The Book Wyrms - a Magistream Book Club - OPEN

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The Book Wyrms - a Magistream Book Club - OPEN

Post by Carthasis »

Hello and welcome to the Book Wyrms, Magistream’s brand new Book Club!

Our aim is to connect all the voracious readers here on Magistream and to provide a forum for discussing our favourite pastime (apart from playing Magistream, of course), for sharing book recs and for keeping track of our reading goals.

Everyone is welcome! Fantasy is your poison? Or maybe rather crime? Historical, science fiction, young adult, biographies, drama or even classic lit? Come in, if you like a brick of a novel or short stories, drama or poetry. Also welcome is discussion of all the various formats books come in. Prefer paperbacks to weighty hardbacks? Have a Kindle? Adore a certain audio book narrator? This is the place for you!

  • Stay nice, follow Magistream rules and use spellcheck.
  • Don't force me to make more rules.

And now I’ll turn the advertiser mode off and ask you – what would you want from a MS book club? Myself, I want a place where I can keep notes about the books I read and hopefully talk to others who have also read them. Other things I could imagine would be reading challenges (read a certain number of books, read books of a certain author or about a certain theme). Monthly discussions about some particular book maybe?
We certainly need a few buttons or small banners – anyone who’s got a knack for graphics?

One definite feature of this club will be readings lists (if only because I want them :D). Every member who wants to start a reading list should reserve one post for this purpose and give me the link to it, so I can make up a nice and shiny list for the front page. (Your introduction post would probably suit best.) How you design your reading list is your own decision – you could just post the titles of books you read, you could rate them or even write entire reviews about them. It’s up to you!


Get going!

I saw Book Wyrms suggested as a name- yay or nay? (we could totally make up a rating - from grey for meh books to gold for OMG!BESTBOOKEVAH!)
Last edited by Carthasis on December 28th, 2010, 4:06:42 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Magistream Book Wyrms - Members

Post by Carthasis »

Last edited by Carthasis on June 20th, 2011, 4:53:59 am, edited 25 times in total.
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Magistream Book Wyrms - Banners

Post by Carthasis »


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Made your own baners and want them to be added? Drop me a PM!
Last edited by Carthasis on July 27th, 2011, 6:32:58 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Magistream Book Wyrms - reserved

Post by Carthasis »

Last edited by Carthasis on January 14th, 2011, 10:33:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Magistream Book Wyrms - reserved

Post by Carthasis »

Last edited by Carthasis on January 14th, 2011, 10:34:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Magistream Book Club [OPEN]

Post by Carthasis »

I love books, let me in!
Username: Carthasis
Favourite books/authors/genres: I mostly read fantasy & historical, but also all kinds of other stuff. I don't have THE favourite books, but some books I come back to again and again are, among others Diana Gabaldon's Outlander & Lord John novels, Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Naomi Novik's Temeraire books, The Lord of the Rings & pretty much anything by Robin Hobb set in her Farseeer Universe.
Recommend ONE book! Tell us why it's great!
I'd like to recommend The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon I haven't quite finished reading it yet, but so far I've enjoyed it more than anything else I've read lately. It's beautifully written, fast despite being detailed & with amazing characters that make you laugh and cry with them. And it's about comic books. While I don't really like comic books as such, I do understand the language of pictures and a book that manages to convey it without having a single illustration - that's gotta be good!

And now - to lists!

Reading right now

Deanna Raybourn - Silent in the Grave

Books of 2011
goal: 75 / reached: 18
I've had less time than I used to for reading and with internet gobbling up the little rest that remained, I've read fewer and fewer books over the last years. This is why three years ago I joined an informal 'Read 50 books in a year' challenge. 2010 was the first year when I managed to meet this goal and so I'm upping it for 2011 - I mean to read 75 books in the coming year. It doesn't matter if the books are fiction or non-fiction, novels, short-story collection, print or audiobooks.
*phew* Wish me luck. Recs are always welcome :D And if you want to join me - for 75 books or 50 or even just 25 - the more, the merrier!

