camp's located.
◘ circled Dublin in purple for where the poachers/hunters can be located.


Sf278 -

*North Clan*

Name: Aurora (Aura possibly for short later)
Gender: female
Age: 24
Appearance -
human: Image ← the hair also has some blue and yellow in it as well but she doesn't wear glasses and her hair's longer while going past her shoulders
shift form: Image
partial shift: she has rainbow wings behind her shoulders. she can use them to fly with at times, but she keeps that to a minimum.
Position: warrior/scout
Weapons: bow and a quiver of arrows as well as a pair of daggers, and light to temporarily blind people with. she can make orbs, arrows, and spears to throw at them. the arrows she shoots from her bow. they don't last very long, though and has to be quick before they disappear.
History (optional): childhood friend of Dimitri, Kris, Oliver, Ronnie, Devyn, and Marzia.
Personality: sweet, kind, a bit short-tempered, stubborn, and can be fierce if she needs to be as well as mysterious.
Abilities: can quickly learn anything that she has been taught to do, and has control over light. she can also temporarily turn invisible.
Other: misses flying around with Dimitri, and tries to see if she can spot him every time she's scouting while not caring that she might get in trouble or caught.

Name: Veronica (Ronnie for short)
Gender: female
Age: 29
Appearance -
human: Image ← a bit older and wears halter tops, tank tops, and short sleeve shirts; also a bit older than the pic shows
shift form: Image
partial shift: she has gryphon wings behind her shoulders that she does use to fly at times, but not often
Position: heir of the North Clan/warrior/scout
Weapons: bow and arrow, and a sword. also has her claws, and beak as a gryphon.
History (optional): childhood friend of Kris, Oliver, Dimitri, Aurora, Devyn, and Marzia.
Personality: stubborn at times especially after she has come to a decision and isn't going to change her mind about it, nice, tough, loving towards all her clanmates, and caring.
Abilities: control of shadows; she can blend in with the shadows and that's what makes her an effective warrior.
Other: will like/love Ashton after first meeting and after the clans reunite as well after some awkward flirting first (which will probably happen during their first meeting).

•West Clan•

Name: Devyn
Gender: female
Age: 25
Appearance -
human: Image
shift form: Image
partial shift: she has black peregrine falcon wings behind her shoulders.
Position: warrior/scout
Weapons: sword and daggers
History (optional): childhood friend of Kris, Oliver, Dimitri, Aurora, Ronnie, and Marzia.
Personality: a bit short-tempered at times, sweet, nice, stubborn, and mysterious.
Abilities: can calm anyone in her clan down or just help them have a better mood if they're rowdy, and can control nature.
Other: will like to get back with Kris after the trouble with the West Clan/when the clans are reunited.

Name: Marzia
Gender: female
Age: 26
Appearance -
human: Image
shift form: Image
partial shift: has fox ears and a tail
Position: warrior
Weapons: spear and daggers
History (optional): childhood friend of Oliver, Kris, Dimitri, Aurora, Ronnie, and Devyn.
Personality: can be a bit mysterious, kind, stubborn when she has to be, and very caring.
Abilities: control of fire.
Other: will like to get back with Oliver later after the clans reunite.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 17th, 2023, 11:25:43 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by AlphaWolf »

Name:Kris- Gender: Male - Age: 28
Human/Partial Shift - Human form has no wings. Partial shift has wings and scorpion tail.

Position: Warrior

Weapons: Brass knuckles, poisonous stinger, claws and fangs.

History: There is only one instance in his life that is really worth mentioning. Shortly after receiving the position of warrior for his clan, while out on a patrol, he stumbled across a bear cub. And where there is a cub, there is a mom. The ferocious, protective mother attacked Kris as he was attempting to herd the cub away from the direction of the main clan. He fought fiercely as a Manticore, and succeeded in his battle at the expense of the mother bears life. The cub was left motherless, and Kris was left with a guilty pride. The younger generation of his clan who hear the story from the other warriors (but never Kris himself, he doesn’t like the story), affectionately call him ‘The Bear Slayer’. He despises this nickname but can’t bring himself to correct the excited children.

