The Adoptery - Design a Creature Contests

This forum is for art threads giving out adoptables

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The Adoptery - Design a Creature Contests

Post by Haken »

Design a Creature Contests <3

creak creak creak

Strange sounds fill the air as you walk down the narrow forest path, the rustle of dead leaves beneath each step. The thick fog that surrounded you has died down to a shallow mist. In front of you stands a large building painted in dark green moss. A dim light flickers through a window boarded with rotted wood planks. The creaking you heard before continues as a small breeze sways along the sign that hangs above the door.

The Adoptery

"Welcome to The Adoptery, how may I help you," says a mysterious figure shrouded in darkness. The soft voice hints of a female hidden in the shadows, though you can't make her out from the darkness of the back room.

"You seem to be new here. Ah I bet you're wondering what this place is. Well then, follow me and I'll tell you,"

About the Adoptery

So this is The Adoptery. The Adoptery is a place where creatures found within the Selgara forests are taken and put up for adoption. You see, the forest is being endangered by the expansion of Human Territory and the creatures of the forest are beginning to lose their homes. So we at the Adoptery have decided to take these poor beings in and find them good homes as partners with those willing.

We have hunters and rangers who look for creatures, though all they ever bring are eggs. It's safer that way as we can train them at birth. It's harder to tame a beast of the wild after all. When they've brought in the eggs, we put them in the Adoption Port where they await adoption. The Port isn't always in stock though, but we try to stock it daily. It all depends on how our hunters do.

06/03/2011 - Project Streams and Ponds Ended, New Lumyre Pond
05/02/2011 - New Design a Creature Contests!
22/02/2011 - Project Streams and Ponds Started, Adoption Port Restocked, New Coupons and Starter Pack Items
21/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked
20/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked, Project Buzzing Breeze Ended, Tuck Shop Opened
19/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked, Project Buzzing Breeze Started
18/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked
16/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked
14/02/2011 - Happy Valentines Day!
13/02/2011 - A Loving Surprise <3
12/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked, Project Feathered Rumor Concluded
11/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked, Project Spectrum Concluded, Project Feathered Rumor Started, Eggs hatch after 3 days now
10/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked, Project Spectrum Started
09/02/2011 - 4 new items added
08/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked, Un-Adopted Eggs section added
07/02/2011 - Adoption Port Restocked
05/02/2011 - The Adoptery just opened

Price Tags

Below are the prices for various items sold in the Adoptery.

The prices are in gold but we will also accept creature of the Magistream as payment as long as they are worth around the same amount in gold. Below is a list of Magistream creatures I'll be accepting (M meaning only Males, F meaning on Females, M/F meaning any gender, Child meaning on Hatchlings).

Magistream creatures I will accept as payment
All Donation, Shop, Special and Quest creatures will be accepted.
I accept either stream/shop/quest borns or bred creatures.

Bred Creatures

Fire Gryphon (M Child)
Ice Gryphon (M Child)

Ocean Leviathan (M/F)

Albino Dire Wolf (M/F Child)
Albino Nandi Bear (M/F)

Chimera (M Child)

Lunar Hippogryph (M/F Child)

Amethyst Capricorn (M/F Child)
Meridian Capricorn (M/F)
Hallow Capricorn (M/F Child)

Green Crystalwing (M/F)
Bronze Crystalwing (M/F)

Pinto Pegasus (M/F)

Gold Pearl Wyrm (M/F)

Tevera Enox (M/F Child)

Stream Born

Etanian Alphyn (F Child)
Savannah Alphyn (F Child)

Anaugi (M Child)

Axolotl (M/F)

Brontotherium (F Child)

Mist Stalker (M/F)

Nandi Bear (F Child, F Adult)

Copper Pearl Wyrm (M/F Child)
Black Pearl Wyrm (F Child)

Light Minicorn (F Child)

Tropical Tarsier (M Child)

Sacred Scarab (M/F Child)

Gray Raza Cobra (M/F)
Brown Raza Cobra (M Child)

Ashevor (M/F Child)

Sandy Amagnae (M/F Child)
Brown Amagnae (M/F)
Silver Amagnae (M/F)

Vasant Beetle (M/F)

Ariessa (M/F)
Adoption Port: 5, 000 Gold

Rename Tag: 200 Gold
Stock: Unlimited
Freeze Crumbs: 0 Gold
Stock: Unlimited
Hatch Crumbs: 800 Gold
Stock: Unlimited
Dragonen Growth Crumbs: 1 100 Gold
Stock: Unlimited
Faynix Growth Crumbs: 1 000 Gold
Stock: Unlimited
Purruplem: 800 Gold
Stock: 29
Black Spectural: 900 Gold
Stock: 15
White Spectural: 900 Gold
Stock: 12
Adoption Port

Last Stocked: 1/03/2011 - 4:08pm EST 6 Eggs

X --------- 96 --------- 97 --------- X --------- 99 --------- X

X = Sold

It takes a few days for creatures to hatch/develop to their next stage. It is possible to choose what gender your creature will hatch into as genders can be determined based on how the eggs are warmed. 99.9% of the time it will hatch into the specified gender.

For complete samples of what these will hatch and grow into, you can check the "History book" for shadowed samples or "User Pens and Storage" for full spoiler samples.

