As different as night and day (OOC thread)

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When should I remake this RP?

Poll ended at September 6th, 2014, 10:32:25 pm

When the battle has finished
Before the battle is finished. Then start the new RP right where we left off
No votes
I don't really care either way, but I do agree it needs to be remade
I don't want this to be remade
No votes
Total votes: 2

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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Would I still be allowed to join?

Username: snowy1
Name: Spite
Title: The Fanged Shade
Gender: Male
Age: 16, but looks 13
-Beast- Spite has a dark gray coat and a silvery-white mane. His mark is also white while his left eye is silver and his right eye is a dark red. He has a lean body and is around 5 feet tall. He has silver tipped ears, tail, and speckles around his muzzle, eyes and cheeks.
-Human- He is four feet tall and extremely thin, almost like he is barely fed. Spite's hair is dark gray like his coat on the top, and the underside and back are silver. His eyes are still the same color, but he tends to cover up the silver eye with some sort of makeshift eyepatch. His skin is very pale and has some freckles where his speckles would be in beast form. He wears a ripped up and battered tunic, shorts that fall just below his knees and an utility belt across his chest.
Personality: Spite can be childish, still acting like a pup from time to time. He gets excited by things easily, which sometimes gets him punished. Even though all of this, he takes his job seriously and knows when he has to be quiet. He has very good memorization skills so he can remember where things are and can get around quickly. He likes the fights and knows how to attack quick, get away and repeat, which is what he's good at. Strange enough, he is actually a very good liar.
Ranking: Spy
Pack: Shadow
Weapon: Two daggers, Vengeance and Malice. They both have obsidian and pearls decorating the hilt, while Malice has a ruby at the end of the handle and Vengeance has an emerald.
History: (Optional)

Username: snowy1
Name: Ray
Title: No real title, but his nickname is "Dewdrop"
Gender: Male
Age: 23
-Beast- Ray's coat is a light tan color, while his mane is light brown which fades to a chocolate brown. His marking is black. His belly and the tip of his tail are blonde and his eyes are a brilliant green. He has a normal build, isn't very muscular but has a strong back and shoulders. He wears a necklace that has a leaf charm and a water drop charm, in reference to his nickname. He is 6 and a half feet tall.
-Human- He has sandy brown hair and a similar build to his beast form, with his height just being above 5 and a half feet. He likes to wear bright colors, like yellow and light green. He really doesn't like shoes, so you can usually find Ray barefoot when he is in his human form. He keeps his necklace on as well and sometimes has glasses.
Personality: Ray is quiet and tries to help other Lycans as much as he can. He is clumsy though and has an extensive knowledge of healing techniques. He doesn't like to speak his mind but can ramble on if the conversation is about plants or a subject that he knows well.
Ranking: Healer
Pack: Luminos
Weapon: A staff with the name of Seer. It is as tall as up to Ray's shoulders and looks like a large stick, with vines wrapped around it that hold a large yellow sphere at the top. It isn't much of a weapon to fight with, so he tries to not get into the fights.
History: (Optional)

Username: snowy1
Name: Tristan Ikalis
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Red-Tailed Hawk Hybrid
He usually carries around some kind of bag more often than not.
Personality: Tristan is smart and playful and has the most fun tricking or messing with others. He acts like a messenger between the packs, lycans and other beings. He will purposely change the information or message that he is supposed to tell someone just for the fun of it and to see the reactions. He's a fast speaker and is good at making excuses if he ever gets into trouble, which he usually does.
History: (Optional)
Lives in the realm or visitor? Lives in the realm
Other: He likes to help either of the packs with spying as well as relaying messages. He knows the two leaders well but prefers the Luminos Pack over the Shadow Pack, as he isn't threatened as much.

