˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

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MagiStream Donor
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˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Aflame »

* studying for the bar exam so responses may take a few days longer but I am still checking here as often as I can! c: *

even the chilly wind tugging at your cloak can’t dampen the warmth and cheer of the winter market. making your way down the worn steps of the Keep, you pass by colorful stands and stalls decorated with twinkling lights. the air is filled with conversation and laughter, and you can’t help but admire the goods on display. at their stands, magi and merchants alike are proudly offering bolts of finely woven cloth, piping-hot pastries with a delicious aroma, rare eggs glittering with magic and strange colors, and even creatures of all shapes and sizes. weaving your way through the crowd, you stop at a wooden stand illuminated by hanging lanterns. a young magi in a green cloak is feeding treats to a group of unruly hatchlings, a velox perched atop her head. several kamitori are fluttering about, and one alights upon your shoulder as you approach, catching the magi’s attention.

“ah, welcome to my slice of the market! I have some lovely companions here for sale. it’s a bit of a side hustle, as the youth say, to help fund my studies. magi law school isn’t cheap!” she scoops up a few hatchlings and presents them to you, beaming. “I raise all of them myself! I even find rare creatures now and again when I travel to other regions for research or work. do any tickle your fancy?”
shop guidelines:
✼ I can hold creatures on request, just pm me to discuss
✼ I will start the trades and calculate totals, but feel free to do the math as well
✼ no form required, just make sure I can tell what you're asking for
✼ everything is parentless or lowest-gen for hybrids except some of the butterfly fish
✼ I will accept creatures from my wishlist as payment, just pm me to discuss
✼ first come, first served via post order in the thread
✼ if any pets in my tabs don't have a price, please let me know (:
✼ ctrl + f is probably the best way to navigate my price lists

stream & hybrid & pond critters for sale!
~ stream adultsstream hatchies ~
warning both tabs have hundreds of critters (almost a thousand hatchies!)
200g | koi fish | phoenix | kraken | sand/gold/ash/onyx gryphon | (dark) pegasus | ibex | tropical/forest/trench leviathan | dark narwhal | manticore | black/white winged cat | puvia | kelp/coral/trench hippocampus | kitsune | abeoth frog | telvian panther | etainian/savannah alphyn |amberspice mouse | normal/sweet potooto | xand bear | baku | anaugi | farir | axolotl | lakiran platypus | monarch butterfly fish | brontotherium | mist stalker | nandi bear | grey/copper/black pearl wyrm | light/dark minicorn | tropical tarsier | sacred scarab
300g | southern/northern raza cobra | sarvain | ashevor | hummingbird | red/green vasant beetle | ariessa | sunrise talvar | amphista | viridis crab | chlorophyte/phaeophyte/rhodophyte dragon turtle | ziraafa | caeralis | moss snail | ankylocroc | cervinus deer | sun/storm vevex ray | paervem | taijitu beetle | korez seal | monarch/swallowtail lunestre dragon | green/gold torveus dragon | mountain/hill yale | sayos/jareen vitriums | brown/red avrael | mohlaris elephant | sapphire/ruby kordaetis elephant | savannah serpaen | kaetus | day/nightcrawler | razan orchid | nulorn | xisitak | cestoda | tenabre fox | osath | coati | carithas fish | (white) lion/leopard ammit | purple/green/blue celestial butterfly | sapphire/ruby somniant | onrosus | forest/mountain rekantum | trench/reef seahorse | aselis | cukurba | topo wyrm | liefde/laska agaori | cardinal/nightshade potooto | kericalla/livian bat | wind/storm/balance/fire/water hydra | feather drake | capellin | malachite synaran aericorn | corax/yatagarasu raven | silvan otter | osqual | silsia/gamilara/cardinal phoenix | karst gemfrog
400g | tiexos ixsu | medonho pesadelo | karcharos shark | thunderbird | laetolis beast | arkenian sea leopard | tropical triak | ankh/wadjet parabuthid | ambula bat | alba/tenebricosa meowl | latifra beast | silvan/borean narasad | me'chuan bengolo | common/black/white/faded/spotted borean wolf | silvan/voltarian/razan/etainian/alasre krotalo | sibiran bumblebat | florina honeybat | moray eel | snow hare | daeodus | fiorellan hedgehog | azure/virescent/rufous zeratus | dusk/dawn hydrosaurus | tetzcotal anaconda | clyraffe | sryllian fly | silt/mottled seroile | blazing/lady's lace rose snail | charubi | mottled python | danaus/peleides cyon | ovibos/bootherium
500g | ilikatal | lakiran/razan/red eyed kalistavri | myledaphus/onchopristis | kericalla/livian bat | turmeric/cupric/indigo jellycap | ouranian koi | ocean/beach copei | nomura | opal/diamond gemstone kirin | hazel farir | yuaxu | koredanuki | nocturne rose snail | western/southern desgolo | lakiran seahorse | wooden dragonfly | demon fish | anacita bunny | rone elona | southern/western oriental scorpion | pearl/black pearl/zebra/gold horned sea unicorn | tamias/fulgens/uncia vison | southern/northern meldop | keeatl/weiroatl | ardulen grotesque | ruin lizard | desert courshound/silkhound
600g | ratumbidae | monarch butterfly fish| ruin astridae | maa kelung | naricasa phoenix | silvan/razan minirrell | engull | guardian eagle | taxus brocc | forest/jungle myrrokatt | rederan spider | royal squilla | emerald psittarx dragon | isolerix mantis | onapae flea | blue/green nareau minnow | etainian/ixan naja | sacelle crested psittarx dragon | peacock spider | fire/water/life/earth/air/light/void prism fox | aer/terra/aqua hyalus rana | gilded koppis | inferno/tainted hound | mafupa/nyama/chikumba bruje | mtima brujine | swallowtail deshkivari | tropical cerapicta | red/blue/green flame strider | elseal | moseal | spring kuei | iridescent horsefly

