Name: unnamed
Species: Trycorys
Birthday: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Owner: Israphel

More eggs:

Stage Progress: 32.50%
Overall Progress: 16.25%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

These soft, tri-coloured twists smell sweet and slightly spicy... but you probably shouldn't eat them.

Although only the size of a large dog, trycorys make excellent guards and travelling companions. Of their three heads, at least one is awake at all times, ensuring that nothing can sneak up on their beloved magi - especially since they also constantly make noise and keep their magi awake. To counter this, many magi make use of mute spells and earplugs, accepting that this means a trycorys jumping up and down on them if there's real danger. Trycorys cannot fly due to the small size and softness of their wings but they're quite fast on four legs when they want to be, often found racing happily up and down Keep hallways, barking and shrieking and yipping at top volume.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (egg) | Description: Sochitelya