LTT QB Alvean Wasps

This is where creature swaps for gender, lineage, color or date takes place

Moderator: Merchant District Moderators

Posts: 108
Joined: May 13th, 2024, 2:37:17 pm
Gender: Female

LTT QB Alvean Wasps

Post by Raspberri »

Hello! I currently have 3 Male Triathe Alvean Wasps.
I would love to trade 1 Male Triathe Alvean for a Female Triathe Alvean, and 1 Male Triathe Alvean for a Male Theia Alvean. They don't have to be adults, but I do need them to be unnamed, QB, without offspring.

Here are the Wasps:

Please do not mine my keep! Only the creatures I post in clicking threads should be clicked!!!

Wishlist: Any parentless, unnamed creatures. :yey:

On the lookout for (frozen) parentless hatchlings and eggs at "pretty" percentages:
xx.99 % / xx.00 %

If you think you have something I'd like and are willing to sell, please PM me with an offer! :haha: :bounce:

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