Tale of Desert Sands

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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Tale of Desert Sands

Post by Kayliee »

[[About my tale]]

The name is changeable to whatever seems fit. It just needs a title so far.
I tried to make it seem as 3D as possible, with chances for new lands and creatures- taking ideas of creatures from the suggested creatures list. I picked the Gargoyle.

There is also optional introduction text if it is to be somthing a character says, or to be somthing written down or whatever ^^;

[[Optional Introduction]]
I have lived in these lands for many years and have heard many a tale. Probably the most farfetched yet interesting story I have heard is the one about the golden temple that is hidden under the layers of sand and the creatures it hides…
[[/End Optional introduction]]


The desert is a barren and desolate place.
It keeps its secrets and its stories to itself, choosing only a small handful to be able to hear its whispered tales.

The fine sands, ground down from massive boulders by the howl of the wind and the wash of the water. Then these granules of rock were carried to one area, forming the sweeping dunes as far as the eye could see.

These sands conceal a great secret, a legend of old.
Such legend being buried deeper down then the height of the tallest mountain, or the oldest tree.

Passed down from generation to generation of treasure seekers and fortune hunters, the legend has enticed and trapped many a foolish man’s heart for many years.

According to the legend, deep below the sands away from the burn of the sun or the rush of the wind lies a temple.
Such temple made from priceless alloys of gold and silver, bronze and copper. Statues from the finest ivory and marble, with gemstones used as embellishments, thrown everywhere in such abundance you would think it was the sand that surrounds the temple.

Inside slumbers a monster of legends.

It is a monster of claws, terrible teeth and unmatched strength.
But It doesn’t feed on blood or flesh of victims or unknowing prey. It is a gentle creature, asleep inside its cavern for many years, with all its children and descendants.

Made from the compressed sands of time, the great gargoyle sleeps, silent and motionless. Its children, made from stone sleep all through the temple. If you were to see such a creature, you would believe it to be a statue.

The most popular color of the creatures children is the dark stone, the same as their mother. Then there the variations, their stones different. The white pearly ivory, the swirls of the marble, the golden glow of sandstone.

The creatures slumber unaware of the riches surrounding them. They sleep unaware of the treasure seekers, or the breeders wanting new and interesting creatures.
They stay safe, deep underground in their silent slumber.

Only one human has claimed to have come across the temple, bringing such a story to life.
Many a year ago, He stumbled into town battered, bruised and bleeding. Sand was sticking to his wounds and blood. He had nothing except the clothes on his back and a hand full of precious stones, unlike anything seen before.
He only had enough time to mutter out his story to a scholar who wrote it on parchment before he gave one last gasp of air and passed away.

But is it all a story, the stuff of dreams?
The golden walls, the slumbering creatures, the gems in such abundance.
The tale the young man told that scholar that was written down on the parchment is now yellowed and curled at the corners.
It was many many many years ago and has become the stuff of legends.

But... Could it possibly… Even in the smallest chance... Could it possibly... Be real…?


Written by Kayliee
Gifts: I love anything parentless/stream born etc, particularly event creatures :)

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