Research into the phenomenon of creating the Crossing Stone.

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Research into the phenomenon of creating the Crossing Stone.

Post by NelwNoll »

Nelw looked in confusion at the shiny stone in their hand. They had never seen anything like this before. It was a beautiful stone with glossy, rounded sides, filled to the brim with unknown magic. This magic felt as if someone had combined two different entities into one stone. But for what reason? Nelw didn't know.

Nelw found few of these stones when they began a routine cleaning of their creatures' rooms. From experience Nelw knew that various artefacts could be created during the mating of some creatures from the leftover of their mixed magic. But which ones created these stones? They found them in the rooms of creatures of different species and so far couldn't see any patterns in their findings.

'Hmm, this is very interesting' Nelw thought, turning the shiny stone in their hand. 'But I need more research in a more controlled envelopment with clear enough results to be able to report them.'

It was time for new project and new experiments.

Experiment №1: Monospecific mating between creatures that are able to breed but unable to produce hybrids or known artefacts.

Control group: 50 pairs of adult Anaugi (Note to myself: All creatures must be well rested, well fed, and have passed a health check before participating in the experiments.)

Nelw looked at the scroll one more time to make the last check before starting the experiment. All Anaugi they chose were healthy and ready to mate. Nelw made cozy nests for them and left some snacks around in the hope that the picky fire lizards would like them. Anaugi usually didn't have any problems mating but they can be very stubborn at times. Nelw hoped that today was not that day, and little treats would help put them in the right mood.

Collected data:
  • 22 joyful but unsuccessful mating attempts
  • 28 successful mating attempts resulted in Anaugi eggs produce
  • 0 mating attempts resulted in the creation of an artifact
Conclusion: It appears that breeding between the same species did not result in the creation of the new found artifact. (Note to myself: One experiment is not enough! I need more data on different species to make a more specific conclusion.)

Nelw didn't sleep last night very well. Ideas about a new exiting phenomenon that happened yesterday occupied all their thoughts. Nelw putted the stones on the bedside table, and their gentle glow shone in the darkness all night. How are they created and what can they be used for? And what creatures should they choose for their next experiment?

'Oh!' Nelw jumped up on the bed, hitted by a new idea, and smiled. 'I know!'

Experiment №2: Monospecific mating between creatures that are able to breed and able to produce hybrids but not known artefacts.

Control group: 50 pairs of adult and healthy Foxfire Skulks

Nelw noticed how the female skulk happily licked the ears and nose of her partner, showing her interest. Foxfire Skulks did not require any mating assistance other than preparing safe and isolated dens for their future kits. Nelw decided to leave them alone and begin preparing for a new experiment. Foxfire skulks will be fine.

Collected data:
  • 24 unsuccessful mating attempts
  • 19 successful mating attempts resulted in Gilded Foxfire Skulk eggs produce
  • 7 successful mating attempts resulted in Foxfire Skulk eggs produce
  • 0 mating attempts resulted in the creation of an artifact
Conclusion: As shown by the first experiment and confirmed by the second experiment monospecific mating did not lead to the creation of a new artifact. Even if creatures are capable of producing hybrid species. This is probably related to the dual nature of the stone's magic itself. Additional research and experiments are needed to prove this theory. (Note to myself: Could interspecific breeding be the answer? Check this!)

Last edited by NelwNoll on February 29th, 2024, 10:08:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Research into the phenomenon of creating the Crossing Stone.

Post by NelwNoll »

Nelw entered their study and looked around, trying to find a place where they could put the scrolls with the collected data from their lastest experiments. But chaos reigned everywhere, not leaving even a small clean space. The table, shelves and even the floor were littered with half-written papers, unfolded scrolls and empty tea mugs left over from their late-night brainstorming sessions.

'What a mess!' Nelw thought, sighing heavily and putting the new scrolls in a tall pile on the table. The pile tilted to one side before their eyes, but did not fall.

Nelw could already imagine how much time they would spend trying to sort through all the chaos that was left in the wake of their new discovery. But that could wait for now. There was no time for such trivial things. Everything was almost ready for their next experiment. Science waited for no one.

Experiment №3: Interspecific mating between creatures that are able to breed and able to produce hybrids but not known artefacts.

