Random Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Hey guys... Sorry for not being on in a long long time..... Regular writtings will appear soon enough ><;;; The holidays seemed to have lasted longer than i had initially expected hahaha. Anyways i hope to get some more writting up soon enough... Again sorry for about the huge hiatus again... ><;;

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(randomness 10.. i guess....)

The world ending by starving us of our natural resources is just one of many many possibilities.....
Here's another....

"We bow down to our leader today as he announces to the people across the world that it is now illegal to think differently than him. Anyone who is caught by the authorities will be taken care of swiftly and promptly." The reporter announced in cheerful tone. Fake it might of been , but he was a good actor. ".. Remember.. His leadership requires your help in reprimanding these people and any of the other people he has deemed illegal tennants in his soon to be perfect world. That is all for today. Praise our Fearless Leader, who has saved us from the brink of starvation."
The TV then went onto some propaganda commercial telling people to join the Fearless Leader's growing army. "You hear that love?" He called over into the other room. "The list continues!"
A young lady wiped her hands clean with her apron and yelled back, " Just as we thought it would!" Pulling the oven open she waited for the steam to rise and dissipate, revealing inside a small roast. Tiny in comparison to what was once in abundance and large.
When this leader came to power by decree of the public, he began dictating how things will be run. Food was scarce so food had to be properly portioned for everyone to survive. From there he began dictating who was not allowed on the planet and thus a grand purging began.
Started with skin color and then it moved down the list. Sexual orientation, religion, physical prowess, social contributions, looking different and now thinking differently. Any one of these and you are "taken care of."
"Whats next i wonder...," The man sat back into his chair thoughtfully as he awaited his dinner.
"Women vs. men?" His wife pipped up as she place the plate in his lap before sitting down herself. "Now love don't think like that. Women are always needed." he mentioned softly.
She rolled her eyes," yeah for procreation.... nothing else...."
Her husband shook his head," Yes our "fearless leader".... is tightening the belt even more... You'd think we'd have more than enough food, what with all this 'purging' going on."
"The real question is how much longer before no one is left." She said concerned. "they're still finding people hidden away and keeping themselves safe. So time will tell... You have nothing to worry about ," Her husband comforted.
"I hope so...."

* * *

Far away from the gated community stood a large iron clad building. It looked out-dated, like it had been around when building with iron and bolts were new.
from the air it looked like a large red cross, but on the ground it stood as tall as some of the biggest sky scrappers. Large smoke stacks were on each of the 4 arms of the cross, making it seem like some behemoth from the industrial ages.
Pushed and pulled I watched as a long train of us was brought to where two arms of this cross met. Inside were were placed in the middle and told to wait. Long corridors and walls that didn't quite reach the ceiling where as far as the eye could see. " Wait here for your assigning!" One of the guards spat at us before disappearing. The others walked outside to close and lock the doors from the outside.
It was freezing outside, in this place it was warm like a gigantic furnace. We wore nothing but these white sheets, and our hair was matted down, for having been transported like cattle through all sorts of terrain with no baths.
Left alone we stood there for a moment hearing the awful sounds that permeated. Screams, sounds of bone and flesh crunching, ripping and tearing. We huddled together in fear and explored a wee bit, careful not to head too far away from the entrance. We had enough damage from disobeying. Even when we didn't disobey we were abused. Beat, starved, forced to do degrading things for just some water. That's only the tip of the ice burg. The rest of the details are far too gruesome to mention.
A few people were sitting along the wall and looked rather sickly and broken. "What's happening here" Someone asked a child who had their head bandaged poorly. " Each part of this place is where you'll be divided to....." the child mentioned calmly. He coughed as his head spun.
"What about all of you?" I mentioned pushing past the others. " Did you get assigned as well?"
A person from the opposite side scoffed," We're the 'lucky' ones.... We survived and didn't get assigned."
My stomach twisted with terrible thoughts, thinking the worst outcomes for these individuals. "Pray you get assigned. That's a quicker fate....... Not any better... but at least you die...."
My heart raced in fear. This was horrendous, and there was no way out of it.
".. Has anyone tried to escape?" I asked thinking that fleeing would be the better way to go.
The man scoffed at me," Can you unlock that door from here?.... Even if you did, the punishment if you get caught would be terrible. You wouldn't be given a quick death I imagine..... So to answer your question: No.... No one's tried...."
A lady began crying in the distance a young man groaned. Something inside me snapped and i knew that we had to try something. "We have to try......," I whispered," We need to get out of here... All of these people need to get out of here..... They can't do this...."
The sickly man scoffed again,"How?... our "Fearless Leader" keeps a constant watch on this place. A very close watch...." Hearing another scream in the distance i shook my head getting my mind out of the possibilities of what that scream was for. "... Then we crack this think open from the inside out... We will get out of here......."

