Island of Dragons

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Island of Dragons

Post by kittykatkit35770895 »

This is the story of a dragon's journey to an island of dragons.
Chapter 1 The Warning
Dawn breaked. As I lay, a long, thunderous sound came. It echoed through my head after it left. All day, and all night, it echoed a warning saying "You must lead the others to the island of dragons, or fall to your doom. You have one month.' I knew what it meant, I had to wake the others. Early the next day, when the others awoke, I told them what I had heard. They all laughed when I finished my story. One of them said:
"Yeah, nice one. Like dragons will actually fall to our doom. And everyone knows it takes more than a month to get to the Island of Draco the Great from here." Draco was a great dracologist who once was our friend. We honored him with the island of dragons. I knew we didn't have much time to get there, so I figured if we get a head start, and leave when the moon is at it's brightest,we could get there right in time. Everyone thought that I was joking, but this is serious. I knew just the way though. Dragons would fall for nearly anything. I had to scare them to get them to go. Or i'll have to go by myself. It's the only way.
Chapter 2 Prank Drop-In
I call it Prank Drop-In. I am going to dress up as the spirit, Nahita, the spirit who I think sent me the message, and tell them to go or fall to their doom. When I had the costume and make-up on and all the special effects, I waited for nightfall. When night fell upon our land, I flew into the air. To gather everyone's attention, I made a breeze throught the air and turned the special effects on. When everyone camee, I said to them
"I am Nai, the spirit of doom, I suppose you are getting ready for the great move?" If you are, excellent, but if you are not, get ready for your great doom!" Everyone laughed. "Yeah right, Lillia!"said one of the dragons. But when he turned around to find me gazing up at the spirit, he let out a roar. "But if you are down here, who is up there?" he asked in great fear. "Nai, Nahita's spiritual sister. Each spirit has a sister, you know. One who sends warnings, and one to make sure people and creatures big and small are following them. They can be very powerful." I answered. "How do you know?" he asked again."Because I am Nahita, spirit of dragons." I said in reply.
I have different RP's and this is the link to one, so please join: ... pting.html

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