Magistream Families Master List (Updated 1/11/2017)

This is the place for threads dedicated to families and lineages

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Magistream Families Master List (Updated 1/11/2017)

Post by Ayakashi »


This thread is specifically for posting corrections/questions about the current list of Magistream families. Kriever and I will do our very best to correct it.

As of Jan 11, 2017, there of 16,930 families on the list.

We ask that there be no chatting in this thread as there are already two threads for that in both the Site News Forum and the Community Discussion Forum. This thread is specifically for editing and correcting the current list.

As usual all Magistream rules apply.

Magistream Families Master List

Open for posting!

Notice: This thread is not for telling us to add your family to the list. There is a system we follow. You're family will be added in the order it was created. This thread is specifically for the posting of corrections to the list including but not limited to misspellings of family names, misspelling of usernames, wrong username with a family, wrong progenitor species, etc. Please stop posting about new families you've created.
Last edited by Ayakashi on January 11th, 2017, 10:19:13 am, edited 19 times in total.

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Ayakashi »


1. How do I create a family?
To create a family first choose a creature to breed. At the top of the screen there will be a button that says, "Create a Family." Click it and a text box will come up for you to enter your family name in. (Note if using IE you must first check the box and then click off to one side of the box to get the text box to come up) Once you enter your family name select the mate you wish to breed your creature with. If the breeding is successful your family is created.




2. Where can I view my family?
Once created all families get their own page. The page can be viewed either by typing in the following url with the family number or by clicking on the family name on a creature's page.

Code: Select all NUMBER HERE

Family link on creature page.

Family Page.

3. How can I edit/add a family crest/description to my family page?
On your family page there is an "edit" button just under your family name. Click it and a couple of text boxes will appear. One you can enter the location of your desired crest image into and hit the "Upload" button to post your crest. The second larger box you can enter a family description of up to 1000 words.



If you want to change your crest simply click the "remove crest" check box and hit save. Then upload the new image.

4. Can the creatures that are used to create a family only breed with each other?
The creatures used to create a family, called the progenators, can only breed with each other. They cannot breed with any other creature once they successfully create a family.

5. Do the creatures used to create a family have to be Stream/Shop born?
No, the creatures used to create a family do not have to be Stream or Shop born. They can be any gen, but note that the offspring of the creature will be listed as a first gen even if its parents are in second or longer gens.

6. Why does the list end at Family #2000?
It doesn't click the tab at the bottom of the screen labeled "Families 2001-" to see families #2001 and higher.
Because of the large file size a second sheet needed to be started to prevent Google Docs from freezing and not saving recent changes. Thankfully Google Docs works just like a regular MS Excel file and can have multiple sheets.

7. If I buy both progenitors of a lineage can I edit the family page?
Yes, you can.
Last edited by Ayakashi on September 28th, 2014, 1:13:27 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Kriever »

..:: FAQ - Regarding Google Documents ::..

1) I've got the spreadsheet up, and I see an error, but I can't change it!
That's because currently, Ayakashi, HoukaRyuu and I (And probably a few others unnamed) are the only ones who are allowed to edit it. Post in this thread with:
The family number or family name [First column beside the Numbers]
What's wrong with it.

And we will fix it as soon as possible.

2) My family is not up on the list!
Was your family made recently? If it was, then be patient. This Master list is compiled by both of us, and is completely fan-made. The system does not log it, and both of us being regular users, have other commitments in real life and MagiStream. Both of us live in different timezones so we are more flexible, but we may be late a day or two sometimes.

3) So, how exactly do I search on this thing?
Kindly use the Google Doc's search, not your browser's. Press Ctrl+F.

Something should pop up that looks like this:
^--- Please use this search. It is more accurate, and sometimes your browser one does not pick up the later entries.

I use Firefox, so my browser's search box is like this, at the bottom of my screen.
Please don't use this one.

4) And if I find the family name I wanted to make?
Then you cannot use the name, it is taken by another user, full-stop.

