Birth of the Direcore

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Birth of the Direcore

Post by vaporeon11 »

Back in the olden days of Magistream, it was forbidden for two creatures of opposite species to breed. That is, no one truly enforced that law. Sure, if another creature saw a hybrid cub, they would wrinkle their nose, beak, whatever, in disgust. But no one was there to stop two creatures of other species to breed. One day, Polar, an albino Direwolf, had done the one thing no creature had imagined. She fell in love with a Manticore name Flame. Soon enough, the two had bred, and the Direcore was born. At first, no one liked the direcore cub, named Oppisite, but soon, he convinced everyone that he was just the same as them. Ever since then, Hybrids had been welcomed into Magistream.

this is an absolutely awful short story i wrote for no reason. i cringe when reading it.
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