Tuck Shop

This here is the Tuck Shop. It's a new section of the Adoptery where creatures are sold due to a huge stock of eggs. These eggs are easy for the Rangers to get big stocks of and they don't take up too much space. Below are the eggs currently being sold as well as their prices. Eggs in the Tuck Shop are the same as Adoption Port in which it takes time for them to hatch. It is also possible to choose it's gender and information about the creatures sold here can also be found in the History Book.

Blue Gemnest Egg: 3 500 gold
Stock: 94
White Gemnest Egg: 3 500 gold
Stock: 93
Red Gemnest Egg: 3 500 gold
Stock: 95

Lumyre Pond

A strange sound was heard coming from the back of the Adoptery building. The sound of something running, dripping, moving through the cracks in the earth. It was the sound of water, flowing along the ground, slowly creating a path as it eroded the soil. Soon a pond was formed. The water was as clear as crystal, sparkling in the dim light.


Welcome to Lumyre Pond. After thorough investigation we have finally opened the pond to the public. Here yo can go fishing and catch various things from the pond. Though it comes with a price. The pond won't let you catch anything unless and offering of gold is tossed into the Pond. Strange huh?

What you get from the Pond is random as well depending on your Toss. It will only let you toss once a day. A record is kept of the daily tosses so you don't accidently put in more gold than you're allowed.

Toss 3 000 gold in the Pond

Today's Tosses - 06/03/2011
- None -

Order and Adoption Forms

Code: Select all

[u][b]Adoption Port[/b][/u]
[b]Egg #(s):[/b]
[b]Name of Egg(s):[/b] *optional*
[b]Gender of Egg (s):[/b]
[b]Total Payment:[/b]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Tuck Shop[/b][/u]
[b]Egg #(s):[/b]
[b]Name of Egg(s):[/b] *optional*
[b]Gender of Egg (s):[/b]
[b]Total Payment:[/b]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Lumyre Pond - Let's go Fishing![/b][/u]
[b]Toss how much Gold:[/b]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Item Order[/b][/u]
[b]Which Item(s):[/b]
[b]Use now or place in Storage:[/b]
[b]If use now, on which creature(s):[/b]
[b]Total Payment:[/b]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Use Item in Storage[/b][/u]
[b]Which Item(s):[/b]
[b]On which creature(s):[/b] *If Applicable*

Un-Adopted Eggs

In the Adoptery, we cannot keep eggs up for sale once a new shipment of eggs have arrived. Why might this be? It is because we don't have enough room for many egg in the adoption port, especially since older eggs may hatch around the same time as new ones arrive. So any eggs that haven't been adopted are placed in a seperate building where we await there hatch. Now what happens to the eggs that aren't hatched? We'll tell you that when the time comes, but for now the list of Un-adopted creatures is below.


02/03/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted by Kestrad

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post below. I am open to any you may have :)
Day Adoptery Opened: 05/02/2011
Last edited by Haken on March 11th, 2011, 5:45:19 pm, edited 130 times in total.
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by Haken »

History Book

Here's a book explaining creatures as well as what the items that we sell here do.

Process: Egg > Hatchling > Adult
# Variations: 13
Species #: 1
Growth Rate: 3 days
These dragon like creatures are found near the borders of the Selgara Forest. Many colours have been found but there is no explanation as to why their colours are so. Though they possess wings, they are unable to fly due to it's strange structure. Though a strange noise is made from flapping their wings which is believed to be their form of communication.

Adoption Port - 10

Tuck Shop

Flowers - 3
Process: Egg > Hatchling > Adult
# Variations: 8
Species #: 2
Growth Rate: 2 days
This bird species was the conclusion of Project Feathered Rumor. As urban areas expanded, it cut through the forest and into Faynix territory. These birds really care about their home and make great gaurdians. They seem to lack feet but because of this, they continuously fly and only land when fatigued. Their tails act as a cushion for landing.

Adoption Port - 5

Tuck Shop

Flowers - 3
Process: Egg > Hatchling > Adult
# Variations: 4
Species #: 3
Growth Rate: 1 day
These bug like creatures were the conclusion of Project Buzzing Breeze. They are found all across the Selgara Forest. Eggs are laid on tree leaves stuck with a sticky substance. The sticky substance is believed to prevent the egg from falling off the leaves. The creatures are about the size of a small eraser and are surprising loyal despite being a bug. However many of these creature don't get past their larva stage due to poachers hunting for the multiple gem like bones that the larva posses.

Adoption Port

Tuck Shop - 3

Flowers -1
Pack Rat
Process: Adult
# Variations: 5
Species #: 4
Growth Rate: N/A
It's unsure as to where these creature came from. They like hiding in small places and make good companions despite being rats. The Pack Rats aren't like usual rats. Although they like to stock up on many items, they have a strange tendency to keep things organized and clean.

Starter Pack - 5

Adoption Port

Tuck Shop

Koin Fish
Process: Egg > Hatchling > Adult
# Variations: 3
Species #: 5
Growth Rate: 2 day
These fish were part of the conclusion for Project Ponds and Streams. Although you can't see them swimming in the Lumyre Pond, they are actually there. The Pond seems to have a strange reflected light. It also has a mind of it's own and will not let thosew ho come to the pond see or catch anything unless and offering is given to it and dropped in the pond.