Code: Select all

[b]Username:[/b] snowy1
[b]Name:[/b] Spite
[b]Title:[/b] The Fanged Shade
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 16, but looks 13
[b]-Beast-[/b] Spite has a dark gray coat and a silvery-white mane. His mark is also white while his left eye is silver and his right eye is a dark red. He has a lean body and is around 5 feet tall. He has silver tipped ears, tail, and speckles around his muzzle, eyes and cheeks.
[b]-Human-[/b] He is four feet tall and extremely thin, almost like he is barely fed. Spite's hair is dark gray like his coat on the top, and the underside and back are silver. His eyes are still the same color, but he tends to cover up the silver eye with some sort of makeshift eyepatch. His skin is very pale and has some freckles where his speckles would be in beast form. He wears a ripped up and battered tunic, shorts that fall just below his knees and an utility belt across his chest.
[b]Personality:[/b] Spite can be childish, still acting like a pup from time to time. He gets excited by things easily, which sometimes gets him punished. Even though all of this, he takes his job seriously and knows when he has to be quiet. He has very good memorization skills so he can remember where things are and can get around quickly. He likes the fights and knows how to attack quick, get away and repeat, which is what he's good at. Strange enough, he is actually a very good liar.
[b]Ranking:[/b] Spy
[b]Pack:[/b] Shadow
[b]Weapon:[/b] Two daggers, Vengeance and Malice. They both have obsidian and pearls decorating the hilt, while Malice has a ruby at the end of the handle and Vengeance has an emerald.
[b]History:[/b] (Optional)

Code: Select all

[b]Username:[/b] snowy1
[b]Name:[/b] Ray
[b]Title:[/b] No real title, but his nickname is "Dewdrop"
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 23
[b]-Beast-[/b] Ray's coat is a light tan color, while his mane is light brown which fades to a chocolate brown. His marking is black. His belly and the tip of his tail are blonde and his eyes are a brilliant green. He has a normal build, isn't very muscular but has a strong back and shoulders. He wears a necklace that has a leaf charm and a water drop charm, in reference to his nickname. He is 6 and a half feet tall.
[b]-Human-[/b] He has sandy brown hair and a similar build to his beast form, with his height just being above 5 and a half feet. He likes to wear bright colors, like yellow and light green. He really doesn't like shoes, so you can usually find Ray barefoot when he is in his human form. He keeps his necklace on as well and sometimes has glasses.
[b]Personality:[/b] Ray is quiet and tries to help other Lycans as much as he can. He is clumsy though and has an extensive knowledge of healing techniques. He doesn't like to speak his mind but can ramble on if the conversation is about plants or a subject that he knows well. 
[b]Ranking:[/b] Healer
[b]Pack:[/b] Luminos
[b]Weapon:[/b] A staff with the name of Seer. It is as tall as up to Ray's shoulders and looks like a large stick, with vines wrapped around it that hold a large yellow sphere at the top. It isn't much of a weapon to fight with, so he tries to not get into the fights.  
[b]History:[/b] (Optional)

Code: Select all

[b]Username:[/b] snowy1
[b]Name:[/b]  Tristan Ikalis
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Species:[/b] Red-Tailed Hawk Hybrid
He usually carries around some kind of bag more often than not.
[b]Personality:[/b] Tristan is smart and playful and has the most fun tricking or messing with others. He acts like a messenger between the packs, lycans and other beings. He will purposely change the information or message that he is supposed to tell someone just for the fun of it and to see the reactions. He's a fast speaker and is good at making excuses if he ever gets into trouble, which he usually does.
[b]History:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Lives in the realm or visitor?[/b] Lives in the realm
[b]Other:[/b] He likes to help either of the packs with spying as well as relaying messages. He knows the two leaders well but prefers the Luminos Pack over the Shadow Pack, as he isn't threatened as much.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Yes, you are still allowed in, welcome. :) I will put your forms up and you are accepted, but you forgot the indication that you read the Lycan facts. You're still accepted and can post when you're ready, I'm just letting you know. :)
Kinda on hiatus here. If you'd still wish to chat and RP with me, follow this little spider to my CS account.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Oh, sorry and thank you. did read them though. May I have a recap so I know where to start?
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Okay, I thought so, which is why I chose to add them anyway.

As for recaps, let's see. Nocturne is talking with Iliad and Elizabeth is with him. Kurusaki is on the edge of the Shadow pack kingdom, watching Nocturne and Iliad. I believe he is free. Khaos and Avera are talking in the forest in Shadow pack territory. And I believe that is all that is happening there.

