The Erika and Sarduligan Fanclub! New RULES >:D

The place to converse with other members of a guild or club.

These rules are fair, yes?

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The Erika and Sarduligan Fanclub! New RULES >:D

Post by Pink »

Erika wrote: Yep. Like Debbil and Muku. We are two peas in a pod and we go together like stuff that goes together. Like a shoe and peanut butter
Sarduligan wrote: Someone should make a fanclub of us!

It has been decided. :yarly:
1. No weapons.
2. No hurting people.

Nevaeh (Voice and RB, I guess..); Ricansea; Gummibaren; Twinkiies; KittlyluvMysticwave; Ashleygal; Blissfulstars; DevilCrest; GoblinShark; Nighting; Popsiclehead; Hanners; JessHesch&Roberto; Yumiketi; Inkeyu; Desertstar; mewpawmika; dinohorse
Image- By KittyLuv

Code: Select all

oh god no one! yay!!
Weird but true facts:
"Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand.

And "lollipop" is the longest word typed with your right hand.

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".

Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.

The words "racecar," "kayak" and "level" are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left. These are called palindromes. How many more can you think of?
There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious."

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. (My cat, Tigger, sure does move his ears around a lot!)

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. (How would a goldfish do on a math test?)

A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

A snail can sleep for three years.

Almonds are a member of the peach family.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

There are more chickens than people in the world.

Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite!

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

The cruise liner, QE 2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men. (Maybe it's just because their make-up makes their eyes dry?)

Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.
An olive tree can live over 2000 years.
There are well-known olive trees in Croatia and the island of Crete that have been tested and dated at around 1600 and 2000 years old respectively. There have also been claims of the existence of millennial olive trees in Athens, Sardinia, and Israel, some supposedly as old as 4,000 years old!

Sealand claims to be the smallest "country" in the world. It's not even made out of land.

Oysters can change genders back and forth.

As a punishment for misbehavior, Thai cops have to wear pink Hello Kitty armbands.
A police chief in Bangkok, Thailand instituted a new policy for Bangkok cops in 2007. They have to wear pink Hello Kitty armbands with hearts on them as punishment for misbehaving. This punishment could be for just about anything: breaking the law, littering, showing up late to work, parking in the wrong place.

In Japan they have square watermelons.

Cracking your knuckles does not actually hurt your bones or cause arthritis. The sound you hear is just gas bubbles bursting.

The longest MONOPOLY game in history lasted 70 straight days.

Jellyfish evaporate in the sun. They're 98% water.

A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.

Cats that fall from higher than 7 stories get fewer injuries than those that fall from lower levels.

In 1945, a rooster by the name of Mike lived 18 months without a head.

There's alcohol IN SPACE!
In 2006, astronomers discovered a cloud of alcohol in part of the Milky Way where stars are forming from gas and dust. The good news: the alcohol cloud is 463 billion kilometers (about 288 miles) across. The bad news: the cloud is made of methyl alcohol, the undrinkable cousin of ethyl alcohol (drinking alcohol).

When you put a seashell next to your ear, it's the sound of your blood surging in your veins, not the ocean.

You can overdose and die from coffee.

An average person will spend 1 1/2 years of their lifetime in the bathroom.

McDonald's SALADS are more fattening than their burgers.

Laughter is extremely difficult to control consciously. Most people cannot laugh on command.

People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't.

If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.

The Bible is the number one most shoplifted book of all time.

In 1979, a woman jumped off the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, and LIVED.

When you kiss someone for a minute, you both burn about 2.6 calories.

Women speak about 7000 words a day. The average man averages just over 2000.

101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die throughout the movie.

Four is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its actual value

An average person will spend 1 1/2 years of their lifetime in the bathroom.

A Rubik's cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible configurations.

Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries because Colgate translates into the command 'go hang yourself.'

Ever heard of a Cryovolcano? It's a volcano that shoots out ICE rather than lava.

Did you know that "ough" can be pronounced TEN DIFFERENT WAYS?

Farmville players outnumber real farmers in the US by a ratio of 60 to 1.

Over 2500 left-handed people a year are killed from using equipment made for right-handed people.

In Detroit, in 1937, a baby fell from the 4th floor of a building, falling on a man who was passing below. One year later exactly the same thing happened - another baby, another 4th floor window, same man.

The orca whale has been known to eat deer it finds swimming in shallow water.

The orca whale also has been known to eat (Far larger) baleen whales, such as the blue whale (The largest species on earth) by ramming their sides to get them to open their mouths, then rushing in and ripping the tongue to shreds.