Adoption Port

Tuck Shop

Lumyre Pond - 3

Event: A Loving Surprise
Date: 13/02/2011 - 14/02/2011
Variations: 2

Huh what's this? A strange heart shaped portal appeared behind the Adoptery building. As you step outside and around to get a better view, you notice creatures coming out. They're Dragonens and Faynixs! But something is off about them. Their colours are that of bright shades of pink and hearts seem to follow wherever they go. You soon remember that it is the time of Love.

The shopkeeper comes out to talk to you about the situation. "During this time of the year, love based creatures come out of this Heart Portal. We are unsure as to why this happens but the creatures are put up for adoption here in the Adoptery. They are only available for 2 days and make great living and caring companions."
Starter Pack
Cost: 1 Pack given to all Customers
The Starter Pack is a bag with some supplies that is given to all customers who have bought at least 1 item or creature from the Adoptery. The Starter Pack contains; 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Random Coupon, and a little scurrying surprise.

Cost: 200 Gold
It's hard for creatures to learn a new name once it's been given one. These tags will help them remember a new name you want to give them. Only for use on creatures that already have a name.

Freeze Crumbs
Cost: 0 Gold
These crumbs, when fed to a creature that hasn't reached their final stage, will stop further development of the creature. If used on eggs, the crumbs are placed around the nest which seem to have similar effects.

Hatch Crumbs
Cost: 800 Gold
These crumbs, when placed around the nest of an egg, speed hatching of the egg from 1 week to a few minutes.

Dragonen Growth Crumbs
Cost: 1 100 Gold
These crumbs, can only be fed to a Dragonen. When fed to a Dragonen, it will quickly grow to their next stage in a few minutes. It cannot be used on a Dragonen in it's final stage.

Faynix Growth Crumbs
Cost: 1 000 Gold
These crumbs, can only be fed to a Faynix. When fed to a Faynix, it will quickly grow to their next stage in a few minutes. It cannot be used on a Faynix in it's final stage.
Cost: 800 Gold
Use: Dragonen, Faynix, Gemnest
A flower that changes the form of the creature. I wonder what will happen...

This flower gives off a rather eerie feeling. It has black petals with dark purple back petals and center. A faint purple flame comes from the center.

Black Spectural
Cost: 900 Gold
Use: Dragonen, Faynix
A flower that changes the form of the creature. I wonder what will happen...

Confirmed as Project Spectrum, these flowers were found near the edge of Crystal lake where the faintest of sunlight hits. It's petals have a gradient of multiple colours as well as black back petals. A faint white whisp glows from the center.

White Spectural
Cost: 900 Gold
Use: Dragonen, Faynix
A flower that changes the form of the creature. I wonder what will happen...

Confirmed as Project Spectrum, these flowers were found near the edge of Crystal lake where the faintest of sunlight hits. It's petals have a gradient of multiple colours as well as white back petals. A faint white whisp glows from the center.
Blue Adoption Port Coupon
# Uses: 1
These Coupons are given through special ways...

The Blue Adoption Port Coupon gives you a 25% off discount from your purchase in the Adoption Port.

Red Adoption Port Coupon
# Uses: 1
These Coupons are given through special ways...

The Red Adoption Port Coupon gives you a 50% off discount from your purchase in the Adoption Port.

Save a Critter Coupon
# Uses: 1
These Coupons are given through special ways...

The Save a Critter Coupon lets you adopt a creature/egg from the Un-adopted building for free!

Item/Flower Store Coupon
# Uses: 1
These Coupons are given through special ways...

The Item/Flower Store Coupon gives you 25% off discount from your purchase in the Item and/or Flower Store.

Tuck Shop Coupon
# Uses: 1
These Coupons are given through special ways...

The Item/Flower Store Coupon gives you 25% off discount from your purchase in the Tuck Shop.
The Alchemists

Here we have our Alchemists. They try to gain knowledge and information on new creatures and products that may appear in the Adoptery. We really care about our creatures as well as those who are adopting and want the best for them to keep them from harms way. If you are curious as to what we may have in store, feel free to drop by the Alchemists building. I'm sure they won't mind if you have a peek (just be sure to visit them during their break).

Project Spectrum - Concluded
Project ID: PS 001 BW
Date Started: 10/02/2011 - 5:40pm EST
Estimated End Time: 11/02/2011 - 4:00pm EST
Release Date: 11/02/2011 - 3:45pm EST


10/02/2011 - 5:45pm EST
These flowers were found at the edge of Crystal Lake. They seem to only grow where the faintest of sun light hits in the dark forest. Though the two flowers both have a gradient of multiple colours, they seem to differentiate in their back petals. One being Black and the other White. A faint whisp can be seen coming out from the center of the flowers as well, similar to that of the Purruplem. The alchemists are planning to test the flowers effects on an egg once it has been determined that the flowers are of the same properties as our current available flower. Updates on the experiment will be given later during the evening.

10/02/2011 - 6:52pm EST
After many test, we have found that these flowers are of the same species as the Purruplem. They have the same capabilities of changing the form of another creature to a new one not commonly found in the wild. We will now try using the flower on an unhatched egg and hope for good results.