1. C.S. Lewis - The Silver Chair - rather boring on the whole. That's one book in the series that never gripped me.
2. C.S. Lewis - The Last Battle - drags a little & has a more simplistic plot than the others, very limited by the choice of location. Religious motives somewhat less annoying than remembered, but on the whole make the book much more boring than it could have been.
3. Jacqueline Carey - Kushiel's Chosen - audiobook, Anne Flosnik still has a very emotional voice that turns whiny occasionally or sounds like she's trying much too hard to portray emotions. Which isn't bad in itself, but she's taking it too far I. The book itself has a somewhat too predictable plot and a bit too much repetition of the previous book. I like to see the world expanded somewhat and see how the historical changes whose effect we previously saw on only three countries influenced larger parts of Europe & beyond. Language is still too wordy and too flowery on occasion and together with the over-use of repetition and foreshadowing too cumbersome to be really enjoyable.
4. Jacqueline Carey - Kushiel's Avatar
5. Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
6. Robert Jordan - The Eye of the World - Audiobook, read by Kate Reading, and Michael Kramer - interesting, but oddly unfulfilling despite the length. I have the feeling I didn't understand half of the book because the motivations of most characters lacked transparency (though thinking more on it, they seemed to be so flat and simple as to be non-existent) and crucial world building details were used without explanation (or with explanation that was so cryptic as to make little sense). I decided I'll try to read the book as if I didn't know that there are a dozen sequels and I could find every little detail explained in a wiki and stood on its own like that, the plot and the characters (some of which were occasionally very grating in their one-sidedness) didn't convince entirely. The writing however was very gripping, and I'm willing to give the next book a chance...
7. Tana French - In the Woods - pending notes. (Good, but not excellent, resolution somewhat unconvincing, a bit too wordy occasionally, very slow pace but doesn't get boring most of the time.)
8. Tana French - The Likeness - audio, read by Heather O'Neill (excellent) - pending notes (good, unlikely premise, great atmosphere, slow pace)
9. Tana French - The Likeness - audio, read by Tim Gerard Reynolds (very good, though started out somewhat bland.) - pending notes - (very good, more family drama/character study than mystery/crime - crime very predictable, less police procedure than last two - dialogue thing of beauty - a tiny bit too long in places)
10. Brandon Sanderson - The Final Empire
11. Brandon Sanderson - The Well of Ascension
12. Brandon Sanderson - The Hero of Ages - Mistborn Trilogy, supposed to be the first of three set in that world, but what with the author's piles of other projects, I'm not holding my breath. Audiobook read by Michael Kramer - very nice reading, though could have been a bit faster in places. Read part of the last book in print, to speed things up. I think I'd recommend this series in print because the slow reading pace aggravates the books' biggest flaw - sluggish pace & endless naval-gazing of the PoV characters. Second book was the worst offender in this regard, with very little plot to carry the story.
On the whole however, I did like the series very much. I thoroughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the magic system, as well as the progression of the plot, with small clues strewn in from the earliest chapters. There was little new in the characters but I didn't think it was a necessarily bad thing in this case, the familiarity allowed me to pay more attention to the world and explore its details more than I'd have had if I'd been caught up in the minds of characters. I did find it interesting however that, while the first book started out with the entirely conventional fantasy hero - female in this case, which is what had drawn me in the first place, in the second and third books the old hero role was kind of split on two of the main characters, which unfortunately resulted in double the wallowing in self-doubt a hero must traditionally go through.
I did like it on the whole and read all three books back to back.

13. Michael Chabon - The Final Solution - pretty short novella, enjoyable but nothing special. The prose somewhat inconsistent - occasionally fluent and evocative, at other times drowning in superfluous metaphor and allusions. The last part was rushed, the resolution seemed somewhat pointless.
Not a keeper.

14. Maria V. Snyder - Poison Study - audiobooks, read by Gabra Zackman. Reading pretty good, I liked Zackman's voice and enunciation but occasionally it was a bit too rushed and pauses (presumably paragraph breaks) weren't used to full effect or at all. Prose was simple and not too over-the-top, but the dialogue had some very week spots.Characters were a bit simplistic and their development, if it happened at all was a bit forced. Plot was also not overly deep, but just complex enough to keep me interested and listening. It would have been much better if spread over more books, with more room given to the political intrigue and the worldbuilding, which remained very superficial with extremely intriguing glimpses that promised more but never delivered. On the whole enjoyable, and showed a lot of potential , but in the end not very memorable and didn't make me want to read the next two in the series. (Author's debut, so it might be worth watching future novels to see if she grows into it.)

15. James MCGee - Resurrectionist - audiobook read by Andrew Wincott, didn't like the reader, they way he emphasized some words/sentences was odd. Didn't like the way he read Hawkwood either, made him unsympathetic. Might have been the reason I couldn't connect to the protagonist, he remained distant and somehow too emotionally uninvolved. However, I liked the book on the whole, it was fast paced, and though not terribly original engaging enough. It's the 2nd in a series, but that didn't matter too much, as with many mysteries it can stand alone. I found it interesting however that the London evoked did not translate as Regency to me. It was almost Hogarthian in its grotesqueness. (Which isn't bad, as I like mid-18th century more than early 19th.) Will definitely have to try the other books in the series, though in print, unless I find a different reader.