~ hybrid adultshybrid hatchies ~ pricing:
1k | fire/ice gryphon | ocean leviathan | albino direwolf | chimera | lunar/solar hippogryph | tidal/amethyst/meridian/hallow/ruby capricorn | golden pearl wyrm | pinto pegasus | spotted holly jackalope | black sarvain | pink mohlaris elephant | chocolate viridis crab | swallowtail/ulysses/birdwing butterfly fish | pennant-winged pegasus | azure psittarx dragon | lapis/levante crested psittarx dragon
1.5k | tevera enox | ice kraken | yellow farir | white cervinus deer | fog vevex ray | direcore | desert rekantum | cockatrice | golden arkenian goose | silt/reef/atoll leviathan | opaline synaran aericorn | equilibrus narasad | peridot/ruby/aquamarine gemstone kirin | fairy rose snail | snopal | tree nymph/sunset butterfly fish | oliva/gelb psittarx dragon | heartfire gryphon | larimar/pavo/farfalla crested psittarx dragon
2k | all pygmy gemdragons | albino nandi bear | pearlen alvean wasp | cinta/dragoste/armastus agaori | harpy/tetzcotal eagle hippogryph | settian drakeling | albino direcore | os raven | piebald cervinus deer | golden farir | gilded foxfire skulk | husky/phoenix/golden pheasant simurgh | alexandrite/citrine/tanzanite gemstone kirin | cheminna | swamp copei | buckeye/cinnabar butterfly fish | elderoch | arkenian minirrell | argent/aurum psittarx dragon
2.5k | all pygmy crystalwings | black cervinus deer | orange farir | white cukurba | albino wolpertinger | albino eshmeri
3k | telvian/mist ammit | me'chuan rewana