10/02/2011 - 7:41pm EST
The Alchemist have been working on the egg for a while. Two were found ready for testing and EUREKA. The flowers worked and the egg changed to a new form and what a lovely new form it is too. The eggs are either Black or White depending on the colours of the flowers back petals. But the eggs have a strange radiance in which it gives off a multi coloured light to objects placed near it such as it's nest. It's a spectral of colours!

Research on Project Spectrum has ended and was proven to work and is safe to place on stock. Rangers have been sent to collect more of these flowers to be sold tomorrow.

Project Feathered Rumor - Concluded
Project ID: PF 002 FR
Date Started: 11/02/2011 - 3:59pm EST
Estimated End Time: 12/02/2011 - 2:00pm EST
Release Date: 12/02/2011 - 2:00pm EST


11/02/2011 - 3:59pm EST
The urban areas have expanded into the Selgara Forests. Through this expansion, rumors have been going around of a new creature within the newly developed area. The villagers have only caught a glance of this unidentified species. Rumors state that this creature is quick and flies through the air. No one has seen it clearly but plumes of feathers are left where the creature had flown. The rangers have already gone to investigate the situation. Hopefully we can find out more when they come back.

11/02/2011 - 4:15pm EST
The Rangers have come back with tons of information. Including a sample of the rumored feathers.
The feathers that were brought back have quite a strange colouration. It is almost equivalent to that of a Phoenix Bird however it's more dull than the vibrant colours of fire. From the information the Rangers had given, the creature is most likely a species of bird.

11/02/2011 - 5:15pm EST
The Rangers went back out to scout for the new species and happened to find an egg. It couldn't have been a Dragonen egg as it was different from the Dragonen Eggs we have here in the Adoptery. These eggs were much smaller and have a speckled dark pattern at the bottom. Through further examination, the alchemist found that the colouration of the egg matched almost perfectly to the feather found previously. More time for examination will take place as well as the wait for the egg to hatch.

11/02/2011 - 10:38pm EST
The egg has been moving a lot lately. Especially around warmer temperature areas. The alchemists believe that these eggs may hatch sooner than that of the Dragonen though it can't be certain. New eggs have arrived so the average time for hatching may be found. Further examination will continue tomorrow.

12/02/2011 - 8:29am EST
Although the egg has been moving a lot lately, the alchemists were getting impatient. The excitement and curiosity of a new creature and what will hatch was overtaking them. Normally the time incubator isn't used due to the amount of Crystalline energy needed to run it but the alchemists made an exception. Soon the egg will hatch.

As the alchemists were doing this, the rangers had also come back with a another egg. But this one wasn't the normal orange like one. It was the same size but it had a blue colouration instead. It was put in the incubator with the first egg but it is believed to be of the same species.


12/02/2011 - 12:46pm EST
The eggs have hatched in the time incubator! By averaging out the time it took in the Incubator and real time, it seems that these new eggs hatch within 2 days instead of 3 like the Dragonen. The hatchlings are a species of bird but aren't really related to the Phoenix as it was theorized. They do have a sort of resemblance however, thus this new species was given the name Faynix. The hatchlings are going through further examination on behavior, appetite and compatibility. The alchemists won't reveal information on these birds once they reach adulthood however. So that will have to be discovered on ones own.
The Faynix will be available soon. The rangers have already started looking for more eggs and the alchemists have given the safety of owning approval.
Project Buzzing Breeze - Concluded
Project ID: PB 003 BB
Date Started: 19/02/2011 - 1:00pm EST
Estimated End Time: 20/02/2011 - 3:00pm EST
Release Date: 20/02/2011 - 4:30pm EST


19/02/2011 - 1:00pm EST
During one of the Ranger's egg hunts, they had come across a rather strange object. It was a round sphere, almost like a pearl and very small. It was nestled in a coloured substance that was both sticky yet hard which stuck on a small leaf thought to stop it from dropping when a breeze blew in. A buzzing sound could be heard coming from the egg, echoing throughout the forest.They were able to take the object and bring it to the Alchemists for further inspection.

19/02/2011 - 2:00pm EST
The Alchemists have theorized that this pearl object is an egg and right they were. After checking life radiation, it seems there is life resting within the pearl. The egg is being placed in the Time Incubator to await its hatch. Meanwhile the Rangers have come back with a ton more of the eggs. It is believed that what ever this creature is, it can mass produce eggs.

19/02/2011 - 2:52pm EST
It seems 2 new colours have also been found of this egg. One if a pinkish colour nestled in red substance and the other is white nestled in a grayer substance. They have also been placed in the Time Incubator and will go through further inspection once hatched.

20/02/2011 - 8:57pm EST
The eggs have hatched and the estimated hatch time is a day for hatch. These guys hatch rather quick. Out of the pearl eggs, these strange larva came out. They are rather big with gems along their backs. The estimated growth time is believed to be the same as the hatch time so they will keep it in the Time Incubator to see what hatches. They don't mind showing the final stage of these creatures to the customers so they will display them once the time comes.

20/02/2011 - 12:55pm EST
The Time Incubator has done such a wonderful job. The larva have grown to their final stages and after calculation, it has been confirmed that it takes a day for these creatures to progress to their next stages. The Alchemists have given these new species the name Gemnest, taken from the word gem and insect. The final stages have a sort of rocky like look to their body. There is a gem on their foreheads and possess butterfly like wings.

