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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Had to post on Undertale's Anniversary! <3 =) )

Alia had genuinely just been nervous about making a mistake and wasn't upset with Mira at all, she figured she had probably just been trying to include her, and it wasn't her fault that being the center of attention, even briefly, made Alia so uncomfortable. Alia understood that most people probably didn't mind having attention on them, being more used to it and not associating it with anxiety as much as Alia did. Most of the humans on the surface hadn't minded it after all, and many even tried to become the center of attention frequently, something Alia had never really understood, but since their efforts typically made sure that everyone's attention was on someone else, Alia hadn't seen any problems with it. So maybe it made sense that Mira wouldn't have considered Alia wouldn't be the same.

Perhaps she should try to explain it, so Mira wouldn't think Alia was uncomfortable because of her specifically? That was the last thing Alia wanted... She really did appreciate the family taking her in like this, she didn't want any of them thinking they were upsetting her. She was a bit nervous about actually talking about it, in case anyone asked questions about what the surface had been like for her to try to figure out why she was so different from most human children in this regard.

Still, she figured she should reassure Mira since she seemed a bit tense despite her gentle smile as she tried to explain she hadn't actually meant Alia had to help her. She decided to wait until they reached the kitchen, though, not wanting a bunch of people to overhear. Though Papyrus was very nice, and Gaster seemed nice as well from what she had learned about him so far, she still didn't like having so much attention on her.

In the meantime, Alia nodded and smiled reassuringly at Mira; she didn't mind helping, she had just been very confused by how it had been worded as well as not liking having attention on her upon being apparently singled out. She stayed close to Sans and Chara as she made her way to the kitchen, feeling more comfortable because of their presences. When they reached it, she still stayed close to the two, needing their reassurance if she was going to speak up. Fortunately, both seemed to realize this, and Sans let her keep clinging to his hoodie sleeve while Chara floated close beside her.

"Um, it's alright... I just... Don't like having a lot of attention on me..." Alia stammered out nervously, but determined to reassure Mira she wasn't upset. "A-and I am kind of scared of accidentally breaking something..." she added in a much quieter tone, hugging Sans' hoodie sleeve a bit tighter.

Fortunately, Sans was quick to reassure her. "it's alright, kid, even if something did break, no one would be mad. but i'll be here to make sure nothing does break, yeah?" Gently ruffling her hair with his free hand, he smiled at her. When Alia nodded, he continued, "how about this, i'll dry the dishes, and you can put them away? i'll make sure they aren't slippery at all."

Alia nodded again, smiling gratefully. "Okay. Thanks, Sans."

"'snow problem, kid." Sans smiled, relieved everything had worked out. And he was quite proud of Alia for speaking up for herself without needing a bunch of prompting. Maybe she was starting to feel more comfortable here?

Sans was in complete agreement that three of them was the perfect amount for washing dishes, and since Mira seemed to have chosen the role of washing the dishes, he could dry them and make sure they wouldn't be slippery when Alia put them away. Glad to see Alia looking more cheerful about this, he grabbed a towel to be ready to start drying dishes, and as Mira finished washing one, he would carefully dry it and then hand it to Alia. She could mainly only reach the cabinets that were lower to the ground, but fortunately there was one for storing dishes that she could reach easily, so she started putting the dishes in there.

Sans also made sure to smile reassuringly at Mira, so she would know that everything was fine and not have to worry. Though Sans might have a reputation as a 'lazybones,' truthfully he didn't mind helping with tasks like this at all, most of that reputation having come from him being exhausted and depressed during Flowey's genocide runs and other situations that had been overwhelming. In fact, helping Mira and Alia with the dishes was rather fun. Sans was glad to see that now that the pressure was gone, Alia seemed happier as well.


Gaster smiled at Papyrus as he sat down, happy to have more opportunities to talk with his younger son. Though, he noticed Papyrus seemed less confident than usual, and he felt bad. It wasn't his intention to make Papyrus uncomfortable, though he could understand why he might feel like that around who he felt was a stranger even though Gaster was his dad. Of course, this was no one's fault but Gaster's own.

"It's really nice to be back, and to see you and Sans again. I missed you both so much..." Gaster replied. "Ah, well, truth be told even I am not entirely sure. The Void is quite strange and mysterious, even after all those years there I still could not give you a proper explanation for how it works. Not for lack of trying to figure it out, mind you." Gaster chuckled.