5) The list ends at 2,000!
This has actually been answered by Unicornsky above, but since it's still under GoogleDocs in a sense...

It doesn't. Click the tab at the bottom of the screen labeled "Families 2001-" to see families #2001 and higher.
Because of the large file size a second sheet needed to be started to prevent Google Docs from freezing and not saving recent changes. Thankfully Google Docs works just like a regular MS Excel file and can have multiple sheets.

All the way at the bottom of your window.
Last edited by Kriever on June 13th, 2011, 9:36:06 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Kriever »

This is the general FAQ hosted on another fansite, The Emerald Hatchery, at the request of TNHawke. ... thread=268


Q. What is a Lineage?
A. A feature where players may denote any breeding pair as Proginators (and they may only breed with each other thereafter) of a line, and the name of the family will follow all subsequent children of those creatures.

Q. What was the first Lineage?
A. Darksea was the first lineage, created by Tristan, for a single, female, SB Hallow Capricorn. This Lineage came out several months before the option was rolled out for all players to create their own.

Q. Do all lineages follow just the mother like Ember Darksea?
A. No. Lineages made by players add the name to both male and female of the Progenator pair.

Q. What happened to lineages 2 through 7?
A. They were Tristan's test lineages and were deleted upon the rollout of the function.

Q. Why does Tristan have a lineage of Cinersi?
A. Because he's Tristan and says he can.

Q. Can an egg or hatchling with a lineage name be used for the quests as long as it doesn't have a regular name?
A. Yes, and once it is used, the creature disappears from the lineage page.

Q. Is there a way to look up a lineage by its family name?
A. No. (but it has been requested)

Q. How can I view what lineages have been made?
A. The simplest way is to look for one of the lists made by other players. You can also enter "family/***" into the address bar of your browser and change "***" into what number you wish to view.

~How to, Crests and Descriptions

Q. How do I create a new Lineage?
A. When you click breed on a creature, under the potential mates is a little box that says next to it, "Create a Family."
Check the box, and then click somewhere off of it. (Not the creature you want to breed with!) A text box will appear for you to put the family name in. Once you have entered the family name you want just click the creature you want to breed with and if the breeding is successful the family is created.

Q. Why doesn't the box to put in my lineage name appear?
A. Some browsers aren't loading the type box when you check the "create lineage" option. The best way to get around this is to click the option, then click next to it (or anywhere else on the page that is NOT another creature). After that, the type box will appear, you can enter the name you want and then click the chosen mate.

Q. What happens if the creatures aren't interested when I'm trying to create my Lineage?
A. The Lineage will NOT be made, but you can try again in a few days.

Q. Does it work with only Original Generations? (SB, QB, GB?)
A. No, any generation of creature may be used to start a lineage.

Q. What is a crest?
A. A crest is a symbol/ seal of a family. Think of the royal crests/ coats of arms of medieval times.

Q. Do I have to add the Description and Crest right away or at the same time the lineage is made?
A. No, they may be added later.

Q. How do you add the family crest?
A. To add crests you to to a creature page with the lineage and click
Family: (Link here)
Click "Link here".

Q. How long can a family description be?
A. 1000 characters- this includes, spaces, punctuation, letters and numbers.

Q. Can I change the Description or Crest?
A. Yes, you may edit them any time.

Q. Can a family crest be deleted?
A. "Dere ish now a ...hic... way to delete dem. Yaaayy.. :t-woo:: " ~ Tristan (drunken admins are funny)

~About Names

Q. How long can a family name be?
A. Up to 20 characters (letters and spaces only).

Q. How long can a creature's regular name be?
A. 21 characters (letters and spaces only)

Q. Can lineages have numbers, punctuation or other 'special characters' in them?
A. No, English letters and spaces only.

Q. Can a Lineage name be used more than once like our creature names can be?
A. No. Lineage names are unique and you will get an error message if the name is already taken. "A family with that name already exists."