Control group: 50 pairs between adult and healthy Pegasus and Dark Pegasus

Nelw walked through the stables for the last time. Everything seemed clean and in order: fresh water, pegasus' favorite food, warm and soft nests for their eggs. Pegasus were very picky of their comfort during mating, and even little things could ruin their mood at this time. And no one wanted to deal with angry pegasus. And especially not on the brink of a scientific breakthrough.

Collected data:
  • 20 unsuccessful mating attempts
  • 19 successful mating attempts resulted in Pegasus eggs produce
  • 5 successful mating attempts resulted in Dark Pegasus eggs produce
  • 6 successful mating attempts resulted in Pinto Pegasus eggs produce
  • 37 mating attempts resulted in the creation of the new artifact (Note to myself: Seems that the success of mating does not affect the creation of the stones. Maybe add it to the results?)
  • a) 20 artifacts was created from successful mating attempts
  • b) 17 artifacts was created from unsuccessful mating attempts
Conclusion: It appears that interspecific mating did lead to the creation of a new artefact. And the success of mating does not affect the creation itself. More specific information could be obtained through further research.

'It was a great success!' Nelw sang happily. Their leather bag was full of newly created shiny stones. And the thought that they had come so close to fully uncovering this mystery warmed them from the inside. Now there were only a few small unanswered questions left.

Experiment №4: Interspecific mating between creatures that are able to breed but unable to produce hybrids or known artefacts.

Control group: 50 pairs between adult and healthy Kelp Hippocampus and Coral Hippocampus

Collected data:
  • 23 unsuccessful mating attempts
  • 11 successful mating attempts resulted in Kelp Hippocampus eggs produce
  • 16 successful mating attempts resulted in Coral Hippocampus eggs produce
  • 40 mating attempts resulted in the creation of the new artifact
  • a) 21 artifacts was created from successful mating attempts
  • b) 19 artifacts was created from unsuccessful mating attempts
One of the hippocampus playfully splashed Nelw with water from the pool again while they tried to fish all the created artefacts out of the water with the magic spell. They were already completely wet, but were still excited about their success, so little things like that couldn't ruin their mood. And Nelw always loved hippocampus and were happy to indulge them. They reminded Nelw of home.

Conclusion: The new experiment confirmed the data collected from the previous experiment that interspecific mating results in the creation of the Crossing Stone, (Note to myself: Does this name sound good?) and is not related to the success of the mating itself. And it also showed that the creatures did not need to be able to produce hybrids to successfully create an artifact.

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Re: Research into the phenomenon of creating the Crossing Stone.

Post by NelwNoll »

Experiment №5: Interspecific mating between creatures that are unable to breed, to produce hybrids or known artefacts.

Additional information: The experiment will be conducted with the help of the ancient magical fertility spell.

Control group: 50 pairs between adult and healthy Pegasus and Kelp Hippocampus

Nelw carefully reread the spell from the ancient grimoire, which they found in one of the dusty corners of the Keep's library. So far this would be their most ambitious experiment. And if everything will go as they planned, this would be their greatest breakthrough.

Nelw took a deep breath and began to cast the magic spell.

At first nothing happened. But then a large cloud of glitters exploded right in front of Nelw's face.

'Well,' Nelw thought, trying to spit out the glitter that had gotten into their mouth. 'Seems like the ancient magi enjoyed their pranks as much as the modern ones.'

Collected data: None

Results: Absolute and total failure

Conclusion: Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the conducting of the experiment turned out to be impossible.
(Note to myself: Always test unknown magic spells before you start your work! And never show this embarrassment to anyone!)

Nelw tapped their pen on the table, thinking about their experiments. They looked through the scrolls of collected research data and compared the gotten results. The information that Nelw discovered was very interesting, and they felt that it could affect and change the life of the entire Keep, if not the whole world.

Nelw wrote the last few words on the scroll, checked the final conclusion and put down their pen. Their work was finished. All that remains is to show their findings to Lady Alua and the others.

Final conclusion: Based on the dual nature of the magic of the artifact itself and the information obtained experimentally, it can be concluded that the decisive factor in the creation of the artifact is interspecific mating. Which mean that any two creatures of different species capable of breeding together will have a chance to create the Crossing Stone during mating, regardless of the success of their mating itself or the ability to produce hybrid species. Unfortunately, the purpose of the artifact has not yet been determined. Further research and additional experimental work will be required to found out it.

The end.

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