(It's 4am here and i need my rest...... This one is actually from a dream i had.... the first part was something i put in... but the second part was from my dream...... My dreams are scary.... and with crystal clear clarity... )

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Screaming in my head.
From a time now long since dead.
These past ghosts i have come to dread.
The killing in my head.

Pasts won't go away....
ill thoughts have come to stay.
as i get through the day....

(just a little WIP that was stuck in my head for a little while... >,; )

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Rawrs i have returned! I am hoping to write more in the next few days or so... Get some things out of my head and all that fun stuff.. So hopefully soon something new will show up and will update things more regularly.. Life has a nasty way of taking control.. ><;;

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Alrighties so i am going to be writing on Deviant Art, for a small project called the 100 themes project. Its a way to not only get my creative juices flowing but also to get all of my ideas out onto something a little more tangible than my mind. I will be posting them here as well for convenience sake ^^. So just a heads up. And yes there will be more to come *nods*.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

theme 1. Blood

" I wont do it! You can't make me!" Theo screamed. He kicked against his elder brother, Aldred in the attempt to escape, but the far older demon only held on tighter.
"Oh, dear little brother, there is simply no escaping it," Aldred cooed darkly. " I had to do it. All of your brothers and sisters before you, had to do it. It is simply one of those things that you must do."
The boy demon wriggled out of his elder brother's grip and ran out of the room not stopping even as his brother growled after him to stay put. Running down the large expanse of stairs in the mansion, he heard his full name being called which sent dark shivers down his spine. It wasn't just his name though. It was his title.
Rushing pass servants who never batted an eye, he stopped to where one of the maids had been standing at one of his prime hiding places. "My young lord Whitecrest!" She exclaimed in a whisper," What are you doing here? Your brother will be so cross if he catches you here." The little lord didn't even bat an eyelash as he slipped into the tiny cupboard and seemingly disappeared.
Before long, he poked his head out to see the maid looking at him, rather concerned. "Marion," He said calmly," I know what my brother will do to me…. And the task that my parents have left to him, to carry out…. I .. simply cannot go through with it. Please leave me in here…. And don't breath a word about my whereabouts." Sighing in defeat, the maid could not argue. This family, for all its pure lineage, had a very dark secret. To bring this secret onto a demon child, who was still very young, was beyond comprehension.
Marion continued on with her task never revealing the young lord's whereabouts. Aldred didn't seem to be in such a hurry to find his youngest brother and assumed that he had been amusing himself in some other shape or form. Thankful to work undisturbed she continued on for hours until the Duke and Duchess made it the mansion.