16. Kristen Britain - The Green Rider
17. Kristen Britain - First Rider's Call
18. Kristen Britain - The High King's Tomb
- Audiobooks read by Annie Wauters /Paperback - good reading, but print probably better because audio makes the writing's shortcoming stand out more. Some rather tolkienesque world building/plot. Writing okay, sometimes too much exposition, character development sometimes explained rather than shown, but not overly grating. Fantasy-for-all-ages type of book. On the whole pretty enjoyable, familiar & comfortable fantasy - nothing new, but likeable anyway. Will definitely keep up with the series.
18. Jo Walton - Tooth and Claw - [notes pending]
19. Barbara Ewing - The Fraud - read by Ruth Sillers. [notes pending]

Started but did not finish:
Philippa Gregory - Wideacre - about 3 hours of audiobook, read by Jilly Bond. Reading was lovely, writing not bad at all and the plot sounded promising - women right's, 18th century, what's not to love? But then she started with the brother of the heroine apparently being brainwashed into masochism by school bullies and turning from an angry, self assured lordling, lording it over a servant to a submissive mindless baby crawling at the servant's feet as if a switch was turned... yeah. No. That ain't how BDSM works, Gregory. Seeing as I don't feel like reading idiotic portrayals of BDSM characters, I dropped the book like hot coals there and then.

- Elly Griffiths - The Crossing Places - 20 minutes of audiobook - main character seems incredibly boring and shallow, present tense annoying, too 'simple', too much explanation of common knowledge stuff, odd & out of place religious comments.

- Robert Jordan - The Great Hunt - about a third of the audiobook, book two of WoT, sluggish pace, flat cardboard characters who aren't only stereotypical but incredibly dense, which makes their plot-driving actions entirely unbelievable. Not that there is much of the plot that might be driven. Waste of Time IMO.

- Patrick Ness - The Knife of Never Letting Go - about an hour of audiobook read by Nick Podehl. Same as with "The Name of the Wind". I can't stand Podehl's whiny teenageresque voice and find his US accent (though fitting in terms of this book) unbearable in the context of an audiobook. It's too drawling, too exaggerated for me to listen to. I don't mind most AE accents when spoken normally, but in the relatively slow and enunciated reading of a book I find them grating.
Still, interesting premise, written in present tense, which I didn't consciously notice at first, but was likely the reason why I was uncomfortable with the prose. Also, USian flavour of religious themes, which I'm decidedly not in the mood for right now. Will try it in print some other time.
Last edited by Carthasis on August 7th, 2011, 1:29:07 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: The Magistream Book Club - OPEN!

Post by GamingGal »

I love books, let me in!
Username: GamingGal
Favourite books/authors/genres: Stephenie Meyer, Ellen Hopkins, Stephen King (aka, The Master)
Recommend ONE book! Tell us why it’s great! The Gunslinger by Stephen King. It's the first book in his Dark Tower series and has a little bit of everything for everyone. It's a mixture of western, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and a bunch of other things thrown into a melting pot to make a series that rivals the Lord of the Rings stuff.

I stalked this as soon as I saw you creating it :lol:
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A tiny man would tell a little joke and get a tiny laugh from all the folks.
Sitting drifting around in bubbles and thinking it was us that carried them
when we finally got it figured out that we had truly missed the boat"
Modest Mouse says...
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Re: The Magistream Book Club - OPEN!

Post by Seleya »

I love books, let me in!
Username: Seleya
Favourite books/authors/genres: Anything and everything with the possible exception of romance.
I love prose and poetry (from Homer to Dante and beyond), history, travel, classical literature, crime, fantasy, science-fiction, well-done YA, biographies...
Recommend ONE book! Tell us why it’s great! Just one? It has to be the Silmarillion.
I swear by professor Tolkien, he was amazing on so many levels it should be illegal, what has been published as 'The Silmarillion' is a corpus of legends and history from the early ages of Middle-Earth, forming the backdrop of the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
It's rich, it's textured, it feels millennia old.
The Silmarillion was the second book I read in English (my native language is Italian), I opened it, read 'The Music of the Ainur' and there was no turning back, I was bewitched by the depth of imagination and the richness and the musicality of the language.
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Re: The Magistream Book Club - OPEN!

Post by oceanmist »

I love books, let me in!
Username: oceanmist
Favourite books/authors/genres: Inkheart series, Warriors series, Hunger Games, most fantasy books involving animals.
Recommend ONE book! Tell us why it’s great! A book I would recommend would be Inkheart. It has an interesting plot and many twists. This was one book I could hardly put down(which is rare when I venture out of my usually series of books). And the other two books in the series are good and well written.

And I think I can make a few userbars for the club. ^_^
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Re: The Magistream Book Club - OPEN!

Post by Carthasis »

Oh hey, another DarkTower fan :D
I fell so hard for that series from the very first line of the Gunslinger! Perfect entry!
"The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed."...

Though I think my favourite book from it is actually The Drawing of the Three.

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