Because there is such a huge supply of them available and their capacity is rather small, the Adoptery has decided to give these creatures out in a side shop so will be available all round instead of having to wait for the Rangers to constantly fetch new batches.
Project Ponds and Streams - Concluded
Project ID: PP 004 PS
Date Started: 22/02/2011 - 3:55pm EST
Estimated End Time: 25/02/2011 - 3:00pm EST
Release Date: 06/03/2011 - 8:50am EST


22/02/2011 - 3:55pm EST
A strange sound was heard coming from the back of the Adoptery building. The sound of something running, dripping, moving through the cracks in the earth. It was the sound of water, flowing along the ground, slowly creating a path as it eroded the soil. Soon a stream was formed that flowed to a shallow hole by the building. The water was as clear as crystal, sparkling in the dim light. Unsure of where it was coming from, the Rangers were sent out to find it's origin.

22/02/2011 - 6:40pm EST
The water built up ad it flowed along the path. The Rangers found a water well that seems to have overflown. There isn't any way to stop the flow of water. After time, it began to flow more quickly and continued to erode the land. Soon, what was once a small hole expanded into a large basin of water. By night it became a small pond. The pond was beautiful, lights glowed from the pond and turned what was such a dark place into a place of brilliance. The pond reflected an almost emerald look as a lush green forest was revealed through the waters light. This pond was made with a purpose, but as to what that purpose is, is still unsure.

22/02/2011 - 8:48pm EST
While one of the Adoptery Employees were taking a walk around this new Pond, he seemed to have tripped by one of the rocks near the banks. Some coins of his fell into the lake. As the coin went into the lake, it began to glow brighter than it was before. Why this might be, those at the Adoptery are trying to figure it out.

23/02/2011 - 5:40pm EST
The Employees have been experimenting with their gold, tossing a few coins into the pond to watch the lights glow and flicker over the waters. One of the employee, a great fisher, decided to try fishing in the pond. During the break, he didn't seem to catch anything from the pond. It was to be expected, after all the pond was rather new and would take time before anything is populated in it's waters. As he went to pack his his stuff, his bag of coins fell into the pond. The pond glowed with brilliance and before he knew it, his fishing line had caught something. He quickly reeled it in and to his surprise, got a blue pearl. It was similar to the Gemnest eggs but it was shinier, more polished. The employee brought it to the Alchemists and explained what had happened. They were stunned and plan to use this knowledge to discover more about the pond.

23/02/2011 - 7:48pm EST
With this new found knowledge, the Rangers started tossing more coins as well as fishing in the pond that is know know as the Lumyre Pond. They have started off with the amount of gold that the employee had dropped into the pond, 3 400 gold. And it worked, 2 other eggs have been found using this method. However the amount of gold being put into the pond seemed too much. The Rangers and Alchemists will try with smaller amounts of gold. Hopefully smaller amounts will give the same results.

26/02/2011 - 8:07pm EST
Eggs were placed in Time Incubators and have hatched. The estimated hatch time was 2 days. The estimated growth time is believed to be the same. Out of these eggs, fish like species came out. They were placed in the same tank but don't seem to like each other. Particularly the male genders. The fish soon had to be separated in individual tanks. But despite this territorial behavior, they are gorgeous fish. Their scales shine as light reflects off them and their elegant fins look like silk.

03/03/2011 - 3:48pm EST
The Hatchlings have grown and it had been confirmed that the growth rate is 2 days. The adults are quite beautiful species. Their scales shine very bright and they seem to ahve grown another set of fins near the base of their tail.
Last edited by Haken on March 6th, 2011, 8:52:12 am, edited 63 times in total.
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by Haken »

User Pens and Storage

We keep records of what you buy and items you use. Below, you can find your name and see what Creatures you currently have as well as what items your currently have unused. We will also put an up to date log of your purchases, item use, and creature growths. These are under spoilers as they may show final stages and such of creatures.

Users Registered - 32, Total Creatures Adopted - 143, Total Items in Storage - 67, Total Coupon in Storage - 11
Dragonen - 64, Faynix - 51, Gemnest - 18, Pack Rat - 12

Creature Pen

Item Storage


15/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Kai)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


21/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 2 Gemnest eggs adopted (Lazuli, Saffron), 3 Dragonen eggs adopted (Lovissa, Gar, GooseFeathers)
22/02/2011 - Bought 1 White Spectural, 1 White Spectural used (GooseFeathers), Eggs hatched (Lazuli, Saffron), 3 Dragonen eggs adopted (Fieran, Rable, Dassini), 3 Faynix eggs adopted (Lossfitona, Loniha, Lohalli)
23/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Lazuli, Saffron), 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Save a Critter Coupon, and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Polly)
24/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Lossfitona, Loniha, Lohalli)
25/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Lovissa, Gar, GooseFeathers, Fieran, Rable, Dassini)
26/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Lossfitona, Loniha, Lohalli)
28/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Lovissa, Gar, GooseFeathers, Fieran, Rable, Dassini)
02/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Garrin)
06/03/2011 - Eggs hatched (Garrin)
09/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Garrin)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


27/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted ( ), 1 Faynix adult adopted ( )
01/03/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
02/03/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
03/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
06/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( ), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Amethyst)
08/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Amethyst)
10/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Amethyst)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