"Mother! Father!" Aldred chimed in greeting bringing them into the living room so they could chat in semi-privacy. "How are things on the frontline?"
"Our masses are dwindling. Soon, we will, have to retreat further into the wilderness. That way our studies are undetected. No one can find out about this 'weapon' of ours. Lord Drouburn nearly had us cornered so we might have to speed things up with Theo… He's still not taking it is he…," His mother, a hard faced woman, stated.
Aldred shook his head," No… He's very stubborn.. Like how I was in the beginning. Me thinks harder methods would work better to incorporate the serum.. I was thinking of mixing it into his food, but he needs to be aware of it to control it properly…" Both parents gave a nod of approval. " Speaking of which.. Marion!..," Aldred called the maid who had just begun dusting some of the rather expensive vases. She had jumped not expecting to be called by name. " Marion do come here… You know where my little brother is don't you?" A sadistic smile had crept across Aldred's otherwise wonderful face. Twisting it. Making it dark and crazed.
Marion could only shake her head in horror, as the Duke and Duchess turned their cold gazes on her. She was a demon to. All the servants were, since mortals wouldn't be able to withstand the beatings that these nobles gave. Too expensive not to mention highly illegal, but even a demon can be instilled with mortal fear.
"Come, come now," Aldred murmured softly," Surely you know where Theodore Whitecrest has run off to… I know this place is crawling with his little secret passageways. He must be here somewhere…"
The young demon lord stood up and walked towards the maid. Arms stretched out showing no weapons in hand. Marion knew with each step Aldred took, there was still a threat, even without weapons. Instinctively she took a step back, but this only seemed to spur the demon lord on.
" Hold still….. This won't hurt a bit," he whispered. Fangs gleaming and eyes turning red he closed the gap between them and then things went black.

A scream echoed through the old mansion as a dark haired demon woke up from a nightmare. One strand of purple hair hung in front of his face as he panted heavily. Gathering his surroundings the demon flopped back down onto his large pillows.
A butler had come to check on him. Aged with gray hair yet only a few wrinkles the demon was ancient by human standards. "Edwin.. Its alright…. Just another…… memory…," The young demon panted lightly.
"But Lord Theo," Edwin protested," Your hand is bleeding…."
To the demon's surprise he saw a crimson stream along the palm of his hand. Edwin drew close to dress it but Theo veered away. "No. Edwin, you know its poison. Even to the touch."