Q. I don't like the name I gave my family, can I change it?
A. No, family names are permanent, so be careful of what you enter!


Q. Will the offspring born before these new lineages came out get the lineage name retroactively?
A. No. Previously hatched offspring of the pair do NOT get the lineage name. Morgaln called them 'illegitimate', but that's not a very nice thing to say!

Q. Can my Progenitor pair breed with other creatures?
A. No, they become a dedicated pair and will never breed with any other creature again.

Q. What happens if you breed creatures from two different lineages?
A. The offspring will have one of the two names, decided randomly.

Q. Can a creature born from one lineage be used to create a new one?
A. No. Creatures that already have a family name cannot be used to start a new family.

Q. Can I breed creatures with the same lineage name together?
A. No. The system does not allow for inbreeding of lineages. (there are some previously bred Darkseas that are inbred, this is no longer possible in the new system)

Q. Will the unlineaged mates of a non-Progenitor lineaged creature acquire their mate's lineage name?
A. No.

Q. Why does my X Generation Progenitor creatures have a baby that is listed as a 1st Gen in my lineage?
A. Because it is of the first generation from the creation of the Lineage.

Breaking/ Getting Rid of a Lineage

Q. What if I release one of the Progenitors of my lineage?
A. Unfortunately, the remaining creature will be a widow/widower and unable to breed again.

Q. What happens if I sell one of the Progenitors of my lineage?
A. The two creatures will be unable to breed until brought back together in the keep of a single owner.

Q. If I release both Progenitors, can the family name be re-used?
A. No.

Q. What happens if I sell both Progenitors of a lineage to the same person?
A. They can be bred and create offspring of the lineage. The Lineage page will continue to credit the original creator of the lineage, regardless of who owns it at the time.

Q. Can Master Belmos strip a creature of its lineage name, like he does their regular name?
A. No. The creatures will keep their lineage name.

Q. What happens if you release a child from the family?
A. They still show up in the family page.
Last edited by Kriever on September 3rd, 2010, 3:43:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Kriever »

Probably shouldn't be posting again, but this is a note so that you all can read it:

If you've changed your username, please send us a PM or post in here, so we can change it.

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Cadcatz »

1 of my family names is spelled incorrectly :)

Family #146 - Sturthopus - Should be Struthopus

Thanks for maintaining the list :wave:
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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Kriever »

Cadcatz wrote:1 of my family names is spelled incorrectly :)

Family #146 - Sturthopus - Should be Struthopus

Thanks for maintaining the list :wave:

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by SwnyTddObsd »

Under My name is spelled "correctly", but the O (the letter) was replaced with a 0 (zero) :wave: I don't show up under family number 1078 that way.

And may I just drop a note for SilverSun and Aerrow, who used to be SilverCamaro and mikoofdoom (respectively)? I don't know if they've seen the request about username changes. :t-sweat:

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Kriever »

SwnyTddObsd wrote:Under My name is spelled "correctly", but the O (the letter) was replaced with a 0 (zero) :wave: I don't show up under family number 1078 that way.

And may I just drop a note for SilverSun and Aerrow, who used to be SilverCamaro and mikoofdoom (respectively)? I don't know if they've seen the request about username changes. :t-sweat:
Resolved, regarding your name...
I found families by SilverCamaro:
108, Waterlogged
110, Agnora
358, Debbil
359, Fire Singer
727, Dragonizer
763, Bunny Brains
773, Howley
1001, BrandNameChocolate
1002, Pastels
1368, Apple Mac
1369, Abyss

For mikoofdoom:
128, Kichigan Rikugun
597, Ookami
604, Kurisumasu
706, Belyj Shokolad
836, Mariana
952, Niebieski
976, Bitterschokolade
1077, Energy
1391, Black Burn
1392, Seafoam
1666, Anciasnapis
1719, Elyon
2028, Midnight

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Re: Magistream Families Master List

Post by Cynthia »

I've changed my name to Cynthia, was formerly arcania1997.
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