06/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 2 Dragonen eggs Adopted (Rozen + Luna)
07/02/2011 - 2 Dragonen eggs Adopted (Goldra , Flamedra), 4 Purruplem bought and used on Rozen, Luna, Goldra, Flamedra
11/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Rozen , Luna , Goldra , Flamedra)
14/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Rozen , Luna , Goldra , Flamedra)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


07/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Navvare)
11/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Isabue), Eggs hatched (Navvare)
14/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Isabue), Hatchlings grew (Navvare)
17/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Isabue)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
14/02/2011 - 1 Faynix adult adopted (Valentina)
15/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Skiye)
18/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Skiye)
21/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Skiye)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


10/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (AzZzrael)
13/02/2011 - Eggs Hatched (AzZzrael)
16/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (AzZzrael)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Faynix adult adopted (Shuger), 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Lilly), Bought 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Dragonen Growth Crumbs and 1 White Spectural Flower, Used 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Dragonen Growth Crumbs and 1 White Spectural Flower (Lilly)
20/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted (Tazrie)
21/02/2011 - 1 Gemnest egg adopted (Catrica)
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Catrica)
23/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Tazrie), Hatchlings grew (Catrica), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Kitwee), 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Tuck Shop Coupon, and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Zip)
25/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Kitwee), Hatchlings grew (Tazrie)
28/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Kitwee)
02/03/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted (Spaz)
06/03/2011 - Eggs hatched (Spaz)
08/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Spaz)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


04/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
05/02/2011 - 3 Dragonens adopted ( , , ), Purruplem Flower bought and added to storage
09/02/2011 - Bought 1 Freeze Crumbs, 2 Dragonen Growth Crumbs, 1 Rename Tag
12/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted ( ), Purruplem used on Faynix ( )
21/02/2011 - 1 Gemnest egg adopted ( ), Bought 1 Hatch Crumbs, Used 1 Purruplem and 1 Hatch Crumbs ( )
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Daichi), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Noeru)
14/02/2011 - 1 Faynix adult adopted (Fey), 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Len), Bought 1 White Spectural Flower, 1 White Spectural Flower used (Daichi)
15/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Noeru)
16/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Daichi)
17/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Len), Hatchlings grew (Noeru)
19/02/2011 - 2 Dragonen eggs adopted (Mika, Kiro), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Quartz)
20/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Len)
21/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Quartz), 2 Gemnest eggs adopted (Yuki, Kaito), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Kuro)
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Mika, Kiro, Yuki, Kaito)
23/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Kuro), Hatchlings grew (Yuki, Kaito, Quartz)
25/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Mika, Kiro, Quartz, Kuro)
26/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Save a Critter Coupon and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Reo)
28/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted (Hanon), 1 Gemnest egg adopted (Ruchia)
01/03/2011 - Eggs hatched (Ruchia)
02/03/2011 - Eggs hatched (Hanon), Hatchlings grew (Ruchia)
06/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Hanon)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


07/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Amethyst)
11/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Amethyst)
14/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Ai), 1 Faynix adult adopted (Eros), Hatchlings grew (Amethyst)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


15/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Faynix adult adopted (Compassion)
24/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags,1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Blue Adoption Port Coupon and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Specks)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


11/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 2 Dragonen eggs adopted (Koiarst , Lunaria)
13/02/2011 - 1 Faynix adult adopted (Loreign), 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Milo)
14/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Koiarst, Lunaria)
17/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Koiarst, Lunaria)
21/02/2011 - 3 Gemnest eggs adopted ( , , )
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( , , )
23/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( , , )
Creature Pen

Item Storage


09/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Rhydia)
12/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Rhydia)
14/02/2011 - 2 Faynix adults adopted ( , )
15/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen adult adopted ( ), 1 Faynix egg adopted ( ), Bought 1 Black Spectural and 1 White Spectural, Hatchlings grew (Rhydia)
18/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
20/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
21/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted ( )
23/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
25/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
26/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Save a Critter Coupon and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted ( ), 1 Dragonen egg adopted ( ), 1 Faynix egg adopted ( )
28/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
01/03/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
02/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
03/02/2011 - 2 Faynix eggs adopted ( , Obsidia), 1 Save a Critter Coupon used (Obsidia)
06/03/2011 - Eggs hatched ( , Obsidia), Hatchlings grew ( )
08/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( , Obsidia)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


14/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Faynix adult adopted (Nerine)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


07/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
10/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg Adopted ( )
13/02/2011 - Eggs Hatched ( )
16/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
Creature Pen

Item Storage


11/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
12/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Tiamonai)
15/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Tiamonai)
18/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Tiamonai)
22/02/2011 - 1 Gemnest egg adopted (Shiola)
23/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Shiola)
25/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Shiola)
26/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Item/Flower Store Coupon and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Tempest)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


26/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Shayde)
01/03/2011 - Eggs hatched (Shayde)
06/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Shayde)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