As for the Luminos pack; Kyara is talking to Sarin about becoming an Alpha and watching them a bit away are Arrya and Leif, who are also talking. And I believe that is all that is happening with the Luminos. :)

Sorry if there are any name typos or if I forgot someone's character. I am typing this rather hastily, as I am leaving for something soon.

Also, I may or may not be able to post tonight. If I do, I'll most likely be typing on my DS, as I am staying at my Dad's for an early morning fishing trip Saturday. So I won't have my computer. I will be back on my computer early Saturday afternoon, though. :) Just letting you all know.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by kindtopet »

Name: Kaida
Title:Little Raging Storm
Gender: Female
Age: 23
-Beast- Kaida has a black wolf whose whole coat is shot with silvery gray, almost as if there is a storm going on all over her. The mane and tail for some odd reason are the silver gray shot with black. The stark contrast his her forest green eyes. Her mark is a blood red and is right in the middle of her chest. Small at just about 5ft her muscles are like piano wire small but stronger than they look though no where near as strong as most of the other lycans.
-Human- Still extremely short at 4ft she has longer legs and a short body. Thin and with small muscles she relies on speed more than strength in a fight. Her hair is waves of black just past her shoulders with bangs that curve underneath her sharp cheekbones Her skin is caramel and almost never burns. Her eyes are curved slightly and are a brilliant emerald green that darken in her lycan form.
Personality: Kaida has been bullied her whole life and therefore has built a nice shell of anger and sarcasm and malice and bitterness as to protect herself. She has major issues trusting and cannot work well with others. That is all because of her upbringing though, she is fiery and full of spirit, with a good amount of will added in but she is also nice and caring. If you earn her loyalty you will have forever but if you break that it might never return. She is maternal and caring in her own way, never allowing it to truly show as not wanting to be called weak.
Pack: Shadow Pack (for Now)
Weapon:A glaive it's pole is a red maple with silver cap at the bottom and silver where the curved half moon blade connects. It's names is Isra.
[\b]History:[/b] The only daughter of the old Beta's of the Shadow pack who were killed after becoming elders. Her Mother was injured in a fight well pregnant and that killed what would have been her twin and caused her to be born sooner than she should have. She has been teased her whole life and put down by the whole pack, even her parents didn't outwardly show their love as she was a weak little runt, they might have killed her off had she not been the only child they would have been able to have and her father wished the bloodlines to continue even if it was from her. She can fight though and earned her title as more of mockery as when she was barely still a pup (13) the others where bullying her and she lost it shifting and attacking, she didn't win but she was a raging storm jumping around and being everywhere at once so the alpha called her his little raging storm and it has been a title and a mock since. She is constantly bullied and snapping at everyone getting her in loads of trouble as she is good at fighting and hunting because of her speed but not given a good rank because she is small.
Other: Children of the Moon
a person was going to shoot a wolf,99% of people would walk away.I am the 1% who would grab the gun,throw it into into the bushes and hug the wolf.

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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Silvereil »

kindtopet! I haven't seen you in forever!
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Accepted, Kindtopet! Welcome! :)
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Aura13 »

Username: Aura13
Name: Frost
Gender: Female
Age: Unkown
Species: Werewolf
Appearance: Image
Personality: She keeps to herself and is very silent around others. She stays calm in life threatening situations and will never back down from a fight. She also loves to cause chaos and death to amuse her.
History: (Optional)
Lives in the realm or visitor? Visitor
Other: She can use ice and fire magic. (werewolves are like regular wolves only they are a bit bigger and have no human form)
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Accepted Aura. Welcome. :)

Oh and I won't be posting tonight. I just don't feel like it. Sorry about that. But I will be posting tomorrow. :)
Kinda on hiatus here. If you'd still wish to chat and RP with me, follow this little spider to my CS account.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Silvereil »

All right. Take your time. Sorry if I'm a bit slow to post myself. Been so busy (and I think I'm getting sick again too, but that's another story).
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