Personality: Kris is the strong and silent type. He doesn’t like talking about himself nor does he really enjoy meaningless conversation. He likes to protect and, despite the childrens nickname for him, he would rather avoid killing if at all possible.

Abilities: Can produce a poison from his tail which can be used on or in weapons (much to the glee of his self-proclaimed “soul brother” Oliver). Has a strength aspect linked with his manticore DNA which makes him a difficult opponent in battle, even in his human form. He has said that he can harness electricity in his jaws in his shifted form, which gave him an advantage in his fight with the mother bear, but has yet to use that ability since.

Other: TBD
Name: Oliver - Gender: Male - Age: Claims to be 1,703*…but looks 26
Partial Shift: Gains the whiskers from his kirin form, as well as speckling of green scales along his shoulders and sides. His horns and fangs also grow in if he so desires.

Position: Warrior

Weapons: Knives, daggers, both poisonous and non-poisonous darts, hooves

History: Was not originally born in the North Clan, nor the West. He claims to come from a forest far from where the clans are, that it took him months to get to the clans (“Like, literal months, you know? I was exhausted and no one even offered me a snack when I got here??? If I hadn’t been so tired I would’ve been offended.”) Quickly grew attached to the big manticore that could provide him with lovely, lovely poison and therefore decided the label of “soul brother” was not only needed, but necessary.

Personality: Can be rather brazen, but knows when to be respectful. Usually sarcastic, but can occasionally be caught off guard and found silent and contemplative.

Abilites: Stamina. He can run, and run, and run, and will never tire. Well, at least physically, mentally the running wears him out. Is quite clever when it comes to potions and poisons. He likes to say its his centuries of study that gave him such knowledge, though no one can say for sure. Has an unusual control over plants. Usually growing what he needs for any potions by simply placing a pinky in the dirt. Refuses to share just how much he can do.

Other: *A note about his age...he very well may be 1,703. However, there are conflicting views within the clan about this. The most common reply clan members state, when asked for clarification, is that he 'arrived as a young adult and grew up with the children'. This statement often leaves the clan members confused as they have memory of Oliver as a child, playing with the other kids...but also claim to have early memories of Oliver as a young adult, taking on responsibilities to help the clan. And Oliver himself when asked? Well, he just smiles.

Name: Dimitri - Gender: Male - Age: 24
Partial Shift: Has his wings while partially shifted. While they are not as strong in partial form, they are still capable of allowing him to fly. Also gains a speckling of feathers in his hair.

Position: Scout/Spy

Weapons: Bow and arrows, also carries a small dagger in case of emergency but rarely gets close enough to anyone to ever use it. He is not a physical fighter in any way, shape or form. He prefers to keep his distance and use his bow. If anyone gets close, he will quickly use his wings to put as much distance as he can between him and his opponent.

History: Nothing special. Born and raised within the clans. Heavily disagreed with the clan leaders about the separation of the clans five years ago, but stayed quiet.

Personality: The epitome of a gentleman. Kind and thoughtful, cautiously careful with his words and always observing those around him to better interact with everyone. A rather open book, though can sometimes be a bit misleading through no intentional fault of his own.

Abilites: Has enhanced vision, and uses it fully to his advantage. Can also control air to a minor extent, usually in a way that allows him to speed up or direct his arrows.

Other: Misses flying with Aurora terribly, and often risks being caught by flying high over the North Clan, using his vision to check in on his childhood friend and crush.


Name: Ashton (aka: Ash) - Gender: Male - Age: 29
Partial Shift: Gets itty bitty bear ears in partial shift, as well as elongated nails/claws which he likes to click together as an intimidation technique.

Position: Heir to the West Clan

Weapons: Double sided axe with red gemstone inlays. His prize possession. Claws, fangs, and pure strength.

History: Put his history in a spoiler due to mention of abuse.
Everyone with eyes could see that Ashton was abused growing up. Didn’t want to eat his berries? Fine. No food at all for three days. Raised his voice at his parents? Cloth tied across his mouth and behind his head to muzzle him. Broke something while playing? A few bruises would teach him to be more careful. The clan leaders at the time, after witnessing Ashton’s parents hauling him into the woods with rope constricting his upper torso and dangerously close to slipping up around his neck, finally chased the abusive parents away and out of the clan. With apologetic kindness, the young boy was raised by the clan. He was confused with the gentle touches and often shied away from them. When the clans separated, the clan leaders called for Ashton and offered him the position of heir. He had come to understand everyone in the clan, and many adored him due to raising him. He accepted.