07/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Thalion)
11/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Thalion)
12/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Kaspar), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Lilith), Bought 1 Dragonen Growth Crumbs
13/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Romeo), 1 Faynix adult adopted (Juliet), 1 Dragonen Growth Crumbs used (Kaspar)
14/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Thalion, Lilith)
16/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Kaspar)
18/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Lilith)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Vashta Nerada), 1 Faynix adult adopted (Ambrosia)
20/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Strider)
21/02/2011 - Bought 3 Freeze Crumbs, 2 Gemnest eggs adopted (Terezi, Karkat), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Lalonde)
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Terezi, Karkat)
23/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Lalonde, Strider), 2 Freeze Crumbs used (Terezi, Karkat), 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Tuck Shop Coupon, and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Austin)
25/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Lalonde)
26/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Strider)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


12/03/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Faynix egg adopted (Kismet)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


21/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Gemnest egg adopted (Melodee)
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Melodee)
23/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Melodee)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


11/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
14/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Shaydow), 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Hunnipye)
17/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Shaydow)
20/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Shaydow)
04/03/2011 - 1 Starter pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Save a Critter Coupon, and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Wyrmtale)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


11/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
12/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted ( )
13/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen adult adopted ( ), 1 Faynix adult adopted ( )
15/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
16/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg ( )
18/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( ), Hatchlings grew ( )
20/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
23/02/2011 - 2 Faynix eggs adopted ( , ), 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Item/Flower Store Coupon, 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Kaya)
25/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( , )
28/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( , )
Creature Pen

Item Storage


07/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Ember)
11/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Ember)
14/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Ember)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


12/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted ( )
13/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen adult adopted ( ), 1 Faynix adult adopted ( )
15/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( )
18/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
19/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted ( )
21/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( ), Bought 2 Black Spectural and 2 White Spectural, 3 Gemnest eggs adopted ( , , )
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( , , )
23/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( , , , )
24/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags,1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Red Adoption Port Coupon and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted ( )
25/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( )
26/02/2011 - 2 Faynix eggs adopted ( , )
28/02/2011 - Eggs hatched ( , )
02/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew ( , )
Creature Pen

Item Storage


06/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Richard), purruplem Flower used on Richard
09/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Lucian), 1 Hatch Crumbs bought and used on Richard, Eggs hatched (Richard)
12/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Lucian)
14/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Hearts 'o' Flutter), 1 Faynix adult adopted (Birdy Love)
15/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Lucian)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


19/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 2 Dragonen egg adopted (Servais, Scythe), Bought 1 Purruplem, 1 Black Spectural and 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Black Spectural used (Servais)
20/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted (Symphony)
22/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Servais, Scythe, Symphony)
25/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Servais, Scythe, Symphony)
26/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Tuck Shop Coupon and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (L.B.), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Sanctius)
28/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Sanctius)
02/03/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Sanctius)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


09/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage
10/02/2011 - 3 Dragonen eggs adopted (Aurelia , Cyan , Cyan), 1 Rename Tag bought and used on Cyan to Azure
11/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Oriole)
12/02/2011 - 1 Fayynix egg adopted (Kupa)
13/02/2011 - Eggs Hatched (Aurelia, Cyan, Azure), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Chuya)
14/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Oriole, Kupa), 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Varda), 1 Faynix adult adopted (Lila)
15/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Chuya)
16/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Aurelia, Cyan, Azure, Kupa), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Onyx)
17/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Oriole, Chuya)
18/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Onyx), 1 Faynix egg adopted (Royell)
20/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Royell), Hatchlings grew (Onyx)
22/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Royell)
23/02/2011 - 1 Starter Pack used (received 2 Rename Tags, 1 Hatch Crumbs, 1 Item/Flower Store Coupon, and 1 Pack Rat), 1 Pack Rat adopted (Bianca)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Norbert)
16/02/2011 - 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Kiara), Eggs hatched (Norbert)
19/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Kiara), Hatchlings grew (Norbert)
22/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Kiara)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Dragonen egg adopted (Aquea)
14/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted (Grali), 1 Dragonen adult adopted (Elegance), Bought 1 White Spectural Flower, 1 White Spectural Flower used (Grali)
16/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Aquea, Grali)
18/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Grali)
19/02/2011 - 1 Faynix egg adopted (Leari), Bought 1 Purruplem and 1 Faynix Growth Crumbs, 1 Purruplem and 1 Faynix Growth Crumbs used (Leari)
20/02/2011 - 1 Dargonen egg adopted (Rechi), Bought 1 Black Spectural, 1 Black Spectural used (Rechi)
21/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Leari)
23/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Rechi), 1 Gemnest egg adopted (Ellen)
25/02/2011 - Eggs hatched (Ellen)
26/02/2011 - Hatchlings grew (Ellen)
Creature Pen

Item Storage


13/02/2011 - Registered in User Pens and Storage, 1 Faynix adult adopted (Orchid)
Last edited by Haken on March 12th, 2011, 9:22:17 pm, edited 159 times in total.
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by Choroneko »

Adoption Port Choroneko
Egg #(s): 5, 2
Name of Egg: Rozen for 5 and Luna for 2
Total Payment:10k
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by Sharien »

Adoption Port
Egg #(s): #3
Name of Egg: Richard
Total Payment: 5k

Item Order
Which Item(s): The flower, Purruplem
Use now or place in Storage: Using
If use now, on which creature: Currently known as 'Richard' or '#3'
Total Payment: 800g
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by Haken »

Design a Creature Contest <3

The Alchemists have been able to discover a new form of Potion and Technology to allow them to create new species and specie variations. With this new found knowledge, they are unsure of where to start. The Adoptery has also reached over 100 adopted creatures so to celebrate, those at the Adoptery have decided to hold various contest that the customers may enter. This contest allows the customers to design their own creature variations for the Dragonen, Faynix, and Gemnest which will be released at the Adoption Port and Tuck Shop and also the opportunity to Design a new species that will be released in the Adoption Port!