Wanting to reassure Papyrus, he added, "I know this is sudden, and that you don't really remember me, but you don't have to be nervous, you can just be yourself. I truly do just want to get to know you again. And... I'm very sorry for disappearing when you were both so young. I will do my best to avoid such... Impulsive decisions with regards to science in the future."
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Perfect x3!)

Mira was a naturally anxious, often times overthinking type of person who had a lot of their own trauma to deal with despite trying to care for others such as Alia and Sans so much of the time. It wasn’t unlike the girl to often think she was being…a bit too much for others, but Sans really was helping her a lot with his patience for her and his willingness to sit and talk with her when needed.

She knew the skeleton had a -lot- more on his mind to deal with though, but Mira wasn’t going to force him to talk about it even if she sensed he wasn’t fully okay. He seemed the type to be a expert at dodging around questions pertaining to himself, Mira having learned that on the day she had shown him that even humans pertained tiny bits of magic after all these years.

M-maybe she was just overthinking stuff though….yeah, they had to be it….Mira was putting way too much thought into ‘if’ she had upset Alia vs if she actually had done so, her taking a mental breath as she came to a conclusion to not overthink Alia, a literal child’s, capability to see her, a adults, inner dialogue.

“Yeah, I get ya~ I think everyone was just really excited to see you today is all”, Mira nodding as Alia explained that she didn’t like a whole lot of attention, she had the feeling this child was going to be going off on their own quite a bit to explore because of it, “You made a really good impression~”

Mira’s inner thoughts completely flustering at the cuteness of Alia clinging to Sans for comfort, it was nice to see that she was completely attached to the skeleton and seemed to have claimed him as a best friend, her heart flushing with warmth at the happy sight despite the predicament of getting her and Alia home being in the air.

Maybe…it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for them to stay in this world a little longer though….after all, there was no real danger down here, right?


Papyrus, long having been confident in himself and having seen himself as someone who didn’t really need to be afraid of anyone or anything, was right now feeling just a little bit intimidated by the mysterious figure before him who was apparently his ‘father’, even the kind and patient way that the doctor spoke just…making him feel off.

Sans was the only other skeleton that Papyrus knew so seeing someone that was so similar to him felt odd, as if this was all just some kind of big dream. Papyrus had been feeling rather ‘off’ this entire long day though even since he had met Alia and introduced her to some puzzles that were far too advanced for her age, the introduction of the old royal scientist only making things ‘weirder’

It was….honestly, a lot for the Great Papyrus to take in….

How did Sans seem to adapt to all this so easily??

For as much as he postured and talked so highly of himself Papyrus should have been able to talk with his fellow skeleton a lot more natural then this, his sockets furrowing as the constant grin on his face didn’t really give much emotion away like it would have with more expressive monsters.

“Sans has always been the more scientifically inclined one between us, even if he tries to hide it with his ‘lazy’ facade he thinks I don’t recognize. I’m sure he knows all about this Void you speak of and…uh, that strange machine he was working on for a while”, Papyrus rubbing the back of his skull nervously as he dropped the over happy facade that he put on for Mira and Alia, he may have been younger than Sans but it didn’t mean he couldn’t be just as serious when the time inclined.

Papyrus getting good vibes from Gaster though as he eventually settled his tense bones as the ambient sound of dishes being washed in the kitchen could be heard, it soothed him a little to know that the trio in the kitchen were seeming to get along so well.

“M-myself?? The Great Papyrus is always himself! Heh, never have been any different!”, Papyrus’s eye-lights brightening a bit as G proclaimed he could just be himself despite the air of uncertainty between them, the skeletons tenseness slipped away for a moment as he really was just left as himself, “I will naturally keep a eye socket on you to make sure you don’t just…disappear on us again, and even if you did Sans now seems to know where you ended up anyways, right?? I don’t know a lot about the void or how you even came back with Sans help, but….well, just be careful, okay?….I really don’t want to lose you again…”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Sorry for the delay, the past two weeks of school have been intense)

Alia beamed when Mira said she had made a good impression; truthfully, deep inside, she had been worrying about whether she was maybe too shy considering the others' various attempts to include her in activities and conversation. She didn't want to make them think she didn't appreciate everything they were doing by taking her in because she was so quiet and reserved a lot of the time. It was a relief to hear that they seemed to still have a positive opinion of her.