The pigeon, commonly found in cities across the U.S, is properly called the Rock Dove, and is actually native to mountainous regions in Europe and Africa, which explains why they adapted so readily to city life.

Both the Cookie-Cutter shark and the Goblin shark are existing species. The Cookie-Cutter gets its name from the way it feeds, while the Goblin shark gets it from its appearance.

Micropachycephalosaurus has the longest name of all dinosaurs, yet is among the smallest.

The dodo was a relative of the pigeon.

While dogs can be fed a fully vegetarian diet, cats absolutely need meat to survive.

Every year, dogs kill more people in the US than Great White sharks have in the past 100 years.

The ostrich lays the largest eggs on land but, the whale shark lays the largest eggs IN THE WORLD.

The Crocodile has the most powerful bite on the planet, but you can keep their jaws closed with just some duct tape.

Goldfish were originally grayish green or brown.

The color red DOES NOT make bulls go crazy. Bulls are color blind.

The Average Person Has between 1,460 and 2,190 Dreams A Year.

President James Garfield could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other - AT THE SAME TIME.

The hottest temperature ever recorded on earth was 136°F in Al' Aziziyah, Libya in September of 1922.

Believe it or not, you actually CAN'T see the Great Wall of China from Space!

Siberian Salamanders can freeze solid and still survive

Sharks have been around for LONGER than dinosaurs - nearly 400 million years. Some prehistoric sharks were 80 feet long - almost as long as a BASKETBALL COURT.

The Basenji is a unique breed of dog. It can't bark!

The lion sleeps for 20 hours a day.

Your funny bone is not actually a bone. It's actually a really sensitive nerve. And hitting that nerve isn't funny at all!

Cats sweat through the pads of their feet.

Even though Jupiter is made of hydrogen and helium, the lightest gasses, it is the heaviest planet in the Solar System.

There are more TV sets in an average U.S. household than there are people.

Yes, you CAN tickle YOURSELF! The only place you can tickle yourself is the top of your mouth. TRY IT.

Dolphins shut down half of their brains when they sleep.
Scientists hooked electrodes to dolphins' heads . That way they could monitor their brain activity throughout the day. What they found: rather than sleeping the way we do, they spend 8 hours every day with half of their brains shut down. They just float around semi-consciously. So if you ever wanted to use a half-sleeping dolphin as a pillow, now you know what to do.

Dolphins are "conscious breathers". That is, they need to think about every time that they breathe. If they went fully into sleep like we do, they wouldn't be able to breathe, and they would die.

The largest egg on land did not belong to a dinosaur (Well, could be depending upon your beliefs), but to the Elephant Bird, a large flightless bird from Madagascar.

Dalmatians are born spotless.

Penguin bones are not hollow, unlike most birds, which helps them sink under the water.

Though dog breeds vary widely in intelligence, all cat breeds are around equal.

Very rarely, a female narwhal may grow a tusk. Even more rarely, a male may have two tusks.

Male jacannas may mate with females seconds after she kills his chicks. They have memories that bad.

While North America was covered by mammoth and sabretooths during the last ice-age, South America had giant sloths and immense terror birds.

Egyptian vultures will use rocks to crack open ostrich eggs.
Last edited by Pink on December 20th, 2010, 7:37:20 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Sarduligan »

Sard can has fan club!?!?!?
Pet must be told immediately!!! :hooray:
I am a brony.
'Nuff said.
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Ricansea »

ooooooooooh I must join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Gummibaren »

:woo: Can I join..?! =D
I'll be like, the creepy stalker, 1# Fan. xD
Mkay. :D
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Sarduligan »

Yush yush.
Ricansea can join, in fact, all can join, I'm desperate! :haha:

GummiBaren; Fan yesh, stalker...I dunno, go ahead. :t-shrug:

Though, these are not final.
We must get Pet's word on this! *Points finger in the air epicly*
I am a brony.
'Nuff said.
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Gummibaren »

Kidding. :P
Fun Fun Fun..!
Is she online? :wee:
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Sarduligan »

No, sadly.
Now we have 3 members!
5 if you include Pet and I. :crazy:
I am a brony.
'Nuff said.
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Ricansea »

*sniff* you only accept me cuz you're desperate?? :t-puppyeyes:

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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Sarduligan »

I accept chu because you're...
A person.
I am a brony.
'Nuff said.
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Re: The Petpettrish and Sarduligan Fanclub!

Post by Ricansea »

D: just... just a person? :t-puppyeyes:

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