random stuff I want to archive

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random stuff I want to archive

Post by audrei9 »

frankenstein and dracula crossover fanfic, that's part of a bigger series called the crew of light, that takes place in 1897 and was conceptualised years ago. I never worked on it again, possibly because my friend sort of ran out of steam for that kind of thing.
It's public domain so we can publish and sell it, which is what I plan on doing.

SPOILERS for my friend's fanfiction, obviously. This is just story notes so far.

I have some ideas for Cold Skin and Warm Blood! Since Samson isn't conciously hitchhiking and not all hitchhikers get picked up even if they aren't 8 foot tall patchwork people, so circumstances would have been pretty bad if Jonathan would stop in the middle of nowhere just to check on some random stranger by the side of the road. Maybe put an emphasis on exactly HOW remote the place was, and how strange it was to see a person out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Jonathan was warned beforehand how deadly it could be in the cold weather, or maybe he saw a few wolves running around earlier or heard their howls which made him fear for Samson's safety.
And I think that Jonathan would try to theorise about Samson's past and stuff. My personal headcanon as to why Jonathan would ignore Dracula's red flag parade was because he rationalised it all in his head, since he's a curious person but he doesn't make the wisest choices.
Jonathan would come to a rational (ish) explanation as to why something happened, but since the Count never confirmed it Jon never wrote it down because he wanted to only include facts in his journal, probably be concise. So when Jonathan meets Samson, he starts theorising about Samson's stuff without being particularly intrusive about it, he could believe that Samson's a patient undergoing a surgery from the hospital and his memory loss problems and strange behaviour are because of his treatment, and he brings it up to Samson who just confirms all the theories he says. Jonathan thinks that he knows Samson well, but it adds another layer to his mood whiplash when he reads Samson's diaries and realises that he was lying his ass off this whole time when Jonathan was talking about his past. It would also add a layer as to why Samson bursts into tears when Jonathan called him Frankenstein- Samson knew that Jonathan had read his diaries and realised how much he lied to try and appeal to him.

Another suggestion would be if you first talked about Jonathan's reaction to the journals, horror about how he's been mislead, then dived into Samson's journals so the reader can see for themself what Samson wrote, and after that there's the section on Jonathan cursing himself for suddenly getting so spooked about the revelation and empathising with Samson and why he would want to hold onto Jonathan so tightly and unhealthily. There could be a scene in their following conversation where Jonathan says that he can be honest without being judged.
Another idea I had would be that Samson noticed more red flags about Dracula than Jonathan did since he's already used to being mistreated, and he tries to warn Jonathan and attempt to stop Dracula from being creepy towards him, which is why Dracula decides to lock him up to begin with. Jonathan might ask Dracula where Samson went, and then go around the castle searching for Samson, only for Dracula to tell him that Samson left and went home.

BTW another idea, Samson says he's a student but doesn't specify which area he's studying, and Jonathan asks if he wants to hear about his job. Samson says yes and Jonathan just rambles for 30 minutes about his job because Samson seems to enjoy listening :D

Dracula probably tries to tell him to be grateful that Samson left, but Jonathan's not having it obviously. After learning that the Count doesn't like Samson around, he continues his efforts at searching for Samson and finds a soundproofed room, digging out the soundproofing he finds the room where Samson's being held and calls out to him.
This scene is probably a highly emotional one because Samson would have been told by the vampires that Jonathan had left and didn't care about him, so Jonathan appearing to check on him and revealing that he had been searching for Samson would be utterly massive. Also, Jonathan tries to help Samson by repairing the cross and probably carving a few new ones into inconspicuous places, but the vampires catch onto that and move him again 😦
Also Samson would notice that Jonathan has bite marks on him and alert him to that- I imagine that the Count got rid of Jonathan's shaving mirror and stuff because he didn't want Jonathan to see any bite marks on him. Other stuff such as the bowl he uses as a mirror is usually too small/ blurry for him to realise those are bite marks and not just random red dots

Wait just a random headcanon I had
Jonathan likes to skid around, his shoes are slippery and occasionally if he's on tiling he'll jog for a bit and suddenly stop so he skids forward, he has a good sense of balance so he doesn't fall but he likes to skid
I just think he's cute that way ^^
UnfriedMouthWheat — 01/05/2023 11:54
He learned it to have more dramatic appearances when Mina comes home
skids out from the doorway “MINA!”
weird glitched out N̷P̵C̸ — 01/05/2023 11:54
He absolutely would!!!
And he would dramatically jog and then skid to a halt when he's called
UnfriedMouthWheat — 01/05/2023 11:56
Yes! There’s a certain showmanship that he likes in being able to execute a perfectly timed skid

I have a bunch of stuff archived for writing notes on tumblr! I know the tag it is under. I will try and get it done when I can.

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Re: random stuff I want to archive

Post by audrei9 »

Patchwork people headcanons

they can reproduce, but the natural born ones lack the empathetic link to others that the adults have
the natural born patchwork people have patterns on their skin and are far more prone to birthmarks than humans are, they often have strawberry birthmarks
Though they don't have stitches it's common for them to have strawberry birthmarks in the shape of stitches they inherited from their parents that gradually fade away as they get older
Patchwork people are extremely slow to grow hair and heal, especially the handmade ones, due to their slower metabolism
There's a peroid of him immediately after they were just made during which they are at their peak, and then afterwards they begin to age and degrade in strength. They can go back to their peak by taking a very long rest from vigorous activity for several weeks or a month
They can't grow muscles the way that humans can because of their lessened healing- doing so could harm and weaken them, even permanently.
While the average patchwork person is definitely stronger than the average human, the maximum human strength is higher than a patchwork person's.

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Re: random stuff I want to archive

Post by audrei9 »

They are CONSIDERABLY more resilient to temperature than humans are, so they can eat snow and ice and feel perfectly fine
Patchwork people can drink dirty/ salty/ more polluted water than humans can, often with no ill effects. Hence they can live in places humans find it hard to reach, without being uncomfortable
Natural born patchwork (aka patchwork people who start their lives as children) don't have the empathetic link that created patchwork people do- since they are children and develop like children they absorb knowledge the way humans do- by learning through experience
Under periods of extreme stress they can end up developing another form of an empathetic link, but never healthy for them in this way and it's almost always based on how to best survive
Patchwork people who are created with the empathetic link slowly get rid of it as they age and learn things like humans do- the link seems to be there to make it easier for them to learn and communicate
They too can develop this second empathetic link that appears under stress, it's like a second wind for them that's only used in emergencies
Patchwork people are more susceptible to mold and fungus than people are in the way how whales grow barnacles because they swim so slowly
Additional headcanon: some patchwork people have purple/ blue/ green/ yellow birthmarks, just anything the colour you might see in a bruise, just because their anatomy is different. They aren't injured, it's just how they look. It's very rare to find a patchwork person who's one colour all the way through their body, unless they were specially built to be like that.

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