~ pond critters ~ pricing:
750g | fabari | ruby koi | amethyst koi | dragon koi | goldfish | solar/lunar koi | aurean globefish
1k | common cerapicta

event & quest critters for sale!
~ event adultsevent hatchies ~ pricing:
200g | hollowjack (normal)
1k | (dead) decessus | calaveras monkey | alvean thornweb spider | hollowjack (blue) | wolphyn | krill | ilex gecko | pyrix
2k | mortifelis | olive/brown/silver amagnae | hexapo/accipito/moroi/rauna/osanyin crystalwing | cypheles/dionych/komainu/iwan/lesoni/sacer crystalwing | jinglong/spectrum/fluorowing crystalwing | hadros/kuanos/kobaldibar/sacris crystalwing | onuchsia/venox/gerbera/lilias/kitanchosa/vilodaes crystalwing
3k | lucinis bird | lash fly | giant thelyph | gold/silver foxfire skulk | vesperbat | nhirudo | molten arkai | albino elseal | amethyst moseal | blue-ringed/chromodore/pastel sea bunny | hotdog
4k | white/black holly jackalope | antelope hare/angora/cacao/snow shoe jackalope | equilibrus narasad | red-capped quetzalcoatl | wolpertinger | gold horned narwhal | plush kraken | heartthrob eshmeri | dotenell | daius/noctus esplendit | glacial arkai | wreath/sleighbell confara pegasus | terracotta arkai | corona arkai | basjune | coastal/field/forest/alpine pygmy graga | umagum | wallatrice | phoenix amagnae | dark/golden tersha | death screamer | deadwood deer | scarecrow gryphon | decaying/spectral mawdracon | helias amagnae | yulspiro | glyceris heilla | scarf wyrm
6k | pale/umber arkai | saerulis crystalwing | ocellata amagnae | nova arkai | valembat | corazin | plectra amagnae | forgotten unicorn | dulcine amagnae
7k | fire arkai | striped arkai | otrovian amagnae | snopal | red/black foxfire skulk
9k | aurora arkai | sepulghul | skelmblor
20k | white/golden aculeus
140k | yule castor
225k | coal wyrm
300k | prasinis wyrm | eldritch dragon

~ quest critters ~ pricing:
1k | nicori | maraegian nizari | buckskin/grulla foenaran hipponox | molten/berry/brindle dynastis | serf/imperial fortis beetle
2k | (king) foenaran nimbii | getula/pyromelana/elapsoides ophidan
25k | quetzalcoatl

~ available stock ~
I have leftovers of transformation items, you can have me change one of your critters or buy from my available stock \o/

pricing per transformation or creature:
✼ ice gryphon | 5k
✼ ice kraken | 5k
✼ albino direwolf | 5k
✼ fog vevex ray | 5k
✼ elder phoenix | 1k
✼ khadakhad daant | 2k
✼ erebine phoenix | 3k
✼ keep spider | 4k
✼ dusk bunny | 3k
✼ chupareno | 6k
✼ mammoth snail | 3k
✼ tundra nulorn | 3k
✼ latifra beast | 3k
✼ rabbitsune | 4k
✼ glacial koi | 3k
✼ aurora puvia | 3k
✼ gallium/porcelain/marinevra/plushie/ferrofluid pygmy gemdragons/crystalwings: 1.5k each

item stock:
Image gryphon -> ice gryphon | 0 gryphon carvings left
Image kraken -> ice kraken | 4 giant snowflakes left
Image direwolf -> albino direwolf | 0 pawprint sapphires left
Image vevex ray -> fog vevex ray | 5 smoke pearls left
Image phoenix -> elder phoenix | 0 ashen feathers left
Image raza cobra -> khadakhad daant | silsia/gamilara/cardinal phoenix -> erebine phoenix | 31 bone venoms left
Image xisitak -> keep spider | 11 poison fangs left
Image tenabre fox egg -> dusk bunny | 8 dusky potions left
Image chupacabra -> chupareno | 83 cookies left
Image elephant snail -> mammoth snail | 88 cookies left
Image nulorn -> tundra nulorn | 69 cookies left
Image latifra beast -> color change | 82 cookies left
Image (arkenian) kitsune -> rabbitsune | 32 cookies left
Image koi -> glacial koi | 35 cookies left
Image puvia -> aurora puvia | 25 cookies left