Personality: Strong-willed and, to an extent, stubborn. Struggles slightly with the responsibility that comes with the Heir title, but is quick to learn and apply what he’s taught by the older generation. The clans best interest is his priority. He is fiercely proud and does not back down when faced with a challenge. Has a surprising knack for finding compromise, even if he rarely takes his own advice.

Abilites: -will explain later, can’t think of the right words atm…-

Other: Holds a grudge against Kris. Will sarcastically and hurtfully use the manticores unwanted title of ‘The Bear Slayer’ to purposefully irritate the other man. Kris is the only person that Ashton can almost certainly say he hates. Why? Because what if that bear the other man killed had been him? If Kris could kill that bear…he could kill Ashton. And Ashton will take any opportunity to prove to himself, to his fellow clan members, that Kris is dangerous and deserves this cruelty. ((Please note this is the initial way he feels about Kris, as we RP, this will change. Perhaps with the help of a certain other heir…))
Last edited by AlphaWolf on April 5th, 2023, 11:12:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by Shadowfax278 »

yay ^.^
okay so, location: where should we say they are? the US, Europe? oh, and would they be able communicate with each other telepathically while in their shifted forms?

I will also see about possibly coming up with some semblance of a plot/storyline later that I'll probably pm to you. also, would you like to post the rp thread when we get these other details figured out or should I?

edit: I didn't realize how many times this got posted this morning due to getting a bad gateway error until now, hence why the duplicate posts are striked through.

edit #2 @ 3:44pm: I also pmed PKGriffin to see if they could delete the other duplicate posts
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 4th, 2023, 3:45:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by AlphaWolf »

Shadowfax278 wrote:yay ^.^
okay so, location: where should we say they are? the US, Europe? oh, and would they be able communicate with each other telepathically while in their shifted forms?

I will also see about possibly coming up with some semblance of a plot/storyline later that I'll probably pm to you. also, would you like to post the rp thread when we get these other details figured out or should I?

edit: I didn't realize how many times this got posted this morning due to getting a bad gateway error until now, hence why the duplicate posts are striked through.

edit #2 @ 3:44pm: I also pmed PKGriffin to see if they could delete the other duplicate posts
As far as location goes, I'd be more inclined to go with Europe. There's more...myths and legends in Europe than there is in the US so I feel our characters would fit in better. Plus Europe has pretty nature~
Also, yes to telepathy! I was actually thinking about that today. It'd be better than trying to rely on growls and chirps.

I'd be more than happy to start us off officially once we hash out a few more things. Are we starting with the clans separated at first? Or we jumping right into the rescue and reuniting?

No worries! I was slightly scared when I saw how many posts there was thinking you had put out like...maps and plot lines and family trees and who knows what else! XD Glad to see it was just oopsie posts.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by Shadowfax278 »

okay. I'd be fine with Europe. I was possibly thinking of putting the North Clan in Northern Ireland and the West Clan can be in the area of Clifden in the attached upload. I took a screensnip of a map of Ireland that I found while Googling it to try to find a possible area that could be west of Northern Ireland. yes, they're literally North and West XD. we can also do another country in Europe, too that's not Ireland but I figured that it could be a good place for them.
okie doke, and I guess we had the same thought. maybe I sensed it telepathically myself? :crazy:

okay sounds good, and I was thinking of when they'd be separated. possibly a year or two after it happened, so a bit recent. then maybe possibly around the 2nd or 3rd page of the rp, we can have a couple of our chars get captured by the poachers/hunters. maybe the two that can get captured could be Ronnie and Dimitri?