"Thank you... You're all really nice, I'm very happy here." Alia said with a smile. She wanted to reassure the family that her shyness wasn't due to anything they had done, it was just how she was. Alia was really enjoying helping Mira and Sans, now that she wasn't afraid of accidentally breaking any dishes. It was kind of calming, actually, and even funny when Chara occasionally told a pun. They always waited until after she put the dishes away, though, Alia noticed. She appreciated that, figuring they were trying to make sure that she wouldn't be distracted by the puns and drop anything.

It felt really nice to have people looking out for her here. This place really did feel like home to her. Smiling gratefully at Mira and Sans, as well as Chara when she was certain the other two weren't looking, Alia was able to relax, not feeling as nervous as she usually would as she put another bowl away.

Honestly, Alia wouldn't mind staying here, like this, and not return to the surface. The only issue was that Mira had seemed to want to return to the surface... What if she found a way to go back? What if she wanted Alia to go with her? Alia felt a bit sad at the idea of having to pick between staying with the skeletons, and staying with Mira. She liked being here with all of them! Still, if Mira really wanted to go back to the surface, Alia would feel bad if she stayed if she had an opportunity to return there.

Somehow, though, Alia managed to hide her internal conflict and kept smiling as she put away the dishes Sans handed to her after carefully drying them.


Sans was glad to see Alia relax, and continued carefully drying each dish before he handed it to her, not wanting anything to happen to ruin the calmness she seemed to be feeling now. Sans was feeling quite calm himself, the repetitive motions of drying the dishes and handing them to Alia giving him some time to think, something he'd needed quite badly with how fast everything happened today. Though he knew he'd need a lot more time to be alone with his thoughts, this was a start, at least.


Chara smiled as they watched the trio washing the dishes, seeing that Alia seemed really happy around the other two. It was nice to see her starting to open up a bit around the family that had taken her in, it reminded them of when they first started living with the Dreemurrs. They were determined to help as much as they could as she adjusted to living here.


Gaster noticed that Papyrus still seemed a bit uncomfortable around him, but didn't comment on it and simply continued smiling reassuringly. After being gone for so long, it really shouldn't have been too surprising that Papyrus would feel a bit uncertain about him, so he was just going to do his best to reassure Papyrus and let him get used to this change at his own pace. Besides, Gaster also had quite a bit to get used to again, being back in 'reality' after spending so long in the empty Void.

Seeming slightly concerned when Papyrus mentioned Sans' 'lazybones' persona, Gaster had to admit he'd noticed that as well, though he'd been rather preoccupied dealing with being in the Void and trying to figure it out/how to get back and hadn't really put much thought into it, especially since over the past few days Sans had stopped being quite so 'lazy'. Perhaps he should check on Sans, and try to get to the bottom of whatever had been causing that.

Then again, Sans was the type to keep whatever is bothering him bottled up inside, so Gaster kind of doubted he would get any answers. Besides, considering how he'd disappeared, and the stuff in the Void... Gaster figured he probably had some work to do to regain Sans' trust before he'd be willing to explain the stuff that was bothering him anyway. Though he was a bit sad about that since he truly did want to help his sons, Gaster knew he had no one to blame but himself, so he resolved to do his best to make it up to his sons.

Noticing Papyrus looked nervous, he smiled reassuringly again. "That's alright, Papyrus. As curious as I may be, I have no desire to return to the Void. Some questions are simply not meant to be answered, I suppose." Gaster didn't want Papyrus to worry about him disappearing again to try to figure out the Void. Even if he'd believed it possible, he accepted that maybe this just wasn't supposed to be done. It certainly wasn't worth disappearing on his sons again, at any rate.

They'd probably never trust him again if he did.

Anyway, Gaster was happy to see Papyrus looking less tense and acting more like himself, and nodded, smiling reassuringly. "I'll be careful," he said, "I don't want to lose you and Sans again, either." Staying serious for a bit to show he meant it, Gaster eventually grinned. "So, would you like to tell me about your cooking lessons? Or making puzzles? Or anything else you'd like to talk about?"
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira knew she was a bit of a awkward bundle of nerves when it comes to kids, but she was determined regardless to show Alia that she was a good, safe person to be around and that she could trust her just as much as she did Sans.

N-not that Mira was trying to -force- Alia to like her or anything…no, of course not. She was just self conscious and…okay, maybe she wanted Alia to like her just as much….just a bit….