things that I froze for some reason!
~ hatchlingsfree eggsevent eggs ~ pricing:
✼ caeralis | 100g
✼ arkenian sea leopard | 100g
✼ streamcaught/assorted bred eggs | free
✼ event eggsicles | 100g

silver: purchase from me at least 3 times and get 10% off all orders \o/
✼ popa16 | 3
✼ amanda77 3
✼ real 3
✼ plutonic 3
✼ nelwnoll 3
✼ empererpenguin 3
✼ clocktopus 3
✼ zhaaliquartz 3
✼ javalady 4
✼ kiwi329 3
✼ ambathy 4
✼ ardroth 3
✼ graveworm 3
✼ wolfwing 3
✼ greirat 4

gold: purchase from me at least 5 times and get 15% off all orders !
✼ raspberri
✼ altairia
✼ lex
✼ kunigund
✼ nyxnoire
✼ paige201208
✼ jeh
✼ nexosa
✼ imarine
✼ lolacharm
✼ freakazoid
✼ crystalwings
✼ wakamaru
✼ sunsetguardian
✼ gwinni
✼ queenyna
✼ audioburst
✼ caniskoppie
✼ enchanteddil
✼ robotchimera
✼ xmands

✼ bugseater2000 | 1
✼ trissan | 2
✼ mackertibbs | 2
✼ crowdisciple | 1
✼ sunsprite | 1
✼ sammythethief | 1
✼ duskrose | 1
✼ zucko0011 | 2
✼ lunarocean | 1
✼ syndicate | 2
✼ sarahjazz | 2
✼ ayakashi | 1
✼ fianna | 1
✼ ayako | 2
✼ hatcat | 2
✼ whitewolfjustice | 2
✼ thaliana | 1
✼ sanne | 1
✼ echithan11 | 2
✼ anonfirefly | 1
✼ shellsandwhiskers | 1
✼ chimera | 1
✼ deerwolfalpha | 1
✼ hazeulnut |1
✼ bluegrass | 1
✼ sylviadragon | 2
✼ sylvan | 1
✼ rivvian | 1
✼ miriel | 1
✼ ertdf | 1
✼ scorpionrider | 1
✼ laertid | 2
✼ tinibree | 2
✼ blindpython | 1
✼ niarain | 1
✼ silverwolf
✼ haramis17 | 2
✼ kesstryl | 1
✼ sheeana | 1
✼ doggyears | 1
✼ thenewblack | 1
✼ thegeddening | 1
✼ tufpensplitter | 2
✼ hopingfaith | 1
✼ passionate | 1
✼ vanillachapter | 1
✼ ravenxeo | 2
✼ googleplaxin | 2
✼ maniyani | 1
✼ rinnyracecar | 1
✼ chiyari | 1
✼ shadie069 | 1
✼ glittergirl | 2
✼ glitterenthusiast | 1
✼ seabra | 2
✼ moon487 | 1
✼ themod444 | 1
✼ sirchicken | 2
✼ aethelwhyne | 1
✼ oilbird |1
✼ leorobin | 1
✼ sinnarn | 2
✼ cacklinghyena | 1
✼ emeraldjubilee |1
✼ cg570014 | 2
✼ birds | 1
✼ dooweoooo | 1
✼ derdriu | 1
✼ dragonride14| 1
✼ daedalus | 1
✼ growlingcupcake | 1
✼ princessofvampires | 1
✼ snowflake | 1
✼ kallentu | 1
✼ rewinancient | 1
✼ boreahl | 2
✼ lorisq | 1
✼ btsGarbagecan | 1
✼ danafox | 1
✼ sorrelwind | 1
✼ hummingbirds | 1
✼ beautifulpoem | 1
✼ greatwhite | 1
✼ keettweet | 1
✼ qwepoi777 | 1
✼ gryphonkeeper | 1
✼ MagiMagic28 | 1
✼ YukiHijikata1 | 1
✼ siggy | 1
✼ sazarilion | 1
✼ yukihijikata1 | 1
✼ bedfordblack | 2
✼ crazyflight | 2
✼ vipor | 1
✼ antra | 2
✼ thewildone | 1
✼ immortalwolf | 2
✼ hatori | 1
✼ chuckeh | 1
✼ lothario | 1
✼ naokitsune | 2
✼ vulturesaremylife | 1
✼ syraphinfaelad | 1
✼ oflittlediamonds | 1
✼ flaviel | 1
Last edited by Aflame on August 4th, 2024, 8:00:35 pm, edited 52 times in total.
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MagiStream Donor
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˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Aflame »

