Ooh. Not quite sure if I'm doing this right, but here.
She had no name. For two millennia, the lonely dragon wandered the earth and sky for her comrades, but no avail. Her golden scales turned to rust, and her blue eyes ebbed away to empty pools. Here was she, the dome of the night sky before her, trussed up with stars like diamonds. The land below her was vast. Deep canyons sliced through an arid plateau, as if some great serpent of long ago had carved them in with its tail before retreating into the angry storm clouds creeping over the horizon. The world was boundless, but she had no one to share it with. When she realized this, the dragon began to cry.
Her tears flowed through the valley and formed seas and rivers, and trees sprouted from her grief. Her bellows spiraled into the first winds. The first was of ice, and headed north. The second was angry, blowing away the clouds before turning south. The third whistled with grief, and crept east. But the last was happy, fluttering west as she sighed over warmer days, when she and her old companions would dance among the spring grasses.
Proud of her new creation, the dragon wished for beings that could fly, like her former companions. She plucked the trees of their leaves and the winds carried them south, and those leaves became the first birds. But she still was not happy.
"The birds are swift and free, but they don't have four legs like me."
For that, she decided, the dragon needed to shape them from the earth. She flew to the desert and began to shape four-legged animals from the sand. The first had long, snake-like necks, and wobbled free with tall, lanky legs before becoming the first giraffe. The second was of stockier build, and had long hair that flapped with the wind. It became the first horse. Rocks lumbering down from the mountains became bears before they sat down to rest. Branches that fell to earth twisted and stretched into snakes.
And so the dragon started to make the first animals, but while some came close, none of them resembled her old dragons. She grew old and frail before collapsing onto the sand and became the first mountain, her spines cloaked with the north wind's snow.
As she brushed closer and closer to her death, world was teeming with animals, but even after her death, the dragon produced the last of her creatures. It was still a blueprint. Naked, without antlers or hooves, or sharp fangs like wolves, but it emerged nonetheless from the caves that used to be her eyes. These became the first men, and while they were weak and unsuited to the rough terrain, they retained the dragon's wisdom, and ruled the earth centuries thereafter.
Prompt: Write about a world where penguins are the superior race instead of people.