It was just, Alia was the only other human down here, and….even if they were a kid they made Mira feel a bit less of a outsider.

‘Be the adult here Mira! It’s your job to look after Alia with the others’

Honestly, all these thoughts were likely a result of Mira’s less than stellar upbringing on the surface, but Alia was the one who needed love and comfort right now and it was her job to make sure Alia got this so she understood that life down here could be better than on the surface…..

“Alright! Dishes are done it looks like”, Mira handing off the last dish as she decided to -not- let her mind wander any longer on things, Mira couldn’t quite tell if Sans smile was just his natural facade or a genuine one but he seemed happy regardless so she didn’t question it, even if she sensed deep down he wasn’t okay, “That wasn’t so bad, hm?~”.


Papyrus was genuinely trying his best to get to know his once lost father the best he could, but even the unusually happy and confident skeleton couldn’t bite off the fact that he thought he was….simply not -good- enough for this clearly smart and distinguished scientist.

It was in Papyrus’s nature to always try his best though regardless of the situation, but Sans and now his ‘found
Dad’, They just seemed to have something he -lacked-…..

A certain depth he felt he didn’t have in himself? Or was it just his own inner demons talking?

None of this was to say that Papyrus didn’t trust G though! Far from it. If anything, he was curious about the scientists past before he had ceased to exist for the last decade or so to exist in….whatever the Void was composed of…

“Yeah….”, A small smile of relief appearing on the skeletons face as luckily G didn’t seem to desire to dwell on the intricacies of the past, neither did Paps for that matter, him laughing as G asked him if he was open to talking on his cooking hobby.

“Undyne has taught me excellent thus far in the arts of cooking! Of course, we did learn a bit from the other human as well a long while back on the way they do it on the surface!”, Papyrus vaguely mentioning one of the previous humans that had fallen, whether it was Chara or one of the other few occupancies of the past wasn’t specific as he rattled on, “I would really like to learn more someday….there are only so many books that fall down here to learn from “.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Mira speaking up brought Sans out of his thoughts; he definitely still had a lot to think through, but it had been nice to have a bit of a break from how busy the rest of the day had been. After carefully drying the last dish and passing it off to Alia, he watched as she put it away, trying to see how she was feeling. She seemed happy, and possibly a bit more confident, which was nice to see. "great job, kid," he said, gently ruffling Alia's hair with a smile. Alia giggled, seeming glad everything had gone well and that she hadn't dropped any dishes.

Sans turned to smile at Mira as well. "that was fun. i think the three of us made a good team." Alia nodded in agreement, smiling at both of them. Sans headed over to one of the cabinets and took out a chocolate bar, offering it to Alia. Seeing her grin made Sans smile more.

"Thanks, Sans!" Alia said cheerfully.

"'snow problem, kid." Sans laughed at his own pun, glad that Papyrus wasn't in the room to hear it. It had definitely been way too long since he'd told puns, but he knew the day had been rough for Papyrus so he didn't want to bother him even more by telling puns around him.

"That was a cool pun," Alia replied with a giggle, before starting to eat the chocolate happily. She seemed to look at nothing for a bit again, though by now Sans was pretty sure it was her imaginary friend, so he just turned back to Mira.

"how are you feeling?" he asked, still a bit concerned about her after her earlier injury. Though he certainly didn't want to seem like he was making a fuss over it or anything, it was a rather serious injury and he hoped that she truly was feeling all better and not simply pretending everything was fine because she didn't want to be encouraged to rest more. Sans really couldn't help but worry about his friends, after all.


Gaster listened happily as Papyrus began speaking about his cooking lessons with Undyne, glad to be learning more about his son's life during his absence. Though he was somewhat curious when Papyrus mentioned learning from a human in the past, he figured it was probably Frisk, since they were the only other human Papyrus had met, as far as Gaster knew of. Papyrus had been far too young to be thinking about cooking lessons when Chara was alive, and the other humans that had fallen... Hadn't really had any opportunity to teach anyone anything before he or Alphys had found them.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Gaster focused on listening, and smiled reassuringly at Papyrus as he finished talking. "Well, it seems Mira is quite happy to cook with you, so I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to learn more. While I'm certainly not an expert at human cooking techniques, I do have some recipes I could teach you as well."

