Revenge of the Raggle

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Revenge of the Raggle

Post by Zanthor »

This time it's personal. Well it was always personal. Also why would a raggle seek revenge? You know what we should just scrap this entire idea. What do you mean we're live? What do you mean opening the post with insane ramblings will drive people away? What do you mean I have a mustard stain on my shirt, oh right, guess I'll just pop this bad boy right- No? Think of the children? Why would I do that while taking off my shirt are you some kind of ped- Oh right right the raggle! Uhhhhh

Welcome! Welcome, one and all! To this here raggle! What an exciting time*! What's a raggle you might ask? Are you new here? It's like a raffle, but like without much effort put into it. Isn't that nice? Yeah well I didn't think so either you deplorable little- Right right, be nice, my isn't your shirt looking mustard stainless today! No insults here, no sir, ha ha just a little banter, am I right? Anyway the lack of effort on my part also means that there need be no effort on your part! Hooray!

The rules are quite simple. Make a reply, get yourself your single free ticket, and blammo you're on prize street**! Winners will be determined by (how original). Winners will be able to pick which prize they desire, first winner picks first, second second, and so on. I guess last place doesn't get much of a choice...oh well they'll be fine.

Now without further interruption lets showcase- Oh I was the one doing the interrupting? I don't see you hosting this thing! Oh yeah yeah you broke both your legs saving me from a rabid koi fish***, likely story. Alright the prize- no it's not just a bunch of koi fish. I wouldn't waste your time with all this nonsense just to raggle off some koi, oh but you want a koi fish? Well then you came to the wrong raggle. Oh fine if you want one just say so, jeeze. Where were we? Oh whatever, here are the lovely prizes****!

Everything is safe to click, so go ahead, common do it, click it.
1. Image
2. Image
3. Image
4. Image
5. Image
6. Image
7. Image
8. Image
9. Image
10. Image
11. Image
12. Image
13. Image
14. 10 shards
The raggle will be drawn by an expert team of artists! Hopefully someday the finished piece will be- What do you mean that's not what you meant by drawing the raggle? You mean people are supposed to win this thing? I thought we were going to take the ticket money and run? Wait we didn't charge for tickets, what kind of an ignoramus would- Ohhhhh I get it, hah, that's a good scam***** force these here defective whatsits on unsuspecting ma- We're still live!? Oh for the love of...

The Raggle will close its doors on Saturday June 10th 11:59pm, as far as MS time is concerned, so you have until then to get yourself (and tell all your friends****** to come on down too) a lovely ticket for this here raggle!

1. dragonlover2033
2. Kass
3. Moschou
4. Ibaligo
5. Marta
6. RedLilium
7. cyberdeer
8. CinnaminDraconna
9. Otea
10. Whalefall
11. CasperGhostMode
12. Trissan
13. shadowlugia
14. vdB141
15. Nicoleknb
16. kunigund
17. Kestrad
18. HiddenMystic
19. amaroq
20. Moon487
21. aurryinne
22. strawberryboo
23. Ryves
Oh and if there are any questions regarding this horrible horrible mess of a raggle, please feel free to ask whatever you want!

*Excitement not guaranteed. The raggle bears no responsibility for any excitement related accidents that may occur.
**Prize street is not a real location, but if you do find yourself there be sure not the go in the pond!
***Rabid koi fish are not real, they can't hurt you. Not at all.
****Lovelyness is subjective, but you will hurt these creatures feelings if you don't call them lovely, so please do. Shards (hopefully) have no feelings, so direct your insults there.
*****This is a raggle, not a scam
******If you do not have friends you do not need to tell them
Last edited by Zanthor on June 21st, 2023, 1:57:11 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by dragonlover2033 »

Could I obtain a ticket please? <3 Tysm!
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by Kass »

May I have a ticket please?

Thank you. <3

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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by Moschou »

May I grab a ticket please?
Thank you!
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by Ibaligo »

I would like a ticket, please.
Thank yoou!
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by Marta »

I'd love a ticket! Thank you <3
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by RedLilium »

I want a ticket too :0

Thank you and please <3
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by cyberdeer »

Hey, I would like to get a ticket :) Thanks a lot <3
Thank you all for the gifts :)
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

Raggle? Sounds like a ragdoll cat mixed with a beagle! What a nightmare!!!

Ticket please, lol :P
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Re: Revenge of the Raggle

Post by Otea »

I'd like a ticket please, thank you <3

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