I can get you shop creatures for the price of the egg + 200!
✼ no gender requests, please (:
✼ there's not really a limit on how many critters you can order, just know the higher the number, the longer it'll take!

Image herbalist guild Image
✼ numbul | 2,500g
✼ creeper | 3,200g
✼ nachtkoningin tulip snail | 4,500g
✼ gebruind tulip snail | 4,500g
✼ maza iteiri | 5,500g
✼ aevum spicalx | 6,200g
✼ calidim | 6,900g
✼ pine nulorn | 7,200g
✼ tarax | 7,500g
✼ euphotic dunkleosteus | 7,900g
✼ earth serendin | 8,220g
✼ saevym 9,200g
✼ silvian serpaen | 11,200g
✼ eira kelung | 3,800g

Image artificer's association Image
✼ yunikon | 1,400g
✼ paper butterfly | 1,431g
✼ kamitori| 1,700g
✼ sora kamitori | 1,700g
✼ platyplush | 3,100g
✼ stone uguay | 4,000g
✼ jasper/malachite miu | 4,000
✼ bone/jade/soapstone makou | 4,700g
✼ spider light | 5,200g
✼ glass phoenix | 5,900g
✼ plushie bear | 8,200g
✼ odan galopin's flaming comet | 8,280g
✼ etal kelung | 3,800g

Image preservationist's association Image
✼ tandon's falconerifas| 1,700g
✼ guron's hattema | 1,800g
✼ ona's skjoeldus | 2,200g
✼ zabyna's solar/lunar maalas | 3,000g
✼ thrishia's sarcus | 3,200g
✼ lowenarc's borean rhino| 4,700g
✼ galline's sea/beach glass turtle | 4,727g

Image remy's inn Image
✼ elephant snail | 1,450g
✼ silvian alphyn | 1,537g
✼ direwolf | 1,700g
✼ alvean lossus | 1,818g
✼ maraegian stromeri | 2,112g
✼ stiptica lichenthrope | 2,216g
✼ roc | 2,350g
✼ sunset talvar | 2,600g
✼ cariad agaori | 2,700g
✼ eshmeri | 3,200g
✼ lunarcalia | 3,585g
✼ donec fish | 3,700g
✼ storm leviathan | 4,400g
✼ melligaster | 4,500g
✼ chocolate earwig | 5,200g
✼ vosmari | 5,300g
✼ chupacabra | 5,500g
✼ southern alasre alpaca | 5,700g
✼ labradorite synaran aericorn | 6,500g
✼ niveus enox | 6,600g
✼ western alasre alpaca | 6,800g
✼ elred | 7,700g
✼ noctis enox | 7,900g
✼ alpine yale | 8,200g
✼ tenera dog | 8,300g
✼ etainian serpaen | 8,700g
✼ birdwing lunestre dragon | 9,200g
✼ jaktus dragon | 10,200g