Truthfully, Gaster wasn't exactly an incredible cook himself, though he did know the basics and had learned a few recipes here and there over the years prior to disappearing. Besides, he figured it would be fun to cook with Papyrus sometime, if he wanted to.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

This day had been longer than one would expect with, well, everything that had gone on between a certain scientist returning from the ‘dead’ and a young human, Alia, falling into the underground and luckily having been found by Sans. On top of this there had been Papyrus acting rather odd earlier and combine that with Mira’s self conscious nature this whole day been been a literal trip.

Everyone probably just needed a long nights rest so the inevitable task of introducing G to the rest of the Underground could happen, there being no real way to suspect how certain monsters might act towards this strange third skeleton appearing out of the blue.

“Always a good team~”, Mira seeming quite happy to see that Alia and Sans were as well, she internally had to cringe at the puns shared between the two but thought it was oddly adorable regardless, the two reminding her of a owell, a shy kid and their dad in a way with the way Sans seemed to know what he was doing.

Despite today’s events, it was turning it to be a rather peaceful end to it all, especially for Alia with getting a nice treat with all they had been through.

“O-oh? I think I’m okay, don’t worry about it. I’m not sure what Gaster did but it makes me feel like none of this even happened almost”, Mira blushing a bit as Sans asked her if she was feeling better with what had gone down earlier, in reality she had very little memory of the Void at all and what went down there, only remembering vague points from the lab and being kind of out of it and just…not being herself.

“I think I might go to bed soon, actually. I just feel kinda…uh, exhausted…”, Mira yawning as she really did need to put the events of today behind her, there was still the faintest feeling that she had done something that was going to impact the close future in the back of her mind with walking through that mysterious grey door in Waterfall.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow~”, Mira giving a nod to Alia and Sans as she took her leave, the girl was probably going to pass out the minute she hit her bed, thoughts of the now trio of a skeleton family bound to be in her dreams along with Alia and others she had met down here in this strange world.


There were a lot of things that had occurred down here ever since G had gone missing, not all of them being things that Papyrus enjoyed talking about due to the Underground not being as nice a place as someone as young as Alia might see it as. There were periods of hardship down here, and humans that did make it down here tended to end up on the wrong side of things eventually….

Not Alia or Mira though, Papyrue was going to protect them with his life from the dangers of the Underground. It was partially why he had seemed so uneasy earlier to be honest, him feeling responsible in a way for making sure these humans ended up back on the surface safe someday again.

“Yes! Me and Mira are perfect cooking partners, truly excellent! I do intend to show her a whole lot more she can do down here though. I’ve noticed she enjoys reading a whole lot…oh! And drawing! She drew a wonderful image a while back when we were just getting to know each other”, Papyrus seeming eager to jump from one subject to the other like clockwork, he was about reply to G’s comment that he knew some recipes to share as well just as Mira walked by to go to her room.

“Goodnight Mira! I do hope you sleep well!”, The happily grinning skeleton giving Mira a little wave as he had forgotten how late it was getting himself, they had been talking like this for a good hour now and had forgotten that Alia, Sans, and Mira were cleaning up the kitchen, “Tomorrow we have a lot to do so rest up!”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans felt a bit bad seeing that Mira looked kind of embarrassed when he asked how she was feeling; he'd purposely been trying to make the question seem more nonchalant rather than seeming too concerned about her, but he supposed his concern probably would have been obvious anyway. At least she seemed to be alright, though simply 'not worrying about it' was much easier said than done. Regardless, he didn't want to seem like he was making a fuss about it, so he just nodded, accepting her explanation and not asking any more about it. Hopefully, she truly was alright, she had indeed seemed to have been acting like everything was back to normal, though he couldn't help but wonder if that was just to keep everyone from worrying about her.

Knowing worrying wasn't going to change anything, he did his best to just get his mind off the subject entirely, and was inwardly rather relieved when Mira said she was going to get some rest. They all probably really needed some rest, to be honest, but after everything Mira had gone through that day, most likely she especially would need it. "good night," he said, smiling and waving as Mira turned to leave the room.

"Good night," Alia spoke up, smiling at Mira. She finished her chocolate silently, still seemingly looking at nothing and occasionally looking amused, as though her imaginary friend had said something funny. Sans just waited, not wanting to interrupt them, but also not wanting to interrupt Papyrus and Gaster if they were still talking, so he simply sat in a chair and read a book in the meantime. Occasionally he glanced over to see how Alia was doing, and after a bit he noticed her looking at him but seeming too nervous to speak up.