okay ^_^ and lol :lol:. I wouldn't do that to you. I'm not that mean...
yes, 8 of them. when I got that error, I kept trying to refresh but the same message kept coming up until I hit the back arrow and went elsewhere. it broke that cycle, but I didn't get back into here until around 3 or so and that's when I found that it had put 8 posts with the same thing.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by Shadowfax278 »

okay. I'd be fine with Europe. I was possibly thinking of putting the North Clan in Northern Ireland and the West Clan can be in the area of Clifden. I took a screensnip of a map of Ireland that I found while Googling it to try to find a possible area that could be west of Northern Ireland. yes, they're literally North and West XD. I thought it attached, but I guess not. we can also do another country in Europe, too that's not Ireland but I figured that it could be a good place for them.
okie doke, and I guess we had the same thought. maybe I sensed it telepathically myself? :crazy:

okay sounds good, and I was thinking of when they'd be separated. possibly a year or two after it happened, so a bit recent. then maybe possibly around the 2nd or 3rd page of the rp, we can have a couple of our chars get captured by the poachers/hunters. maybe the two that can get captured could be Ronnie and Dimitri?

okay ^_^ and lol :lol:. I wouldn't do that to you. I'm not that mean...
yes, 8 of them. when I got that error, I kept trying to refresh but the same message kept coming up until I hit the back arrow and went elsewhere. it broke that cycle, but I didn't get back into here until around 3 or so and that's when I found that it had put 8 posts with the same thing.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 4th, 2023, 10:02:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by Shadowfax278 »

okay. I'd be fine with Europe. I was possibly thinking of putting the North Clan in Northern Ireland and the West Clan can be in the area of Clifden in the attached upload. I took a screensnip of a map of Ireland that I found while Googling it to try to find a possible area that could be west of Northern Ireland. yes, they're literally North and West XD. we can also do another country in Europe, too that's not Ireland but I figured that it could be a good place for them.
okie doke, and I guess we had the same thought. maybe I sensed it telepathically myself? :crazy:

okay sounds good, and I was thinking of when they'd be separated. possibly a year or two after it happened, so a bit recent. then maybe possibly around the 2nd or 3rd page of the rp, we can have a couple of our chars get captured by the poachers/hunters. maybe the two that can get captured could be Ronnie and Dimitri?

okay ^_^ and lol :lol:. I wouldn't do that to you. I'm not that mean...
yes, 8 of them. when I got that error, I kept trying to refresh but the same message kept coming up until I hit the back arrow and went elsewhere. it broke that cycle, but I didn't get back into here until around 3 or so and that's when I found that it had put 8 posts with the same thing.

drat. it did it again but now it's not showing the post you posted...
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 4th, 2023, 10:07:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by AlphaWolf »

Nah, nah - Ireland sounds like a blast! :D Im sure getting the map posted will be easy enough. If not in one of the posts here, then through PMs.
Perhaps~ It just makes the most sense! Great minds think alike!

Alright, so start separated. Sounds good to me! I'll start drafting up a first post, and if I think of anything I need I'll ask. Otherwise I'll let you know when I get it up and posted on the Private Stage. Oh boy!! I hope Ronnie will be prepared to interact with a terrified birdy when then times comes. :lol:

Eh, its fine. Nothing I posted in my last one was important info~ Now, if it had been my characters...I would've been in trouble...(I just copied everything and saved it to my computer just in case........so now its okay if anything goes *poof*)
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Re: Rise and Reunite ooc

Post by Shadowfax278 »

okay ^_^. I'll see about sending you the pic I found later via pm so that you can put it in the op of the rp thread later.
yes, I guess so :wee:

okie doke, and sounds good. I'm sure she'll be able to handle him being scared and can talk him out of being in that state, such as possibly bringing up Aurora to put him in a better mood :angel:

okay, good to know and yeah; same here regarding my chars. I'll copy them later and get them put in a notepad doc on my own computer so in case they do disappear for whatever reason, I can repost them.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 8th, 2023, 7:11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf) ooc

Post by AlphaWolf »

I see you got it posted~ Love being able to reference it, it'll make life much easier. Should we make a mark on it somewhere (or make a note below the map) on the whereabouts of where the primary clans are located? Like, their home village/town?

Good, nervous bird is gonna need encouragement. I wasn't planning on making him nervous/high strung, but that's how he's coming out on paper so that's how its gonna be!
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