Image trading post Image
✼ vetus | 1,200g
✼ rakkaus agaori | 2,700g
✼ svetku lynx | 2,712g
✼ light narwhal | 2,800g
✼ arkenian kitsune | 2,900g
✼ constellation hind | 3,750g
✼ ice octopus | 4,553g
✼ cornu lutrinae | 5,308g
✼ cytrinae | 5,308g
✼ ice phoenix | 6,200g
✼ arkenian sakeira | 5,725g
✼ asesina orcae | 7,977g
✼ arkenian serpaen | 8,700g
✼ white tundra tylluan | 8,900g
✼ temeroso pesadelo | 8,990g
✼ arkenian sunbeast | 9,500g
✼ snow vevex ray | 11,200g

Image black market, other shop critters, and available stock Image
~ shopborn adultsshopborn hatchies ~ pricing:
black market:
✼ alasre peryton | 6,000g
✼ spotted nivalis bear | 6,000g
dark shop:
✼ volcanic seahorse | 5,100g
✼ ebbene shark | 5,200g
✼ cehual boar | 6,866g
✼ arcanum serpaen | 11,200g
water shop:
✼ dugong | 5,200g
✼ raiti seal | 7,854g
✼ praluven seal | 9,700g


Last edited by Aflame on April 21st, 2024, 5:15:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by lunarocean »

hello :wave:

may I buy a female Life Prism Fox hatchie, a female Earth Prism Fox hatchie, and a male Void Prism Fox hatchie for 1.8k g (feel free to double check; math isn't my strong suit), please? thank you ^.^
Image | my Magiversary wish list | my Halloween wish list | my Christmas wish list

currently have --/25 gifts; thank you! ♥
gifting off and on ❄
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Aflame »

lunarocean wrote: November 6th, 2023, 11:12:11 am hello :wave:

may I buy a female Life Prism Fox hatchie, a female Earth Prism Fox hatchie, and a male Void Prism Fox hatchie for 1.8k g (feel free to double check; math isn't my strong suit), please? thank you ^.^
sent (: enjoy !!
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Syndicate »

Hey there,

May I please buy:
Stream Hatchlings
5 x Prism Fox @ 600g each = 3k
3k sub total

Event Hatchlings
5 x Pygmy Phoenix @ 3k each = 15k
3 x Mohrior @ 9k each = 27k
3 x Krysos @ 6k each = 18k
60k sub total

Total: 63k <3
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Aflame »

Syndicate wrote: November 6th, 2023, 1:36:44 pm Hey there,

May I please buy:
Stream Hatchlings
5 x Prism Fox @ 600g each = 3k
3k sub total

Event Hatchlings
5 x Pygmy Phoenix @ 3k each = 15k
3 x Mohrior @ 9k each = 27k
3 x Krysos @ 6k each = 18k
60k sub total

Total: 63k <3
sent em over!! thank you :bounce:
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by zucko0011 »

I'd like to buy these critters:

Stream adults
2x Moss Snail
Koi fish

Stream hatchies
2x Moss snail
2x Axolotl

Thank you ^.^
Image 'Ammits rule everything around me' Image [ wishlist ]
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Aflame »

zucko0011 wrote: November 17th, 2023, 6:53:12 pm I'd like to buy these critters:

Stream adults
2x Moss Snail
Koi fish

Stream hatchies
2x Moss snail
2x Axolotl

Thank you ^.^
sending over! (:
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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Amanda77 »

Cervinus deer adult and hatchling
White wing cat adult black cat hatchling
M/f platypus adult
F otter adult
Mohrior all variants
pied cervinus deer
Fish or sea creatures
Will take any and all if you dont want them.

My ultimate want is a white nivilus bear cub, ghost leopard cub or an adult tasharn. Can be frozen.

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Re: ˗ ˏˋ aflame's critters ˎˊ ˗

Post by Aflame »

Amanda77 wrote: November 24th, 2023, 12:51:33 pm Cervinus deer adult and hatchling
White wing cat adult black cat hatchling
M/f platypus adult
F otter adult
sending over, thank you (:
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