Smiling encouragingly, Sans asked, "what's up, kid?"

"Oh, um, well, I think I should probably go sleep now, so... Good night," Alia said, looking a bit less nervous.

"good night, kid," Sans replied. "do you need anything else for your room?"

"No, I don't think so. Thank you, though." Alia looked nervous again, before seeming to gather her courage and quickly hug Sans before rushing off to her room.

Sans smiled; she was a really nice kid, he was glad that she seemed to be feeling a bit more comfortable here now.


Gaster smiled as Papyrus talked about hanging out with Mira, and seemed capable of keeping up with the rapid subject changes, not seeming to mind in the slightest. Really, he was just happy to be talking with Papyrus and hearing whatever he wanted to speak about at the moment. When Mira entered the room, Gaster turned to wave at her, and he echoed Papyrus with a quick "Good night" as she headed towards her room.

After she left, he turned back to Papyrus, happy to continue the conversation or discuss something else if he wanted.


Alia paused for a moment in the living room to wave at Papyrus and Gaster, quietly saying "Good night" to them before continuing on to her room. When she reached her room, she looked at Chara nervously. "D-do you think he's mad or anything?" She had been rather impulsive when she hugged Sans; she couldn't help it, he was like a very kind father figure.

Chara smiled reassuringly. "No, he is not mad. I think he is happy that you feel comfortable here."

Alia smiled back, relieved. "Thanks, Character... I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I am happy to help," Chara replied. Truthfully, it was still a rather strange feeling for them to actually enjoy another human's presence. Still, they were not complaining; if they were going to follow someone around as a ghost, at least it was someone nice.

Alia sighed, "I should call Toriel... I hope she will not be too disappointed I am staying somewhere else..." Alia really didn't want to disappoint the kind monster she met in the Ruins, but she definitely felt like she belonged here with the skeleton family more than she would in the Ruins. After some reassurance from Chara, she took out the cell phone Toriel had given her. She still didn't really understand how these things worked, but with some trial and error and suggestions from Chara, Alia finally managed to call Toriel's number.

"Hi Toriel! It's me, Alia. Um, I won't be coming back to the Ruins tonight... Sans and his brother offered to let me live with them, so... A-anyway, I'll still come visit tomorrow, if you want me to!" Alia spoke nervously into the phone, and waited anxiously for Toriel's reply, hoping Chara was right and she wouldn't mind.


Gaster smiled and said, "Good night, child," when Alia paused in the room to wave at him and Papyrus. A few minutes after she left, Sans entered the room.

"hey, hope i'm not interrupting anything," Sans said, walking over to sit on a chair. Mostly, he was planning to just think for a bit while the other two talked, but he figured he should say something anyway.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Papyrus, as odd as it sounded, rarely slept, him usually spending the night doing this and that unlike Sans who would likely sleep for a week straight if he could. It was just a odd quirk that the skeleton possessed, but to a human such as Alia or Mira it likely seemed improbable that he didn’t really ‘need’ sleep.

Now that the house was settling down though and the humans were beginning to go off to bed, even the ever energetic Papyrus was feeling a bit drowsy, the skeleton nodding his good nights to Mira as the girl went off to her room, the muffled sound of Alia calling someone
coming from the kitchen as the surprised goat mom on the other end was surprised…but happy to let Alia stay where she pleased for the night.

There were still many things that Papyrus wanted to know from Gaster, but unfortunately the monster had been quite young when he had disappeared, and as Papyrus had little knowledge on the scientists past going ons in the underground lab those would have to be left to Sans if the tired pun master even brought up the subject at all.

“Oh! Your not interrupting anything at all, me and…dad here we’re just making small talk!”, Papyrus trying to not sound too odd upon calling this scientist ‘dad’, it was still a thing he would need to get used to saying, “How are Alia and Mira doing? Are they getting along well?”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans smiled as Papyrus called Gaster 'dad', the comment clearly making Gaster happy. It was great to see them getting along and having a nice conversation together. "yeah, they're getting along well," Sans replied. Working together with Mira and Alia to wash the dishes had been rather fun, and it seemed like Alia had enjoyed it as well once she had gotten past her nervousness.