1. Follow all Magistream Forum, Shop, and Contest Rules
2. No stealing, must be your own work/idea
3. No arguing, fighting, being rude, etc
4. You must use the Entry Forms
5. This contest is about creativity, not entirely about art

Deadline - Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Design a Dragonen
Would you like to design your own Dragonen? Well this contest lets you do exactly that. Lineart templates have been given below that you can colour in and design however you please. There is both a white background image and transparent background image. Use which ever you like.

The Dragonen may be coloured in whatever way you wish. You may add patterns, use as much colour as you want, and such. Please don't do any lineart edits however, such as add accessories or change the wings. Images do not have to be shaded, just base colours is fine. These will be available in the Adoption Port.

Prize (1 Winner)
A Male and Female egg set of their creature, 5 000 gold, 1 Magistream creature from my keep that is not in the Collection or Main tab.


Code: Select all

[b][u]Design a Dragonen Entry[/u][/b] <3 
[b]Your Entry:[/b]
[b]About your entry:[/b] *optional*
Design a Faynix
Would you like to design your own Faynix? Well this contest lets you do exactly that. Lineart templates have been given below that you can colour in and design however you please. There is both a white background image and transparent background image. Use which ever you like.

The Faynix may be coloured in whatever way you wish. You may add patterns, use as much colour as you want, and such. Please don't do any lineart edits however, such as add accessories or change the wings. Images do not have to be shaded, just base colours is fine. These will be available in the Adoption Port.

Prize (1 Winner)
A Male and Female egg set of their creature, 5 000 gold, 1 Magistream creature from my keep that is not in the Collection or Main tab.


Code: Select all

[b][u]Design a Faynix Entry[/u][/b] <3 
[b]Your Entry:[/b]
[b]About your entry:[/b] *optional*
Design a Gemnest
Would you like to design your own Gemnest? Well this contest lets you do exactly that. Lineart templates have been given below that you can colour in and design however you please. There is both a white background image and transparent background image. Use which ever you like.

The Gemnest may be coloured in whatever way you wish. You may add patterns, use as much colour as you want, and such. Please don't do any lineart edits however, such as add accessories or change the wings. Images do not have to be shaded, just base colours is fine. These will be available in the Tuck Shop.

Prize (1 Winner)
A Male and Female egg set of their creature, 5 000 gold, 1 Magistream creature from my keep that is not in the Collection or Main tab.


Code: Select all

[b][u]Design a Gemnest Entry[/u][/b] <3 
[b]Your Entry:[/b]
[b]About your entry:[/b] *optional*
Design a Species
For this contest, you will have the opportunity to design your own species that will be available in the Adoption Port in the Adoptery. Now this contest may be a bit harder and so the prize is greater.

For this contest, you are required to give an image of the egg, child, and adult forms. You may choose to have gender differences or not for these as well. Also note that the egg will have a nest like the ones on the Faynix and Dragonen. We would prefer if you refrain from doing water creature as well (unless it is possible for them to live on land). Designs should be original and your own creation. Your images do not have to be shaded. Simple sketches are fine as long as they show the necessary details. 3 colour variations are optional but it would be nice if you included them if you would like your creature to be available in specific colours. A description is also needed for the History Book. Try to refrain from accessories as well.

Prize (1 Winner)
A Male and Female egg set of their creature and all 3 variations, 10 000 gold, 2 Magistream creature from my keep that is not in the Collection or Main tab.

Code: Select all

[b][u]Design a Creature Entry[/u][/b] <3 
[b]Your Entry:[/b] *Egg, child, and adult form required*
[b]3 Colour Variations:[/b] *Optional*
[b]Description of Creature for History Book:[/b]
[b]About your Entry:[/b]
Last edited by Haken on March 13th, 2011, 5:28:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by DarkRider »

Adoption Port
Egg #(s): 4
Name of Egg: Navvare
Total Payment: 5k
ImageImage Image
Don't take artwork thanks!Avatar by Munin thank you!Tulcadhiel made Fox! Thank you!
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Re: The Adoptery

Post by Love78 »

Adoption Port
Egg #(s):1,4
Name of Egg: I will name them when they grow
Total Payment: 10k

Item Order
Which Item(s):flower
Use now or place in Storage: use
If use now, on which creature: creature 1
Total Payment: 800 gold
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Re: The Adoptery - Restocked

Post by Haken »

Thanks for your orders guys^^

PMs have been sent about your adoptions. Also we have restocked with 6 new eggs that our hunters and rangers were able to retrieve. They are now up for adoption :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey:
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Adoptery - Restocked

Post by Shadowfrost »

Adoption Port
Egg #(s): 6
Name of Egg: Ember
Total Payment: 5k

Do I pay now or later?
25/25 Gifts | Thank you! :t-swoon:
Please do not mine my keep

Avatar by ryer9

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