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 2 Fire

A family of three was making one of their regular routes through one particular mountain. Now, these weren’t ordinary people, for anyone mortal would be crazy to scale this mountain. They were demons. Dragon demons, so neither the cold nor the altitude effected them very much.
The mother and father turned to their son and said,” You’re going to have to stay here while we go to the city down below. You don’t yet know how to properly cover your demonic traits from humans. We shouldn’t be gone long but whatever you do, do not play around the top of this mountain.” The little boy, who looked to be about 5, gave a confidant nod.,” You can count on me!” He huffed, sticking his chest out like he was a tough, brave little warrior.The mother chuckled while the father ruffled his son’s hair,” That’s my boy.” Smiling the son watched his parents disappear down the mountain.
Left to his own devices , the child played with the sprites and other critters on the mountain. When a fire sprite had crossed his path the boy’s face lit up and exclaimed,” Hey!! I’m a Fire Dragon Demon!” He giggled,” Want to play with me?” Shocked to be seen by anything else other than other sprites and creatures, the sprite stood there for a minute and blinked. The words finally hit the little sprite and he laughed happily,” Of course! Come with me to a warmer place.. We’ll practice some fireballs at the top of the mountain!”
The boy stopped and shook his head,” I was told not to… I can’t…” The fire sprite shook his head and replied,” If we played here then we end up risking to hurt these snow sprites. “ They looked up at the boy shocked and afraid because they were having so much fun they didn’t want the child to end up hurting them unintentionally. The child saw this and knew that if he wanted to truly be able to play he would have to go to the top of the mountain.
Following the sprite he had a look down the mountain to see the city down below and looked at it awe. Knowing that his parents were down there and that he was disobeying them sent a cold shot of guilt to his stomach, but he wanted to be able to play with all his abilities.
Reaching the top of mountain he looked at the hole in the distance where steam and heat was billowing out of it. “ We get to try and shoot fireballs into it?” He giggled and the sprite nodded in approval. “Deffinately! Come on who ever reaches 10 wins” the sprite replied and found himself a comfortable spot to start shooting some fireballs.
Shots were made, fun was being had, but when a large earthquake surged and the steam turned to smoke, both the child and the sprite knew they were in trouble. “Run for it!!” The sprite shouted and disappeared in a blaze of flame. Panicking the child pulled out his dragon wings and took to the sky. He flew a great distance but witnessed something terrible. The Smoke only rose and the heat became intolerable. He looked on as the city tried to flee while the mountain’s smoke began to smother it.
Oh, Razor Fang. What have you done?
The only words that ran through his head as he watched the city of Pompeii become enveloped in smoke and ash. The people, and his parents, along with it.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 3 Trials
He looked down at the girl and then crouched," I know its hard now, Keero, but you have to understand that these tests are crucial. They have to see what sort of person you are in order to give you the full responsibility of taking care of the element of water. " The girl sniffled giving a nod before looking at the sea-green haired man. He gave a gentle smile before continuing. " They test you on how you are as a person. Not just how fast you are, or how strong.. You'll get it." Ruffling the girl's hair the memory faded.
A drenched navey-blue haired girl grumbled to herself as she wandered through the hallways to her next test.
"Easy for him to say," She mumbled shivering as she continued walking through the blue stone hallways. "He's a guardian demon. He's far stronger, and wiser than I….. How can the gods possible decide to keep me as one of the amulet bearers for Water. "
Racing through her head she hated the idea that her amulet had been taken from her. True, it was exactly what she was trained and being tested, on how to protect said amulet; However, it was also the source of her magic. If the next test was going to be about magic, she was going to be screwed.
There were seven tests in total, strength, wisdom, magic, intelligence, stealth and cunning, negotiation and the last test was the gods final question. None of them showed up in the right order. Some have had to deal the magic portion withOUT the amulet and had failed, dieing instantly. Keero was safe, she was a half-demon after all. It would take a lot more to kill her than any of the others before her.
" They're not going to like a demon as their bearer either….," She muttered biting her lower lip in uncertainty.
Hold your head up high, Keero. You can do this. Just remember what I taught you and you will do fine.
Her mentor's words rang through her head. " I hope you're right, Talon…." She sighed walking around a corner.
The hallway expanded into a room where the blue walls have faded and turned to that of a temple in Egypt. Keero Stood for a moment starring at the strange posts that started at about a quarter to half of the way to the ceiling, criss-crossing all the way up.
" So you survived the previous test," A voice said below her. It had a bit of a purring edge to it that had truly caught her attention. When she did look she noticed two cats dressed like two temple hands.
They stayed on all fours looking at up at the dripping girl. Purring loudly as their tails flicked.
It seemed like an illusion at first but when the tails spread out they each had nine of them. "Impressive," the other cat said both looking at her with intent.
Keero wandered from one side to the other, and the cat's gaze followed. They were transfixed on her almost like they saw prey, not someone being tested. It freaked her out. She said nothing, knowing full well they would explain this next test.
"Impressive though that was, since it would've killed most," The first one began again, now sitting," This one will surely stump you." As they continued wagging their tails an amulet shimmered amongst the many strands.
The other cat purred lying down," You see we have two amulets. They look exactly the same and…" "You have to figure out which one is real. Which one is fake."
"But there's a catch. You have to figure that out and then catch…"
" Either myself, or my sister. Only one of us has the real amulet. Do you think you can catch us?"
They spoke like they were one entity, one voice, yet two separate bodies, and it was starting to get confusing.
" For this test," The lying down cat purred playfully," You need cunning and stealth and to be able to hone in on the right amulet. Out smart us and choose the right amulet…."
"Then you get to keep the amulet for the rest of the tests." The sitting cat finished. Keero bit her lip, this was going to be so much harder than it should've.
" Are you ready?" Both cats said at once.
Keero gulped," As ready as I'll ever be.."
"Then it begins..," They both said in unison and disappeared.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

My next theme is called water... and its like a more detailed... or redone version of my mermaids on the first page.. instead of reposting due to redundancy i shall provide a link when i get to it *nods* for now though it is still in the making. SO! wait in anticipation!Mwahahahaha

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

So here it is Theme 4. An expanded version of my mermaids in my musically inspired work.

http://keerotashimi.deviantart.com/art/ ... -251293871

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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