"glad you two are getting a chance to talk. feel free to continue, don't mind me," Sans continued, still really needing a chance to think some more if he was being honest, but he didn't want to make either Papyrus or Gaster think he was avoiding them. So, the best solution, as far as Sans could tell, was to just sit silently in the same room as they talked.

Gaster had been grinning nonstop ever since Papyrus called him 'dad', and didn't seem likely to stop anytime soon. It made him feel quite hopeful, since he had been a bit worried that his absence had been so long that things would just end up being permanently awkward.


Alia was relieved to hear Toriel didn't mind if she stayed with the skeleton brothers instead. Deep down, she had been rather worried it would disappoint her. Alia was starting to feel a lot better about things; she had somewhere to stay where she felt like she belonged, she had found a nice family, and of course, she had a best friend now! Despite this, however, she couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. After such a long streak of good luck, how much longer would it last? Still... She may as well enjoy it for as long as it lasts...

Besides, Alia had had quite a long day, and she was getting very tired. She knew she would need to get some rest soon, so she climbed onto her bed. But then she frowned slightly, before looking over at Chara uncertainly. "Um... Do ghosts need to sleep?"

Chara shrugged. "I have no idea. I mean, I guess I was asleep before you showed up... Or unconscious, rather, I suppose... But I do not feel tired now. I do not think I will require any sleep for the foreseeable future."

"Okay." Alia replied, not wanting to start an argument with her friend even if she was a bit worried about them not getting any sleep. Then again, maybe ghosts really didn't need to sleep? After all, Alia had never actually met any other ghosts before, so... Really, she should just trust Chara on this. They would tell her if they did feel tired, right?

"Good night, Alias," Chara said, smiling.

"Good night, Character." Alia fell asleep shortly after speaking, exhaustion from the long day she had just had finally catching up with her.

Meanwhile, Chara stayed awake, thinking. They truly did not feel tired, though even if they had they likely would not have tried to sleep. They had a lot to think about, and besides, they were quite certain they would have had a nightmare, if ghosts even did sleep normally. They did not want to scare Alia or wake her up. They still were not entirely sure why she could see and hear them, after all; if them having a nightmare would somehow also cause Alia to have a nightmare, that was to be avoided, especially right now while she was still getting used to everything.


(Feel free to timeskip if you want!)
To hatchling only please: Image
Thank you very much! <3

My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
Current event wishlist: New event creatures!
Thank you so much for the gifts! <3

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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Im -terrible- at small talk convos like this so maybe the three just chatted until they went to bed? XD)?

Mira slept relatively well through the night despite everything that had gone on this incredibly strange day today, from wandering into a literal void in Waterfall from her careless exploration to realising that the creature she had encountered within was in fact the father of her skeleton friends.

It was…all incredibly surreal…

Not to mention meeting the young human Alia and showing her that she wasn’t alone as a human trapped in the Underground, Mira truly hoping that the girl could learn to be happy down here despite the obvious strangeness of this world of monsters and magic.

From what she observed, Alia seemed to have a strong bond with Sans already which was a good start, the skeleton being friendly and a jokester which seemed perfect for a shy kid like Alia.

The fact that Alia…seemed to sometimes communicate with some unseen force hadn’t fully escaped Mira’s sight though, her choosing to think it was just the odd habits of a traumatised child rather than a pivotal past human in the Underground’s history following them around as a ghostly companion.

Once Morning came Mira, as she did often, got up to begin making breakfast for the little family they had, her figuring Sans was going to sleep till noon as usual and that she wouldn’t see him until later. Her humming softly to herself as she cooked up some pancakes, she couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she made Alia a special pancake in the shape of a heart for when they woke up, Mira wondering if the child had any ‘plans’ for today or if they wished to continue exploring the wider Underground.

It was strange…for a human this place held endless possibilities for exploration and learning, but for monsters it was a prison with no real escape, Mira feeling a bit guilty with her eagerness to see all of this as new and exciting with this fact lingering in her mind. She…didn’t often hear anyone complain about being stuck Underground, but with how long monsters must have been trapped it was likely that no one really thought they would ever see the surface again anyways….

Unless she could put her usefulness as a human to helping monsters, right? Humans had strong Souls…a-and the barrier needed, well, -something- to do with Souls, right?? T-there had to be a way that wasn’t written down on a ancient book somewhere, but through Determination…..
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